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Everything posted by nomlad

  1. that's great ... BUT what if somewhere in that text you also wanted to put a field retrieved from the db which was some text the size of which you didn't know at design time - could be 1 line, could be 200 lines, i.e. some dynamic text. How would your report handle pagination then?
  2. in iReport 1.3 go to Options -> Classpath and put the actual jar file full path in there for the jdbc driver. you might also ant to consider using the jtds driver instead, in my experience it works much better when connecting to sql server - net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
  3. what type of connection are you attempting to create?
  4. OK, thanks. Of course I have no idea how large a particular detail section will turn out since it contains fields which stretch depending on their content. I guess I'm supposed to assume that they will take up whatever their minimum size would be for the purpose of sizing the design page and therefore avoid the error message telling me the page size is too small. Then at run time I guess Jasper just handles the pagination of each detail given its 'real' size?
  5. If I set my page size to A4 iReport comes back and tells me the report detail is too high. What I can't understand is why it says that, I expect my report to print over multiple pages but I want those pages to be A4 in size. How can I achieve this with a very high detail section?
  6. Am I limited to the height of a detail band? It seems that I have either hit a limit or I am not aware how to increase the height beyond approx 5500 in the Band Properties dialog box. thanks
  7. I seem to have found a limit in iReport 1.3.0 , I can't set my detail band larger than about 5500. This is unfortunate as I have a very large amount detail info to print - I am still waiting for the latest manual and am far from being expert so I could be wrong.
  8. lucianc wrote: Lack of built in clob support? What JR version/DB/JDBC driver are you using? Do you have an exception stacktrace? You don't need to be a project member to submit a feature request, you only need an user for the developer area of JasperForge. Just log into your account and navigate to JasperReports/Tracker/Feature request. Regards, Lucian I am using: JR: 1.2.7 DB: SQL Server 2000 JDBC driver: jTDS 1.2 net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. Cannot cast from Clob to String value = (java.lang.String)(((java.sql.Clob)field_ManagementReportSummary.getValue())); <---------------------------------------------------------------------------> so I'd like to get the string out of the clob somehow and also have JR display the html which is in this db field as formatted text in the field on the report. thanks for your help
  9. I see posts about this a lot, I have the same problem. the first problem is the lack of built in clob support - you have to roll your own I'm afraid(you can call getString(long,int) on the field - but really you should write a class to stream the chars out). the second problem is the inability of JR to format html which is in a text field(the 'isStyledText' attribute notwithstanding). I have tried to submit a feature request for both of these but as yet do not have membership of that area. So, for now, unless someone knows different you're on your own.
  10. yes, somewhere it is stated that Jasper reports allows you to report 'virtually any data format', well how about html? nope, it would seem that you cannot use Jasper to output your html text stored in your db - i've been tearing my hair out with this one and all I got with 1.2.4 was the text complete with all it's tags (isStyledText setting made no difference), now with version 1.2.7 it's worse, all I get is: 'net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.ClobImpl@faa03e' appearing instead of the text field. If anyone has any idea how to solve this I'd be delighted.
  11. actually I have since found that setting the styled text attrib. does cause some html tags not to display in the pdf view although the ones I tried had no effect on the format (I tried bold and italic). If I used the html display then it worked - also with rtf output opened in wordpad. so now I need to work out how to output as rtf from my java servlet...
  12. I want to do much the same thing but my HTML is coming form a SQL server text field, I have tried the suggestion of setting the 'styled text' property which appears not to work. Any other suggestions?
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