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Everything posted by mups

  1. Thank you hozawa for your response: You'r right. I commented it out in the source files and build the Project of the jasperreports-library. It did not help yet. I had to do two further actions: I had some old jrxml without UUDs. This causes the load of the jrxml to automtically insert them each time the file was compiled. I converted it to version 6.2.0 (with UUIDs). -> This difference were gone JRAbstractCompiler.createNameSuffix generates an id composed of time and some random random digits. This id is used as name suffix for generated classes. I changed it in the way that a fixed string is returned. -> This differences were gone The result of this tho actions: The resulting binaries are identical for each build, Now: I could run the builds with a patched version of the jasperreports.jar. But I don't like that idea. Any better suggestions? At the moment the two code-blocks cannot be influenced by public methods. Is there any chance this can be changed in future version that a library user can change this behaviour by calling some methods or providing some callback or similar? Could I do something (with approbiate effort) that help this changes on the way? Thank you for any responses
  2. Hello, Where compiling our jasperreport files (jrxml) in a automated build process an a continous integration server. When we compile jrxml files to jasper files the resulting binary is different on each build. For optimization of the build process and to better control the patches it would be fine if the same jrxml file leads to the binary identical jasper file. Probably a reason for the differences is that the method net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRClassGenerator.generateClassStart prints a timestamp in the generated class. Is there any reasonable way to avoid the timestamp? Does anyone has any other ideas for this? thank you for any responses
  3. Thank you Lucian, in fact I did have Problems with transparency once. I will use the .js2 Version. Regards, Matthias
  4. Hello all, I have a question about the embedded iText-2.1.7.js2.jar. We are using iText in two ways: we embeddeded jasperreports enginge to compile and execute jrxml reports in pdffor some where complicated reports (ex. with pdf bookmarks) we use the iText-API directlyfor (2) we use the last LGPL-Version of iText (2.1.7) for (1) we use jasper-report 4.5.1 -> this delivers iText 2.1.7 in the jasperforge project download I've noticed the current version (5.1.2) delivers an iText-jar with version number iText-2.1.7.js2.jar. I suppose this is a slightly modified version. Please revise me if I'm wrong. As iText is published under LGPL I supposed that the source-code-modification are published somewhere as well. But I did not find it. Does anyone where I can find them? I would prefer to include it with proper license situation. What are the modifications of 2.1.7.js2? Just to know about any side effects, when I update to jasper 5.1.2 and the new iText-version. Thank you for any help Matthias
  5. What is the difference between iText-2.1.7.jar (found in jasperreport 4.5.1) and iText-2.1.7.js2.jar (found in jasperreport 5.0.4.) concerning license source-code changes (we use iText-2.1.7.jar for both jasperreport and direct use) Thank you
  6. you pass the parameter in the HashMap: SOYHU wrote: How to coding to send the parameter into jrxml file ? This is my code (// i want to send "SOYHU","SOYHU1","SOYHU2", ... variable parameter to jrxml file how about the coding syntax . ) /* * Created on Nov 27, 2007 * * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ package net.ensode.jasperbook; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager; /** * @author admin * * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ public class summary { public static void main(String[] args) { Connection conn= null; Connection conn1= null; try{ String host1 = ""; String user1 = "administrator"; String password1 = "password"; String db1 = "SITBASE"; try { Class.forName("com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver"); } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: "); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2://"+host+":50000/"+db , user,password); conn1 = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2://"+host1+":50000/"+db1 , user1,password1); Statement stmt = conn1.createStatement(); String sql = "select oir.product_category,oir.product_type_II, oir.actual_payment_date ,oir.order_number ,oir.record_number ,uoi.user_id from user_order_item uoi inner join order_item_ref oir on uoi.record_number = oir.record_number where oir.record_number = 100000057"; ResultSet result =stmt.executeQuery(sql); while (result.next()){ String SOYHU =result.getString(1) ; String SOYHU1 =result.getString(2) ; String SOYHU2 =result.getString(3) ; String SOYHU3 =result.getString(4) ; String SOYHU4 =result.getString(5) ; String SOYHU5 =result.getString(6) ; // i want to send "SOYHU","SOYHU1","SOYHU2", ... variable parameter to jrxml file how about the coding syntax . } System.out.println("Filling report..."); JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile("PC_Report_subreport1.jasper", new HashMap(), conn1); System.out.println("God bless you !"); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } finally{ if (conn != null){ try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } please advise me. Thank in advance.
  7. I guess you did not put all required jars on your tomcat/webapp-classpath
  8. just fill a JRMapArrayDataSource object and pass it to the report instead the ArrayList the JRMapArrayDataSource contains an array of maps each map represents a row. You fill the map with key = columnname and value = value for the row(column)-value
  9. Hi all, I would like to compile reports dynamicly in my development environment. I encountered a problem with classloader and garbage collection. This is what I'm trying to do (see attached file wich demonstrates the problem in a simple way) * Loading the jasperreport-environment with a URLClassLoader * Calling the compilation by JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile by reflection * in the example the program succeeds to do the compilation 15 times after that a OutOfMemoryException isis thrown. Maybe this is more a general java issue than a jasperreport issue. Does anyone have made similar experiences? Any suggestions to do this in anothter way? Thank you for any help, Matthias [file name=ReportCompiler.zip size=1281]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/ReportCompiler.zip[/file] Post edited by: mups, at: 2007/11/28 15:17
  10. Thank you for your help. > I\'m not sure why it worked in 1.2.3. I\'m not sure, I just guess: Maybe there was no instantiation of a default-scriptlet in 1.2.3. The class JRDefaultScriptlet did not exist. If no scriptlet was defined, the scriptlet paramaeter was really set to null. In 2.0.2 there is a default implementation (JRDefaultScriptlet)
  11. Sorry, I attached the *.jasper instead of the *.jrxml.
  12. I use the parameter-Expression: $P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP} that worked fine with jasperreport 1.2.3 In jasperreport 2.0.2 the JRDefaultScriptlet seems to be passed to the subreport-parameter in certain cases. As I use 2 overlayed subreports, switched by the printWhenExpression, I didn\'t found the error at once. When I pass the parameters explicit, everything works fine for me. The question remains: Why does the parameter-map-expression pass the scriptlet the parameter when the subreport is refilled? And it does not, when the subreport is filled normally? Lucian Chirita, I attach my reports / subreports. It\'s all in all a complex construct.
  13. failure in: JRVerticalFiller.setParameter line 895
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