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  1. Use a URL similar to the following: http://example.com:8080/jasperserver-pro/fileview/fileview/User/Jack_Gibson__r00004_/ChangeRequests/300_ReportOutputs/300.5_abc_Report.nopag.xlsx
  2. Issue Description:[toc on_off::hide=1] What is involved with stopping a Sub-Report displaying data on an excluded band? We have tried both of the below without success: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.exclude.origin.subreport.repo:sub1-myreport.jrxml" value="detail"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.exclude.origin.subreport.sub1-myreport.jrxml" value="detail"/> Resolution:Please find below a sample on having a subreport named "AddressReport" have its two bands, columnHeader and detail, excluded from the CSV export. In addition, please note the "AddressReport" is the name of the subreport in its own JRXML, independent of the name/subreport expression in the master report. <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.exclude.origin.report.mysubreport0" value="AddressReport"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.exclude.origin.band.mysubreport0" value="columnHeader"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.exclude.origin.report.mysubreport1" value="AddressReport"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.exclude.origin.band.mysubreport1" value="detail"/> Ref. Case #00027832 -- 06:06, 10 August 2012 (UTC)
  3. There are some situations where the report virtualizer isn't applicable: Virtualization is lost after HTTP session passivation&activation. Reports that have a large number of subreport instances do not scale properly with virtualization. Some exporters (most notably the XLS one) are not able to stream content, so they keep the entire generated document in memory. PDF exporting does not scale to large numbers or non-repeating images. Crosstabs keep their entire data in memory (by design). Report anchors are kept in memory.Workaround to these situations? Try splitting the dataset into smaller ones and have more reports containing less data.
  4. Using JasperServer plugin with HTTPS[toc on_off::hide=1] When you are trying to access a JasperServer on a secure connection through iReport plugin you will most likely see the following error: This strange error just says that the certificate of the server has not been validated, or it is just untrusted. How to deal with this? Here are the steps you would need to undertake in order to be able to access your secure JasperServer through iReport (note this instruction only applies to Java 5 or 6, not 7): 1. First unpack attached InstallCert.zip file and extract java class files into a tmp directory 2. Add the server certificate to a keystore using the java class with the following command line instruction: java InstallCert [:port] [passphrase] in example: java InstallCert If the certificate is not trusted, you get some exception and then you are prompted to add this certificate to your keystore (a new keystore is created, it is a file called jssecacerts and the password (if not specified on the command line) is set to changeit If you run this command again, you should get something like: C:tmp>java InstallCert Loading KeyStore jssecacerts... Opening connection to Starting SSL handshake... No errors, certificate is already trusted Server sent 1 certificate(s): 1 Subject CN=ramnik kaur, OU=jaspersoft, O=jaspersoft, L=san francisco, ST=ca, C=us Issuer CN=ramnik kaur, OU=jaspersoft, O=jaspersoft, L=san francisco, ST=ca, C=us sha1 3a 84 6a 2b d9 71 8e d7 05 0b 97 42 6b ee 20 fa 89 1e b4 2a md5 ac e6 fd e2 ae 64 d6 a7 26 79 c1 61 bd d3 f3 c1 Enter certificate to add to trusted keystore or 'q' to quit: [1] 3. Now we have to tell iReport how to use this cert store. This can be done by editing the file /etc/ireport.conf and appending the java properties to force java to use our cert store: .... # command line switches default_options="--branding ireport -J-Xms256m -J-Xmx512m -J-Dorg.netbeans.ProxyClassLoader.level=1000 -J-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=c:tmpjssecacerts -L-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit" # for development purposes you may wish to append: -J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=true -J-ea ..... After these actions are taken iReport should be able to access your server. NOTES - On a Mac machine, the ireport.conf file is located at /Volumes/iReport-{version}/Jaspersoft iReport Designer.app/Contents/Resources/ireport/etc - Also leave the TrustStore password blank when trying to make the connection. see also: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/using-ssl-certificate-jaspersoft-studio-55
  5. Issue:When reaching the timeout limit, some screens show a popup message saying "Click OK to keep your session alive ... ", but others screens don't. We are wondering in which cases exaclty should we expect this timeout popup to show up. Resolution:There is no such a comprehensive and specific list available. But generally, it only appears when the user might loose data (such as adhoc, dashboard editor, when the user is in any of the editors, except for OLAP). If it's determined that a time out doesn't cause a loss of data, such as viewing a resource, the user doesn't get a warning. Ref. Case #00024065 -- 14:40, 20 January 2012 (UTC)
  6. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] We are replacing OS to CentOS 5.7. I installed JasperReports Server 4.5 on Ubuntu many times without problem with same default.master.properties. Oracle is database. I am getting following msgs. But I can telnet fine. Any suggestions? do-install-upgrade-test: echo Checking DBMS host and port: echo About to validate host: BUILD FAILED /opt/jasperreports-server-4.5-bin/buildomatic/bin/validation.xml:483: The following error occurred while executing this line: /opt/jasperreports-server-4.5-bin/buildomatic/bin/validation.xml:236: The following error occurred while executing this line: /opt/jasperreports-server-4.5-bin/buildomatic/bin/validation.xml:263: Error: host is not reachable Resolution:Try commenting out line 483 of bin/validation.xml to bypass the validation to complete installation. Ref. Case #00023854 -- 03:44, 16 January 2012 (UTC)
  7. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] Just looking for some clarification with regard to profile attributes. I currently have setup profile attributes for users that are working fine. All these attribute values happen to be string values (ie Customer Name, Program Name, etc...) I am now trying to introduce a new profile attribute that happens to be an integer (customerId)but have been unable to get this to work. In the JIProfileAttribute table the attrValue column is defined as a varchar. I am thinking that when jasper takes this CustomerId from the attrValue field and attempts to apply as a filter against a true integer field that could be the reason it's not working and I'm wondering if all profile attribute values need to be applied against string fields. All the examples of profile attributes that I've come across in the documentation have showed these all as string values. I can probably deal with this issue in a different fashion but wanted to confirm this behavior with you to see if this is normal. Thanks. Resolution:The User Profile Attribute can only be defined as string in the repository database. Ref. Case #00023124 -- 03:15, 19 December 2011 (UTC)
  8. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] We are using fusion charts in our reports. It works fine when accessed through the jasperserver UI. but, if we execute report using webservices and display the report in our web application (ADF) UI, we are facing licensing issue as follows: com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.license.LicenseException: No license provider found Resolution:Add this line to the argument so the request becomes this: <argument name="TRANSFORMER_KEY">net.sf.jasperreports.transformer.html</argument> Ref. Case #00022546 -- 14:44, 13 December 2011 (UTC)
  9. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] Hi, We noticed that there are some decription in the release note of 4.1.1 saying as below: all deprecated byte-based properties were removed from the library's API; could you please help and let us know what the impact of this change because we are using these properties in our java code? And any suggestion or solution? Currently we are facing compiling issue when we upgrade the Jasper engine from 3.7.1 to 4.1.1. Resolution:The methods that we removed where deprecated for more than a year. While they were deprecated, we indicated in the deprecation warning what is the replacement method, to ease up upgrade process for embedders. Now these upgrade recommendations are no longer there as the methods were eventually removed. Basically, for all byte setter/getters, there is now an equivalent having the same name and the "Value" suffix. For example, if a method was known as getMode(), now is called getModeValue(). Ref. Case #00022907 -- 03:10, 6 December 2011 (UTC)
  10. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] I am trying to find the best way to identify relationships between reports and the domains over which they were developed for doing impact analysis in the event of domain changes. So, for example, I discover that I need to modify an existing domain or add/subtract fields from that domain. I would like the ability to run a query over the repository database that would give me a report showing all the reports that currently reference the domain that is being modified so that I can make sure there is no negative impact to the reports. Is this possible via queries over the repository database or is there another recommended solution for identifying these dependencies? Resolution:There is no such a report built in. However you should be able to see the referential relationship by issuing the following SQL statement: select * from jireportunit, jidomaindatasource where jireportunit.reportDataSource = jidomaindatasource.id Ref. Case #00021815 -- 02:01, 26 September 2011 (UTC)
  11. Issue:How do I set the license directory for the Tomcat as a Windows Service Resolution:If you are installing JasperReports Server into an existing Tomcat installation on a Windows system that is running as a Windows Service and the license file is not in the default location (section 2.1.3), you will probably have to manually configure Tomcat with the file location. Follow the steps below to examine and/or update the license location: Open the Tomcat configuration tool by right-clicking the Tomcat icon in your quick-launch bar (usually in the lower-right corner of your desktop) or from the Windows menu at Start > All Programs > Apache Tomcat > Tomcat Configuration.Click Configure and select the Java tab.At the bottom of the Java Options field, enter the following: -Djs.license.directory="js-install"For example: -Djs.license.directory="C:Program Filesjasperreports-server-4.0" Stop and restart the application server.You should now be able to run JasperReports Server. Ref. Case #00021623 -- 02:54, 8 September 2011 (UTC)
  12. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] The Date type field does not get properly recognized in Excel export, even though I have enabled the "Detect Cell Type" property. There is also an error message when I'm opening the export file: "File error. Some number formats may have been lost" Resolution:Please refer to: Incorrect Data Format in Excel Output Ref. Case #00021243 -- 09:26, 20 August 2011 (UTC)
  13. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] While I am trying to run a large report I'm getting the following exception: org.springframework.webflow.conversation.NoSuchConversationException: No conversation could be found with id '3' -- perhaps this conversation has ended?[/code]what does this mean and how can I fix this? Resolution:Try increasing the session time out in web.xml. Ref. Case #00021375 -- 07:55, 19 August 2011 (UTC)
  14. Issue:I am having a problem to modify the image expression in this report. I have a expression: ((($F{INC_L10}-$F{INC_C10})<5 ? "repo:arrowDownRed.png" : ($F{INC_L10}-$F{INC_C10}) and it shows the up and down arrow. How can I include the condition when the (($F{INC_L10}-$F{INC_C10})=0 ? "" then I don't want to show any image. Resolution:On the report element there is a "Print When Expression" attribute. You can utilize this to determine whether or not you want to print the element (e.g. new Boolean((($F{INC_L10}-$F{INC_C10}) !=0). Ref. Case #00021353 -- 03:38, 19 August 2011 (UTC)
  15. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1]We have a report that picture does not show up in PDF export, but works fine in RTF/DOCX. In PDF export, it will show an error saying "Insufficient data for picture". Resolution:If you are using Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0.x, please try upgrading to 10.x. Ref. Case #00021221 -- 03:34, 19 August 2011 (UTC)
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