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Everything posted by dprogrammer

  1. Svenn, if that class is through API, can I also import it in the iReport? I just need to export my report output in xml via iReport designer. Do I need to import that class?
  2. Any ideas on this question? I still need to know if it will be possible or not for my project. Thanks
  3. Faris, thanks for your detailed solution. Atleast, I know that it is not possible to call store procs with out of the box iReport. I did search for that project which allows calling store procs but I could not find it on sourceforge for download. Thanks
  4. try: For the first subreport under Common tab: Check Print in first whole band Position Type: FixRelativeToTop For second subreport: Check Print in first whole band Position Type: Float
  5. Hi Guys, I have a simple question of the day. I need to call an Oracle store proc that takes date as parameter. I did try following sentexes but none of them is working: execute procedure my_proc('2008-01-01') exec my_proc ('2008-01-01') call my_proc ('2008-01-01') All of above are returning following error: "Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: [Oracle][ODBC]Syntax error or access violation. " Thanks in adavnce for your replies.
  6. Hi Barry, I did a search for your project but could not find it. Is it still available for download? It can solve a major road block for our project if it supports writing reports on store procs that return resuls via cursors.
  7. Hi, is it possible to create a report from an oracle package? If yes, can someone share some sample? Thanks. (v1.2.x)
  8. Hi, Just like we are able to export into pdf, html, etc, is it possible to export the out put as XML? I am using version 1.2.x. Thanks in advance.
  9. may be the data types are not same? one could be a percent and other could be a number?
  10. Thanks Steve. You mean I need to enclose each subreport in its individual frame and then enclose all frames into one big frame? What should be the properties for small and big frames?
  11. hope this helps: SELECT * FROM Address WHERE City IN ( $P!{paramAddress} )
  12. you can try something like: Go into Print When Expression box and type: $V{PAGE_NUMBER}==1?Boolean.TRUE:Boolean.FALSE
  13. Hi, I have multiple subreports on one Group footer of my report. I have enclosed them with rectangles. The subreports grow dynamically but the rectangles won't. Is there anyway to make rectangles also grow with their corresponding subreports? Or is there anyway to add borders to subreports? Thanks in advance.
  14. Thanks for your reply. I have added frames but they also don't expand with the subreports. You mentioned I have to "paste" my subreports. I did try that but nothing happens. I then just dragged and dropped my subreports on each frame. Will appreciate if you can give more details about using frames. Thanks.
  15. Hi, I have 6 subreports in my group footer#1. The order is as follows: SubA SubB SubC SubD SubE SubF I want all of them to have an individual border. I don't find any property in the subreport that allows a border. I tried putting a rectangle on each subreport but its not growing with subreports. May be I am not doing it right. Could you guys share your knowledge please?
  16. Hi, I have two fields which are numeric. I have created two variables for them and converted them as double. Now I have created a third variable to do their subtraction. See example below: Say Avg1= 100 and Avg2 = null, the result should be 100, but I am getting null. new Double ($V{Avg1} - $V{Avg2}) The result in third variable is coming up as null whereas it should be 100. I want to check for nulls and then convert them into 0 but now sure about the formula code. Any ideas please?
  17. Please ignore this post. The expression is correct I just had to change the time on my machine to PM from AM.
  18. I have this expression but it is not giving me 24 hour time. Any ideas please? new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm").format(new java.util.Date())
  19. Hi Guys, I have two quick questions. 1- Please help me if I am wrong. I am trying to use comments style <!-- comments --> in my expresssions but iReport1.2.x is not recognizing it. I even tried //comments and /* comments */ but iReport still does not recognize it. Is there any other format to add comments? 2- How to create a parameter that takes single as well as multiple values? For example I need to pass a single department or multiple department values to my parameter $P{Dept}. I don't see any options or properties that allow it. Thanks for your help.
  20. You can create an expression ,may be in a variable something like this: $P{MyParameter1}.equals("bla")? $F{Field1}: $P{MyParameter1}.equals("blabla")? $F{Field2}: $P{MyParameter1}.equals("blablabla")? $F{Field3}: $P{MyParameter1}.equals("blablablabla")? $F{Field4}:$F{Field5} //default group Then use that variable to group the report. I hope it should work
  21. Lukus, this is exactly what I was looking for. I tried it and it works. There was an extra "?" at the end that I had to remove. Thanks! Post Edited by The Reporter at 11/11/08 16:28
  22. The values of the parameter are numerics, i-e 1,2, and 3. Based upon the value, the expression should show appropriate text. Did you mean that I create three static fields and then show/suppress them conditionally based upon "n" value? Yes, that's what currently I am doing but I was trying to achieve same through a single expression.
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