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Everything posted by Rachel07

  1. hi, Is there any way to decide if to show a subreport or not according to it return value variable? When is the "print when expression" calculated for an element? Thanks, Rachel
  2. I am having the same problem. Did you solve the it somehow?
  3. Hi, I am using iReport and JasperReports version 2.0.2 . When I am entering a Page Break using iReport, When I try to load the jrxml I get a JRException saying Element type "break" must be declared. Could someone help me solve this problem. Thanks, Rachel
  4. I tried to use the tick label mask to mask a date to SHORT format. I tried a lot of options but it isn't working. Did you find a way to use this property?
  5. Thanks for your replay, But the article doesn't handle the "customizer class" at all.
  6. hi, I am using customizer class to extend the JFreeChart capabilities. The problem is that every time I am making a change in the class I must reopen IReport otherwise it always using my older JAR version. Is there any way to tell Ireport to reload the new JAR without reopen Ireport? Thank you Rachel
  7. hi yosh, Can I have the code for setting the range?
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