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Everything posted by RND3i

  1. Dear All, How to deploy my jrxml report definition in jasper server. More over, Please tell me how to Handle multiple queue/engine during runtime in this server Thanks in advance Balaji
  2. Hi All, can anyone tell me how to call procedure using iReport. i have a procedure which includes cursor and i have to retreive the data fetched by the cursor.I thought to store the data in temp table and select from temp but i could not write the query. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  3. How to use Report groups ? Give me some ideas about usage of report groups
  4. If there is no value for a particular field, system is showing as null.How to restrict that null value in IReport?
  5. I'm able to generate Excel output.But,the excel output is not clear such as our normal excel
  6. How to use formula in IReport tool? whether placeholders can be used ?Give me some ideas
  7. How to use formula in IReport tool? whether placeholders can be used ?Give me some ideas
  8. How to pass parameters such as global variables in IReport? Give me some ideas regarding this issue
  9. how to convert integer type to string type by using the iReport tool
  10. Hi ALL, I had created a simple report with the emp query. In that i grouped the deptno column. Even then the resulted records are not grouped based on the deptno field. Still it shows record by record. May i know where is the problem. Regards, Balaji
  11. Hi ALL, I had created a simple report with the emp query. In that i grouped the deptno column. Even then the resulted records are not grouped based on the deptno field. Still it shows record by record. May i know where is the problem. Regards, Balaji
  12. Dear All, I am very much new to this tool. I had installed this tool in my PC. I have tried to connect the Oracle database and it says no class found exception. Guys, please help me to explore more on this tool. Thanks in advance, Balaji
  13. Dear All, I have downloaded the entire set of files for Jasper reports 2.0.1. I wanted to know, how to install and proceed further. Thanks in advance, Balaji
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