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Everything posted by hendrakieran

  1. Hi, thanks for responding. Yes, I recompiled the subreport again, somehow it always show the same output. I solved this by deleting all .java and .jasper files from the directory where I saved my files. H
  2. Hi All, I just started using iReport, to evaluate whether we can use it to replace our existing report generation system, it looks VERY,VERY promising so far. However I have a slight problem which I'm now stuck at. I created a simple report with subreport and later on I modified the query of the subreport to loosen up the condition in the SQL query so it can show more data. When I execute the subreport by itself, the change was effective as I can see more data on the output, however when I went back to the main report that calls this subreport, the output of the subreport section remain unchanged. Removing the subreport from the main report didn't help either. Is this a bug? Did I miss a step? Thanks in advance. H
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