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Everything posted by genx

  1. Sorry I just noticed that this was a really old post..
  2. Hi, Can you check if you have xerces somewhere in your classpath? I have the same linkage problem and I am trying to confirm if the 2 are connected. Thanks
  3. Thanks Nitin, I tried it and unfortunately it does not work. I think the problem is due to xerces in classpath. I created a sample app just to check this out and xerces is causing this. This is a major show stopper for me. Now I have to either figure out how to work around this (cause I cannot delete/remove xerces from classpath) or ditch the whole idea of using xmldatasource :(( Thanks anyway. Let me know if you think of something I can try.
  4. I have been researching this further and looks like this could be due to xerxes parser in ihe classpath. I don't know how to resolve this yet cause I cannot delete xerces which is already being used. Just put this in..in case it helps someone else.
  5. Hi, Were you able to resolve this? I get the same linkage error - inspite of the xml being valid, the document is null.
  6. Have a look at xmldatasource sample for a start. There is another example of addressbook online if you google. HTH
  7. I have the following xml structure: <ROOT> <INFO> <ID>1</ID> <!-- more nested nodes --> <DATA> <VALUE>x</VALUE> <RESULT>blah</RESULT> </DATA> <COMMENTS> <TYPE>infotype</TYPE> <COMMENT>Commentid1</COMMENT> </COMMENTS> </INFO> <INFO> <ID>2</ID> <!-- more nested nodes --> <DATA> <VALUE>y</VALUE> <RESULT>blah y</RESULT> </DATA> <COMMENTS> <TYPE>infotype</TYPE> <COMMENT>Commentid2</COMMENT> </COMMENTS> </INFO> <COMMENTS> <TYPE>atype</TYPE> <COMMENT>Comment1</COMMENT> <COMMENT>Comment2</COMMENT> <!--Could have more comments --> </COMMENTS> </ROOT> I have a INFO subreport which has a COMMENTS subreport. INFO subreport has : Parameter ID (passed from master report) : Report Query : /ROOT/INFO[iD=$P{ID}]/DATA : COMMENTS subreport - Datasource expression : ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).dataSource("/ROOT/ INFO[iD=$P{ID}]/COMMENTS/COMMENT") This does not display the comments. However if I hardcode the ID ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).dataSource("/ROOT/ INFO[iD=1]/COMMENTS/COMMENT"), the comments are displayed. Is passing parameter to datasource expression allowed? If not how can I pass a parameter to the nested subreport? Appreciate all help Thanks
  8. Hi, I have a Servlet which reads the .jasper files and the data xml file. I know the file is valid and being read, cause I have printed the entire data file contents and also tested the reports with the same datafile from a sample (non-web) regular java application. However in the sevlet code "Document document = JRXmlUtils.parse(dataFile)" returns a null. I tried passing stream, file name and none of them work. Any pointers as to why this is happenning? Here is my code snippet: //Read all Subreports.. InputStream sub1Stream = context.getResourceAsStream("/reports/subreport1.jasper"); JasperReport subreport1 = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject(sub1Stream); params.put("SUBREPORT_1", subreport1); System.out.println("Subrepoprt1 " + sub1Stream); //Read Data to populate the report String path = context.getRealPath("/data/report.xml"); System.out.println("path" + path); //This is verified and valid File dataFile = new File(path); //this is fine too.. Document document = JRXmlUtils.parse(dataFile); System.out.println("document " +document); //printsnull params.put(JRXPathQueryExecuterFactory.PARAMETER_XML_DATA_DOCUMENT, document); Appreciate any help/suggestions Thanks
  9. That worked. Thanks for your help. I have another quick question regarding passing parameter in Datasource expression. <ROOT> <INFO> <ID>1</ID> <!-- more nested nodes --> <DATA> <VALUE>x</VALUE> <RESULT>blah</RESULT> </DATA> <COMMENTS> <TYPE>infotype</TYPE> <COMMENT>Commentid1</COMMENT> </COMMENTS> </INFO> <INFO> <ID>2</ID> <!-- more nested nodes --> <DATA> <VALUE>y</VALUE> <RESULT>blah y</RESULT> </DATA> <COMMENTS> <TYPE>infotype</TYPE> <COMMENT>Commentid2</COMMENT> </COMMENTS> </INFO> <COMMENTS> <TYPE>atype</TYPE> <COMMENT>Comment1</COMMENT> <COMMENT>Comment2</COMMENT> <!--Could have more comments --> </COMMENTS> </ROOT> I have a INFO subreport which has a COMMENTS subreport. INFO subreport has :parameter ID (passed from master report) :Report Query : /ROOT/INFO[iD=$P{ID}]/DATA :COMMENTS subreport - Datasource expression : ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).dataSource("/ROOT/INFO[iD=$P{ID}]/COMMENTS/COMMENT") This does not display the comments. However if I hardcode the ID ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).dataSource("/ROOT/INFO[iD=1]/COMMENTS/COMMENT"), the comments are displayed. Is passing parameter allowed? If not how can I pass a parameter to the nested subreport? Thanks Ivy
  10. I have the following xml: <ROOT> <INFO> </INFO> <!--Whole bunch of other nodes --> <!--and then this is the problem area --> <COMMENTS> <TYPE>atype</TYPE> <COMMENT>Comment1</COMMENT> <COMMENT>Comment2</COMMENT> <!--Could have more comments --> </COMMENTS> </ROOT> I have a master report and a subreport for the COMMENTS. In the Subreports I have the following settings Connection/DataSource expression - ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).dataSource("/ROOT/COMMENTS") Subreport expression - "Comments.jasper". In the Comments.jrxml, I have a single textfield pointing to FieldName:COMMENT, Type:java.lang.String and Description:COMMENT With these settings the report displays just the first comment. I tried changing the DataSource expression to "/ROOT/COMMENTS//COMMENT", the subreport shows 2 rows but with values as null. Appreciate any help! Thanks in advance.
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