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Everything posted by nedPhillips

  1. Thanks pablodc but I did not make my self clear. I need to Cancel/Stop the iReport Process from within my java application not the iReport IDE. Is there a way to do this? I have not found any solutions yet, and I really need this ..... Anyone ?
  2. I need a way to Stop or Kill the iReport so that it really kills the sql session. I haven't found a way to do this yet. Thanks in Advance.
  3. Can someone help with this. I've tried the approach suggested by mdahlman, but it only seems to look at the first record returned. For example using my example above, if the first row returned has a color value of 'blue' in the 'Color' column then the header text displays. If the color value of 'blue' is in the last row then the header text does not display. I need the header text to display if ANY of the values of the 'Color' column of ANY row contains a value of 'blue', not just the first row. Post edited by: nedPhillips, at: 2008/06/11 18:19
  4. Thanks mdahlman, I got got my report to work better by using your design, however, it only works for the current page. For example, in reference to my previous example, if I have a 'blue' value in a row on any page but the first page then the pageheader text will not display. I tried setting the 'reset type' and 'increment type' for the variable, but it still only reflectes the first page. My problem could very well be because I do not quite understand how you explain how to 'Create a text field' in your 2nd step. In other words, I'm not sure where the 'logic' you provided should go. Maybe in the 'Print When Expression' of the static text field? Thanks again for responding. Post edited by: nedPhillips, at: 2008/06/10 16:57
  5. I need to dynamically display static header text if any of the values in a field contains a certain value. Trying to use the 'Print When' feature is useless in this case because iReport considers every value of every row. I only want to display the header text if any of the rows has a certain value in a certain field. for example if I have a field called 'Color' and if any of the rows contains a value of 'blue' I want to display the header text 'THERE IS BLUE COLOR INCLUDED WITH THE RESULTS' otherwise if no rows has a color blue then don't display the header text above. Post edited by: nedPhillips, at: 2008/06/09 17:34
  6. update: I was able to figure out how to resolve this issue. I was using the pageheader and columnheader to place all my fields in the main report. When the detail band would create a new page iReport would create new pageheader and pagecolumn bands for each new page. Hence my memory problem. I'm still not sure if this was my error in the way I was using the bands or is this an iReport flaw. Nevertheless, I think this needs to be documented somewhere. My solution was to put everything in my pageheader and pagecolumn bands in the title band. If a new page is needed because of the number of rows in my subreport, only the additional rows would print and not everything in the title band. This is how I wanted it to work in the first place. In any case I am planning on writing a blog on lessons learned with the implementation this report. regards Post edited by: nedPhillips, at: 2007/12/13 17:46
  7. I'm still having this same problem. Do I need to use a Provider to let iReport know what my Fields are? I added debug statements in my code and the TableModel is being accessed, but it appears to hang after retrieving the first row of Data. Please help...thanks.
  8. I have a report that is using two Custom DataSources. The first DataSource is using a class that implements the JRDataSource interface. This one is working fine. Now I want to add another Custom DataSource as a subreport to the first report. The subreport will use a JRTableModelDataSource and use the detail band which I'm not using with the first DataSource. However, the report does not run when I try to add the subreport. I can run the subreport independently, but not as a subreport. I am creating a JRTableModelDataSource parameter in iReport and set that in the 'Subreport' tab (i.e. $P{JRTABLEMODELDATASOURCE} ). The report compiles, but when I run the report it acts as if there is a memory leak and I need to stop it via the Task Manager. I think the problem I'm having is in the way I'm passing in my Custom DataSource to my subReport in iReport. Thanks for any help. Post edited by: nedPhillips, at: 2007/12/12 18:47 Post edited by: nedPhillips, at: 2007/12/12 18:50
  9. lucian, Thanks for your reply, however, I was able to get my report working but without using a Factory or Provider. All I used was a JRDataSource interface. I can write up some detailed documentation of how I did this after I finalize my report.
  10. Here is some additional information. I'm using iReport and Jasperreports API both versions are 1.2.7. I think I need to create either a JRDataSource or a JRDataSourceProvider class. A Factory class with a static method (e.g. getDataSource) that takes no parameters. As I stated in my first post. I have a Hashmap class with the key values being the column (field) names for the report, and the Hashmap values contain the information for those key/column/field names. Do I need to pass the Hashmap into my JRDataSource/JRDataSourceProvider class ? How do I setup my Custom DataSource in iReport. Do I use an empty DataSource? How is that done? Note: I do not need to hit the database since I've already pulled the data into my Hashmap. This does not seem to be a difficult report to implement, however, I have not had any luck following the jasperreport samples or searching on the internet for answers. Thanks for any help provided.
  11. I need to create a PDF report from data stored in a HashMap. The keys are the columns, the values are the column values. Pretty straight forward. Please do not tell me to look at the Samples. The samples have been some help but not a complete solution. Do I need to use a JRDataSource? I want to compile a jasper file in iReport. How do I setup my Custom DataSource in iReport? What other JR Classes to I need to use? fillReportToFile? which signature? exportReportToPdf? Anything else? I would love to see a solid example showing how to do this with iReport and the jasperreports api. Thanks the contents of my HashMap.
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