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Posts posted by ktrinad

  1. By: JonathanPasquier49 - jpasquier49

    Call Report using URL

    2006-07-07 07:56

    I tried to apply the same method than for 0.9.2 version for calling reports using URL :


    Look at WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml and find the filterInvocationInterceptor bean definition. Change the page definition lines to:







    It doesn't work.


    In the JBoss logs I saw that /jasperserver/viewreport.html is not reachable.


    Have you any idea about the method to apply in order to call reports using URL ?





    By: JonathanPasquier49 - jpasquier49

    Call Report using URL --> I forget

    2006-07-07 08:40

    I talk about JasperServer 1.0.1



    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: Call Report using URL

    2006-07-09 12:45


    This was a hack in 0.9.2. See https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3813960 for our ongoing work in this area.





  2. By: ncelq - ncelq

    "ji-export-utilcpappend.bat" was unexpected

    2006-07-09 10:48

    i have trying to install the report server and follow the installation guide:


    4.0 Installing the SugarCRM Example Data and Example Reports


    db-dump-113005.sql creates the sugarcrm database schema and populates a large



    FoodMart-MySQL-032006.sql does the same for a FoodMart data warehouse.



    In the scripts directory, run the ji-import utility to load sample metadata.


    cd scripts


    ji-import.bat --import-path=ji-catalog --import-file=ji-catalog.xml



    i have tried to use ji-import.bat to setup the default files, however, the following error happened


    C:JasperIntelligence-1.0.1-binscripts>ji-import.bat --import-path=ji-catalog -


    The input line is too long.

    "ji-export-utilcpappend.bat" was unexpected at this time.


    What i should do to solve the problem?


    Thank you.



    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: "ji-export-utilcpappend.bat" was unexpec

    2006-07-09 11:58


    There was a problem in that batch file that was fixed as we built the installers. Here is a patch.





  3. By: David Lukas - dlukas

    Font location

    2006-07-09 05:04


    what is the correct location for PDF fonts in JasperServer 1.0.1? I've put the required fonts in /fonts subdir in iReport 1.2.4 and the PDF preview works fine. When I run the report on the JasperServer, the PDF export produces the error:


    3:45:35,555 ERROR [PdfServlet],http-8080-Processor24:253 - Servlet.service() for servlet PdfServlet threw exception

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Could not load the following font :

    pdfFontName : arial.ttf

    pdfEncoding : Identity-H

    isPdfEmbedded : false


    I tried putting the font file into various folders of JasperServer, into CLASSPATH and into repository, but to no avail.


    Thanks for any help,


  4. By: Drooler - bhaugland

    WebServices and JBoss

    2006-07-07 11:33

    Has anyone been able to call the WebServices for Jasper 1.0.1 that are running on JBoss. If I issue the URL http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/view-services/JasperServerService?wsdl

    I get an error that reads org.acegisecurity.AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException: An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext.


    Everything else works fine. In fact I can connect to this service from iReports fine.



    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: WebServices and JBoss

    2006-07-07 17:41


    We use HTTP Basic authentication to protect the Web Services traffic. The iReport plugin uses this.





  5. By: Luca Gioppo - luca_gioppo

    Jasperserver and Jasperserver-ws together

    2006-07-07 02:47

    I deployed JasperServer and Jasperserver-ws on the same JBoss, pointed them to the same MySQL storage.

    All well, but could it be possible to have a single installation of jasperserver with the UI and the web-service for external access?

    My intention is to have a Server running jasperserver and to be able to access it from webservices so I believe that having it also deployed within the WS war is not a nice thing.



    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: Jasperserver and Jasperserver-ws together

    2006-07-07 04:48


    The 1.0.1 version out on SourceForge has this configuration.





  6. By: Bruce_Berry - bruce_berry

    Error running jasperintelligence

    2006-07-04 08:23

    I can successfully deploy jasperintelligence through the war, but tomcat can't start it: the error in the logs is

    Jul 4, 2006 4:39:22 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start

    SEVERE: Error listenerStart

    Jul 4, 2006 4:39:22 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start

    SEVERE: Context [/jasperserver] startup failed due to previous errors


    i'm using mysql 5.0.22, tomcat 5.5.12 and sun's java 1.5.0_b6, what's happening?



    By: Javy Dreamer - javydreamercsw

    RE: Error running jasperintelligence

    2006-07-06 05:46

    Same just happened to me... Maybe it would be easier with the long awaited installer...

  7. By: holgerkoch - holgerkoch

    problem with umlaut

    2006-07-04 03:51



    it seems that there is a problem with umlaut (in germany ä,ö,ü,Ö,Ä,Ü) in the "create user" menu. If the fullname (or the User Name) contain a umlaut, the message "fullName contains invalid characters" appears and it is not possible to save the new user.


    best regards


    Holger Koch

  8. By: holgerkoch - holgerkoch

    HTML Rendering Bug?

    2006-05-16 07:06



    i'm using jasperserver 0.9.2 and i have a problem with some report designed with iReport 1.2.2.

    There are some elements missing in the html view, for example: parts of the groupheader are missing. In the pdf view all is perfect.

    This problem occures on Windows and Linux.


    In iReports 1.2.2 the preview looks also perfect.


    Did anybody have an hint for me for this?


    best regards


    Holger Koch



    Here is the jrxml file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

    <!-- Created with iReport - A designer for JasperReports -->

    <!DOCTYPE jasperReport PUBLIC "//JasperReports//DTD Report Design//EN" "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperreport.dtd">

















    <property name="ireport.scriptlethandling" value="0" />

    <property name="ireport.encoding" value="UTF-8" />

    <import value="java.util.*" />

    <import value="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*" />

    <import value="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.*" />


    <queryString><![CDATA[sELECT m.name, m.vorname, a.abt_langname, m.telefon_dienst_fest, m.telefon_dienst_mobil, m.telefon_priv_fest, m.telefon_priv_mobil FROM mitarbeiter m

    inner join abteilungen a on a.abt_id = m.abt_id where m.abt_id >= '67' AND m.abt_id <= '69' AND m.vorname != "" order by abt_name, name, vorname;]]></queryString>


    <field name="name" class="java.lang.String"/>

    <field name="vorname" class="java.lang.String"/>

    <field name="abt_langname" class="java.lang.String"/>

    <field name="telefon_dienst_fest" class="java.lang.String"/>

    <field name="telefon_dienst_mobil" class="java.lang.String"/>

    <field name="telefon_priv_fest" class="java.lang.String"/>

    <field name="telefon_priv_mobil" class="java.lang.String"/>


    <variable name="Anz_Mitarbeiter" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Group" resetGroup="abt_langname" calculation="Count">




    <group name="abt_langname" >



    <band height="43" isSplitAllowed="true" >

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    <text><![CDATA[Telefon dienstlich]]></text>










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    <text><![CDATA[Mobil dienstlich]]></text>










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    <font fontName="" size="10"/>


    <text><![CDATA[Telefon privat]]></text>










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    <text><![CDATA[Mobil privat]]></text>





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    <text><![CDATA[Gesamtanzahl Mitarbeiter:]]></text>


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    Dieser Report erstellt eine Telefonliste aller IOV52 Mitarbeiter]]></text>









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    <text><![CDATA[DB Systems GmbH, D.IOV 52]]></text>









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    <font size="12"/>


    <text><![CDATA[Version 0.1, 11.05.2006]]></text>










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    <font size="18"/>


    <text><![CDATA[Verfahrensbetriebsführung INET]]></text>





    <band height="47" isSplitAllowed="true" >

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    <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/>

    <graphicElement stretchType="NoStretch"/>

    <imageExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["repo:/images/slogan.gif"]]></imageExpression>


    <image evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" >







    <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/>

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    <band height="17" isSplitAllowed="true" >




    <band height="17" isSplitAllowed="true" >

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    <font fontName="Times-Roman" size="10"/>


    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$F{name}]]></textFieldExpression>


    <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="true" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" >







    <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" leftPadding="2" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" rightPadding="2" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/>


    <font fontName="Times-Roman" size="10"/>


    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$F{vorname}]]></textFieldExpression>


    <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="true" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" >







    <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" leftPadding="2" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" rightPadding="2" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/>


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    <text><![CDATA[erzeugt am:]]></text>


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    <band height="20" isSplitAllowed="true" >




    <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" >








    By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh

    RE: HTML Rendering Bug?

    2006-05-18 10:12

    We had another bug reported with a similar problem, but were unable to reproduce it with the jrxml given. Teodor's group can give your jrxml a try when they are back from a well deserved few days off!


    Thanks for sending along the jrxml.



    By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh

    RE: HTML Rendering Bug?

    2006-05-18 10:23

    Added as bug #1491103



    By: holgerkoch - holgerkoch

    RE: HTML Rendering Bug?

    2006-07-03 23:57



    after the problem also occurs in the Jasperreport 1.0.1, i look a little bit closer to it.


    The Problem is, that i write the names of the collumn header white on a grey box, in the pdf view the grey box will be rendered and so all is ok. In the html view the grey box is missing, so the white collumn header on white background will not be seen. If i marked the header, i can see it.


    Here is the html code of the header:


    <tr valign="top">

    <td colspan="2"><img alt="" src="/jasperserver/servlets/image?image=px" style="width: 31px; height: 16px"/></td>

    <td colspan="4" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; "><span style="font-family: ; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 10.0px;">Name</span></td>

    <td colspan="3" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; "><span style="font-family: ; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 10.0px;">Vorname</span></td>

    <td colspan="2" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; "><span style="font-family: ; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 10.0px;">Telefon dienstlich</span></td>


    <td colspan="6" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; "><span style="font-family: ; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 10.0px;">Mobil dienstlich</span></td>

    <td colspan="2" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; "><span style="font-family: ; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 10.0px;">Telefon privat</span></td>

    <td colspan="2" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; "><span style="font-family: ; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 10.0px;">Mobil privat</span></td>

    <td colspan="3"><img alt="" src="/jasperserver/servlets/image?image=px" style="width: 40px; height: 16px"/></td>



    Does Jasper always remove boxes an so from the html View? Because another box also doesn't appear.


    Best regards


    Holger Koch





    By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

    RE: HTML Rendering Bug?

    2006-07-04 00:04

    Have you read the comments on the bug opened by Tony?








    By: holgerkoch - holgerkoch

    RE: HTML Rendering Bug?

    2006-07-04 02:56

    No, i haven't. But after i found the problem, i reworked my report (delete the box and set the background color for the textboxes) and now it looks perfect in html.


    Thank you for your Answer.


    Best regards


    Holger Koch

  9. By: Karan - karanbhalla

    jasperserver new release

    2006-06-21 22:04



    I was told that the next release for jasperserver was due today. Where can we find this release cause jasperserver project page has not been updated yet and still shows the 0.9.2 as the latest release.






    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: jasperserver new release

    2006-06-21 23:03


    We are wrapping up the release right now, with final testing, documentation and packaging. See http://jasperintel.sourceforge.net/index.php?p_module=page&pageid=19 for the main areas we are working on. We are now aiming for a release Friday or Monday at the latest.







    By: Nemanja Spasojevic - sofra

    RE: jasperserver new release

    2006-06-27 10:35

    Any update on new realise date ?


    All the best,


  10. By: David Sachdev - dsachdev

    Login problem: New install with existing mysq

    2006-06-21 14:05

    I installed JasperServer using my existing mySQL

    database and allowed JasperServer to install its own

    copy of Tomcat onto a Ubunto machine:


    root@dsachdev-laptop:/etc/init.d# uname -a

    Linux dsachdev-laptop 2.6.15-25-386 #1 PREEMPT Wed Jun

    14 11:25:49 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux



    I supplied it with the root password for the existing

    mySQL database and it did in fact create the

    JasperServer tables. I launched the application, and

    tried to log in with jasperadmin and the password that

    I supplied, but kept getting the following error:


    Invalid credentials supplied.

    Could not login to JasperServer.


    I checked the User table in the database, and saw that

    the password I was using was in fact correct, and that

    the user was enabled.


    I did update the password in the database, and tried

    the new password with no success.


    I went through the install guide and also tried out the

    other users that it mentions there (plus what I saw

    enabled in the database) and each time I got the

    "invalid credentials" message.


    The log file only has the following message:


    16:59:33,493 WARN

    LoggerListener,http-8080-Processor23:60 -

    Authentication event

    AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent: jasperadmin;



    RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId:

    107F69C0251666012A8BBCBE6B72E5E1; exception: Bad




    By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh

    RE: Login problem: New install with existing

    2006-06-27 07:37

    David, I'm working on creating the installation routines right now for the 1.0 release. I will make sure that the test sequences of using an existing MySQL and and "bundled" (ie installer installed) tomcat. That should be out late today or tomorrow.


    I will look for any misconfigurations like you are seeing...



  11. By: schneewittchen - schneexy4

    Problem with Database Access!!

    2006-06-15 02:04



    I have a Problem with the database access.. when I want to do a report query (Sql) in iReport I only see the message: "Executing Sql-Query " but nothing happens.. when I test the database connection iReports tells me :Connection test successfully...


    I use iReport 1.2.2 and Adabas D Database and the JasperServer.. a few months ago I tested an earlier version of iReport and there were still no problems with the database.. any ideas?


    Thanks a lot..



    By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh

    RE: Problem with Database Access!!

    2006-06-27 07:32

    You could load the report into JasperServer (ie follow the user guide steps on creating a Report Unit) and then see if you can get it to work there. You will also need to look at the configuration settings for JasperServer in order to make the Adabas D db work. You can take a look at the Installation Guide for notes on db configuration.



  12. By: Antoine Rey - elryk

    Documentation about JasperServer API

    2006-06-16 10:10



    I'm using JasperServer v0.9.2 and I need to generate a PDF report from my own Java application.

    On the website, I didn't find any documentation about the web services API or the Java API. Is anybody have a kind of doc ? (even if it is uncompleted) or a JavaDoc with some example ?







    By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh

    RE: Documentation about JasperServer API

    2006-06-27 07:28

    Hi Antoine,


    Not sure exactly what you a trying to do, but it sounds like you should look at the JasperReports documentation on that web site (see source forge site).



  13. By: Brian Breneman - bbreneman

    iReport plugin on OS X error

    2006-05-31 15:22

    I am using iReport 1.2.2 on OS X 10.4 (Intel) and it works great. However, the plugin to the jasperserver is failing on initialization with the following error:


    Cannot find lib in iReport home directory (null)

    java.lang.ClassCastException: apple.laf.CColorPaintUIResource

    at it.businesslogic.ireport.util.Misc.setPLAF(Misc.java:599)

    at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.<init>(MainFrame.java:340)

    at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.main(MainFrame.java:6997)



    I'm not savvy enough to fix this one myself but here is a reference to the problem that will probably help whoever can fix it:




    From their page:

    ...After writing some test code I discovered that the iMac's own

    PLaF, which it defaults to over Metal, returns an object of class

    apple.laf.CColorPaintUIResource - which presumably isn't a subclass of

    ColorUIResource, explaining the cast exception (?)...


    Hope this helps!




    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: iReport plugin on OS X error

    2006-06-27 02:28

    The problem is your L&F. To quickly solve the problem, remove the .ireport directory from your user home (and backup it if you want) and restart iReport.



  14. By: MagicRichie - magicrichie

    Nesting subreports

    2006-06-26 23:13



    I am using JasperServer 0.92 and I am trying to use nested subreports, i.e. the report calls a subreport who in turn calls a subreport etc.


    This is working fine in iReport however when I try to run it from the JasperServer I get an error stating :

    .... Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. Only a type can be imported. it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportScriptlet resolves to a package import it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportScriptlet; <---------------------------------------> 1 errors


    Is there a restriction on the level of subreport nesting within JasperServer ??






    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Nesting subreports

    2006-06-27 02:26

    Do you use scriptlet for your report?




    1. If you do not use scriptlets, simply go to edit-> Report import directives and remove the import of it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportScriptlet;



    2. If you use scriptlet, add iReport.jar as resource for the report unit, or add iReport.jar to the server classpath.



  15. By: CPOSNER - cposner

    Where to affiliate Input Control with mysql

    2006-06-23 08:22

    Using a newly set up Jasperserver with mysql. We have now have in place successful reports created within iReport.


    Problem/Question: I do not understand how the relationship is set up between the "Input Control" and the database field. In other words if I wanted to filter a specific report format for specific transactions matching a USER ID "JRICHARDS" against the database field called "USER_ID" for an established report how do I affiliate the Jasperserver Single text control against the field for filtering? It is obvious how the control needs to be setup, but I cannot find any examles or documentation on where and how the affiliation is setup.




    By: Nemanja Spasojevic - sofra

    RE: Where to affiliate Input Control with mys

    2006-06-24 15:46

    look at the example in JasperServer-User-Guide.pdf (in jasperserver-ws-0.9.2_03docs)

    where it's shown how to use input control to assign value to the parameter. Once you have parameter seted up to the value from input control you can use it in the MySql queries in the document.


    Although watch out there are some bugs with input control in a current version, that should be fixed in 1.0 version, that should be out very soon.





    By: CPOSNER - cposner

    RE: Where to affiliate Input Control with mysql

    2006-06-26 15:41

    The concept of an SQL embedded parameter from Jasper in understood. However, the example does not provide specific Syntax. Can you provide an explicit example of the required SQL Syntax to embed the Jasperserver parameter. For example:

    1) Jasper provided Parameter name = "Contact_tp"

    2) MYSQL table.fieldname = "Contact.Contact_type"


    The exact syntax for the SQL where clause = Where...?

  16. By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    More on building from sources

    2006-06-26 09:11

    The ireport-plugin does not get built.

    It is not listed as a module in the main

    pom.xml file. I can't find a maven project

    file (pom.xml) or ant build script (build.xml)

    for the IReport plugin. Is it still a

    sub-project of JasperServer?



    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: More on building from sources

    2006-06-26 09:35

    I did find a build.xml file in

    iReport-plugin-0.9.2.zip on the downloads page.

    It does not however seem to correspond with

    what's in the Subversion repository.


    I guess this is really a separate project -

    even though it lives at the same level in

    the Subversion code base as the JasperServer


  17. By: tortois - tortois

    building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-05-16 00:25


    After getting JS svn source codes and installing maven2 (and setting other stuff) I tried to build JS projects.

    As described at some point I run mvn install.

    some elements/artifacts/plugins were downloaded but then I got following messages:


    Downloading: http://snapshots.maven.codehaus.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/doxia/doxia/1.0-alpha-8/doxia-1.0-alpha-8.pom

    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [iNFO] Error building POM (may not be this project's POM).



    Project ID: null:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.0-alpha-8


    Reason: Cannot find parent: org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia for project: null:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.0-alpha-8


    I'm new to maven and it seems it's maven related problem but still...

    maybe someone could give me some advice how to overcome this problem.

    Any hints?




    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-16 16:13

    I'm also having problems building from sources,

    and am also new to Maven2. Not the same error as above. Does not appear to be related to a

    hardware problem at codehaus.org. Here's the



    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [iNFO] Failed to resolve artifact.




    1) xdoclet-plugins:xdoclet-plugin-hibernate:jar:1.0.4-SNAPSHOT


    Try downloading the file manually from the project website.


    Then, install it using the command:

    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=xdoclet-plugins -DartifactId=xdoclet-plugin-hibernate

    -Dversion=1.0.4-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file


    Path to dependency:

    1) xdoclet:maven2-xdoclet2-plugin:maven-plugin:2.0.5-20060117.143439-6

    2) xdoclet-plugins:xdoclet-plugin-hibernate:jar:1.0.4-SNAPSHOT



    1 required artifact is missing.


    for artifact:



    from the specified remote repositories:

    Maven Snapshots (http://snapshots.maven.codehaus.org/maven2/),

    central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2),

    codehaus-plugins (http://dist.codehaus.org/),

    codehaus-legacy (http://dist.codehaus.org/),

    dist.codehaus.org (http://dist.codehaus.org),

    apache (http://cvs.apache.org/repository/)




    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-17 06:49


    This will happen now and again due to the public repositories being overloaded. Have you tried 2 or 3 times?


    One thing to try is deleting your ~/.m2/repository/xdoclet and xdoclet-plugins directories and letting Maven2 refresh them.








    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-18 20:01

    Yes, I tried more than 2 or 3 times, many more.

    I have been unable to find that package even

    searching manually. Has anyone at JasperSoft

    tried building recently with a clean maven



    My first impressions of maven are not positive.

    I have an SCM background and the build tool is

    critical to configuration management. However,

    builds w/ maven appear to be non-deterministic.

    The first time I built JasperServer, the build

    failed with a message about freechart. I reran

    it and it downloaded a *bunch* more stuff from

    the internet, then failed in a different spot.

    It finally seems to have converged on this

    error, even after trying the "legacy" fix

    posted in the mailing list.


    I have tried w/ clean repository several times.

    I was going to download & install it into the

    repository manually but couldn't find that

    1.0.4 SNAPSHOT jar version anywhere.


    Perhaps that package will show up on a web site

    soon and my build will start magically working?




    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-05-16 06:26


    Maven relies on public repositories (web sites) for JARs etc. There is a hardware problem with the Codehaus repository which makes it inaccessible. Here are some workarounds to add into your Maven ~/.m2/settings.xml.

























    There are some Codehaus plugins, dependency-maven and tomcat-maven, that will not work. I'll get those into jasperserver-repo, too.


    I have just noticed that the Spring 2.0-M3 JARs we were accessing on IBiblio have changed. We probably need to add them into the jasperserver-repo in our SourceForge SVN in order to complete the build, or upgrade to Spring 2.0 M4. We will check that out.







    By: Antoine Rey - elryk

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-19 00:45


    I've got the same problem to download in the maven 2 repository the xdoclet-plugins:xdoclet-plugin-hibernate:jar:1.0.4-SNAPSHOT file.

    I try to remove the <plugin> tag that contains the maven2-xdoclet2-plugin artifactId in the the jasperserver-api-implmetadatapom.xml. Compilation is successfull but tests failed due to some hibernate configuration files that are missing. This xdoclet plugin seems to be mandatory.

    May the JasperServer team put this file in jasperserver repository ?

    Thank you,




    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-19 06:52


    We are working every day with the build. These issues come up from time to time, but usually they are intermittent.


    Putting public artifacts like the xdoclet plugin into our repository runs counter to what Maven does.


    I don't know why you are having such problems at this time, when it is working for others.








    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-19 08:29

    Found this very recent posting by Konstantin Pribluda

    at http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.xdoclet-plugins/1726:


    > Im working on fresh deployments right now,

    > and this is combined with fixing of maven-2 build


    > I think fresh deployment of generama is necessary,

    > but there is no m2 pom for now ( and I'm working on it

    > at the moment )


    > You mut be able to chekcout generama / xdoclet and

    > recompile them locally though...


    So the answer to the above problem appears to be: go find this

    plugin and build it from sources. Guess that's just "what Maven

    does", and we certainly don't want to run counter to that! :-)



    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-19 08:11

    > when it is working for others.


    Are you sure it is "working for others"?


    Could someone who has built JasperServer

    "out of the box" and per the instructions in

    the "JasperServer-Source-Code-Build-Guide.pdf"

    ** on a clean Maven2 repository ** please post

    to this thread.


    (Of course those instructions should probably



    "To do a complete build, you will do the

    following steps:


    cd jasperserver/trunk

    mvn install


    Repeat the above command as many times as

    necessary until the build completes successfully.

    You may need to do this over a period of several

    days since the suggested configuration of Maven2

    is susceptible to the state of various servers

    and code distributions out on the Net.")


    Also, no one has yet said where I can download

    this dependency manually, as suggested by the

    Maven2 error message:



    Try downloading the file manually from the project website.


    Then, install it using the command:

    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=xdoclet-plugins -DartifactId=xdoclet-plugin-hibernate

    -Dversion=1.0.4-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file







    By: Daryl - daryld

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-19 11:53

    I managed to build JasperServer. I ran into the same problems with xdoclet-plugin-hibernate. I too couldn't find the version 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT (this was a couple of weeks ago. What I did to work around the problem was download a 1.0.3 version of the jar then I used instructions mvn gives to install it manually. I used '-Dverion=1.0.4-SNAPSHOT' for 1.0.3 file. I don't know what problems this may cause but it seems to have worked for me.


    I also had problems with the tests the mvn runs. I ended up using -Dmaven.test.skip=true




    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-19 12:25

    So I take it that you're not one of the "others"

    that it is "working for" ;-)



    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-20 06:03


    It is not a Maven best practice, but I just committed some additional artifacts to Subversion that should help with the build. Update your settings.xml with this:




    <name>Base repository for Jasper Server</name>

    <url><your local file system>/JasperServer-SF-Repo-trunk</url>









    It is also useful to add mirrors for some of the repositories in your settings.xml, like:





















    We have found Maven really helps us break up the various components so that we can reuse them in different contexts. If you want to avoid the downsides of using the public maven repositories, you can create your own internal repositories.








    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-20 08:34

    Thanks, Sherman. I'll give it a try.


    I'm sure Maven2 is a wonderful tool, once you get used to it.


    However, they don't create a good first impression for newcomers.

    For example, all I wanted to do was build JasperServer from

    sources to do some debugging. There was no ant build.xml file,

    so I had to learn a little about this new (to me) tool called

    Maven2. I followed the intructions in your build document.


    Maven started downloading many megabytes from the Internet, then

    the build failed. Things went by on the screen so fast, that I

    decided to run it again. It downloaded many more megabytes and

    failed with a different message. Hmmm ...


    Another couple of runs and it finally stabilized with the error

    message above - after downloading about 16 megabytes total! OK.

    Suddenly, I was forced into learning a whole lot more about Maven

    than I wanted to. Where did it put all this stuff it needed to

    download? In C:Documents and Settingswstewart.m2. But my $HOME

    was set to C:/wstewart. (I'm running under CygWin.) The Maven

    documentation says it uses the environment variable $HOME to find

    your settings.xml. That's not true. They use the Java system

    property 'user.home'. Under CygWin the two don't necessarily

    agree - you can reset $HOME in your bash start-up (rc) file.


    So I tried the Eclipse maven plugin. 0.0.9 wouldn't work at all

    for me. I backed up to 0.0.5 and got some other error about

    Duplicate projecct ID's (an earlier bug - pre-Maven-2.0.3).


    After going back to command-line 'mvn', and trying to follow

    their suggestion to download and install the dependency manually,

    I couldn't find that .jar anywhere. Meanwhile, I'm being told on

    the "Help" forum that this build works for everyone else.


    My point? If other people have experiences like mine, it might

    be a barrier to wider acceptance of Maven2 and reflect poorly on

    projects that use it. Personally, I think projects would be

    wise to furnish back-up ant build scripts until Maven2 proves

    itself to be more predictable and reliable.




    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-21 06:26


    Believe me, I understand your pain!


    Maven avoids the Ant script from hell. I have worked with other large projects where maintaining the Ant script(s) was taking a huge amount of effort and was very bug prone. We ourselves and I expect the JI community will be extending and customizing the platform for their own needs, while retaining the need to test etc. I am seeing already that this is happening, and I think Maven will help us all.


    Maven2 is a relatively recent upgrade to the original Maven and the documentation is not good. It is the future of Maven, so I made a decision that we should use it rather than the original Maven. I expect the documentation and the range of plugins available for Maven2 to expand and be more stable over time, and we will add details to the JI web site to cover problems that people have with building JI.


    I think the problems with downloading the public artifacts are caused by popularity. As the use of Maven goes up, more folks are downloading and this is sending large amounts of traffic to the public sites that are providing this for free, so they run out of bandwidth. Also there are some single points of failure for particular components. This thread started when the codehaus went down, and folks could not get the required artifacts to build JI. Teodor and I had discussed having our own public Maven repository, not just for JI, but JasperReports as well, but we did not complete the task. We will get back to this in the next couple of weeks.








    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-21 08:27

    Thanks for your thoughtful reply, Sherman.


    I think the *concepts* behind Maven2 are very

    strong. But in practice the tool can be quite

    a suprise to the uninitiated, i.e., those who

    are used to "good ol' ant" or make: Needing

    to run multiple "mvn install" commands before

    you can be sure that a build error is really

    a build error. Needing to be connected to

    the internet to do a build, even after checking

    out your project's code and installing Maven2.


    For example, my Maven2 repository now holds

    95 megabytes of "stuff" and the only thing

    I've used maven to build is JasperServer.

    So imagine my suprise today when I tried to

    do a "mvn clean" on JasperServer when my

    laptop wasn't connected to the net. No go.

    Maven promptly told me I was missing the

    "maven-clean-plugin". I sure hope that

    someday maven will stop needing to download

    stuff in order to just work :-)




    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-21 15:07


    "mvn -o clean install" will run Maven in offline mode. It will use only artifacts in your local repository.


    Your problem with the clean plugin not being there offline when you needed it can't be fixed easily.







    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-21 19:01


    Yes, I'm starting to catch on to the way Maven2 does things. I

    guess the trick is knowing when your local repository is complete

    enough to be able to use the "-o" option for all the required

    build operations on a project.


    BTW, the problem I was having getting the Maven2 Integration with

    Eclipse working (0.0.9) was also caused by my $HOME environment

    variable (= C:/wstewart) being different than the default value

    of the Java system property 'user.home'

    (= C:Documents and Settingswstewart) because of using CygWin

    on Windows XP. Best practice for Unix is to try to keep spaces

    out of directory and file names, so it may not be that unusual

    for CygWin users to rename their $HOME directory to be more

    "Unix-ish" (no spaces, shorter, all lower case). The solution

    was to set -Duser.home=$HOME in the 'mvn' shell script and

    -Duser.home=C:wstewart in eclipse.ini. I can now build

    JasperReports from sources using Maven2 both inside Eclipse

    (for debugging) or outside Eclipse using command-line 'mvn' in

    CygWin bash.


    Some people commented that they were having problems running the

    tests. This is because 'mvn install' drops and rebuilds the

    metadata database (apparently regardless of the setting of

    "metadata.database.generate" in settings.xml), leaving the

    database empty of any metadata. My work-around was to let

    Hibernate drop and create the schema with the "mvn install" that

    fails the tests, then load the 'jasperserver' (metadata) database

    with the sample metadata, after applying the following two



    bash-3.00$ diff -u scripts/jasperserverCreateDefaultSecurity.sql{.orig,}

    --- scripts/jasperserverCreateDefaultSecurity.sql.orig 2006-04-23 05:42:32.000000000 -0700

    +++ scripts/jasperserverCreateDefaultSecurity.sql 2006-06-05 12:11:30.940952000 -0700

    @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@

    select u.id, r.id from User u, Role r where u.username = 'anonymousUser' and r.roleName = 'ROLE_ANONYMOUS';


    INSERT INTO `User` (`username`,`fullname`,`emailAddress`,`password`,`externallyDefined`,`enabled`) VALUES

    - ('jasperadmin','Jasper Administrator',NULL,'newPassword',0,1);

    + ('jasperadmin','Jasper Administrator',NULL,'jasperadmin',0,1);


    INSERT INTO `UserRole` (`userId`,`roleId`)

    select u.id, r.id from User u, Role r where u.username = 'jasperadmin' and r.roleName = 'ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR';

    bash-3.00$ diff -u scripts/jasperserverTestMetadata.sql{.orig,}

    --- scripts/jasperserverTestMetadata.sql.orig 2006-04-23 11:49:18.000000000 -0700

    +++ scripts/jasperserverTestMetadata.sql 2006-06-20 15:18:40.071072300 -0700

    @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@


    /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `JdbcDatasource` DISABLE KEYS */;

    INSERT INTO `JdbcDatasource` (`id`,`driver`,`password`,`connectionUrl`,`username`) VALUES

    - (3,'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver','MyRootPwd','jdbc:mysql://localhost/sugarcrm','root');

    + (3,'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver','jasperadmin','jdbc:mysql://localhost/sugarcrm','jasperadmin');

    /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `JdbcDatasource` ENABLE KEYS */;




    as well as load the 'sugarcrm' database with the sample data provided.

    After also making the following change:


    bash-3.00$ diff -u jasperserver-api-impl/metadata/pom.xml{.orig,}

    --- jasperserver-api-impl/metadata/pom.xml.orig 2006-06-13 19:52:09.624312000 -0700

    +++ jasperserver-api-impl/metadata/pom.xml 2006-06-20 16:02:25.361340300 -0700

    @@ -191,6 +191,7 @@




    + export="false"






    I can then run "mvn install" (which will leave the databases alone).

    All the tests will pass and it will finish building and installing



    The document, "JasperServer-Source-Code-Build-Guide.pdf", is pretty

    disconnected from reality on this score. It refers to a database,

    'foodmart' and script, 'FoodMart-MySQL-032006.sql', that appear to

    no longer be used. It also has the reader running maven commands

    from directories that don't exist:


    cd jasperserver/trunk/jasperserver-repository-hibernate/build-db

    mvn install

    cd jasperserver/trunk/jasperserver-unit-test

    mvn install



    As for my latest experience with Maven2:



    I read the documentation for the maven-compiler-plugin, so

    I just don't understand why:


    mvn -Dmaven.compiler.compilerId="schpliz" compile


    gives me an expected error:


    "No such compiler 'schpliz'."




    mvn -Dmaven.compiler.fork=true -Dmaven.compiler.executable="schpliz" compile


    goes ahead and compiles my project as though I hadn't entered any

    properties at all. ("schpliz" does not exist in either case.)


    mvn -Dmaven.compiler.noSuchProperty=true compile


    gives me a successful build as well.

  18. By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    More on building from sources

    2006-06-26 09:11

    The ireport-plugin does not get built.

    It is not listed as a module in the main

    pom.xml file. I can't find a maven project

    file (pom.xml) or ant build script (build.xml)

    for the IReport plugin. Is it still a

    sub-project of JasperServer?



    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: More on building from sources

    2006-06-26 09:35

    I did find a build.xml file in

    iReport-plugin-0.9.2.zip on the downloads page.

    It does not however seem to correspond with

    what's in the Subversion repository.


    I guess this is really a separate project -

    even though it lives at the same level in

    the Subversion code base as the JasperServer


  19. By: tortois - tortois

    building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-05-16 00:25


    After getting JS svn source codes and installing maven2 (and setting other stuff) I tried to build JS projects.

    As described at some point I run mvn install.

    some elements/artifacts/plugins were downloaded but then I got following messages:


    Downloading: http://snapshots.maven.codehaus.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/doxia/doxia/1.0-alpha-8/doxia-1.0-alpha-8.pom

    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [iNFO] Error building POM (may not be this project's POM).



    Project ID: null:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.0-alpha-8


    Reason: Cannot find parent: org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia for project: null:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.0-alpha-8


    I'm new to maven and it seems it's maven related problem but still...

    maybe someone could give me some advice how to overcome this problem.

    Any hints?




    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-16 16:13

    I'm also having problems building from sources,

    and am also new to Maven2. Not the same error as above. Does not appear to be related to a

    hardware problem at codehaus.org. Here's the



    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [iNFO] Failed to resolve artifact.




    1) xdoclet-plugins:xdoclet-plugin-hibernate:jar:1.0.4-SNAPSHOT


    Try downloading the file manually from the project website.


    Then, install it using the command:

    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=xdoclet-plugins -DartifactId=xdoclet-plugin-hibernate

    -Dversion=1.0.4-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file


    Path to dependency:

    1) xdoclet:maven2-xdoclet2-plugin:maven-plugin:2.0.5-20060117.143439-6

    2) xdoclet-plugins:xdoclet-plugin-hibernate:jar:1.0.4-SNAPSHOT



    1 required artifact is missing.


    for artifact:



    from the specified remote repositories:

    Maven Snapshots (http://snapshots.maven.codehaus.org/maven2/),

    central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2),

    codehaus-plugins (http://dist.codehaus.org/),

    codehaus-legacy (http://dist.codehaus.org/),

    dist.codehaus.org (http://dist.codehaus.org),

    apache (http://cvs.apache.org/repository/)




    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-17 06:49


    This will happen now and again due to the public repositories being overloaded. Have you tried 2 or 3 times?


    One thing to try is deleting your ~/.m2/repository/xdoclet and xdoclet-plugins directories and letting Maven2 refresh them.








    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-18 20:01

    Yes, I tried more than 2 or 3 times, many more.

    I have been unable to find that package even

    searching manually. Has anyone at JasperSoft

    tried building recently with a clean maven



    My first impressions of maven are not positive.

    I have an SCM background and the build tool is

    critical to configuration management. However,

    builds w/ maven appear to be non-deterministic.

    The first time I built JasperServer, the build

    failed with a message about freechart. I reran

    it and it downloaded a *bunch* more stuff from

    the internet, then failed in a different spot.

    It finally seems to have converged on this

    error, even after trying the "legacy" fix

    posted in the mailing list.


    I have tried w/ clean repository several times.

    I was going to download & install it into the

    repository manually but couldn't find that

    1.0.4 SNAPSHOT jar version anywhere.


    Perhaps that package will show up on a web site

    soon and my build will start magically working?




    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-05-16 06:26


    Maven relies on public repositories (web sites) for JARs etc. There is a hardware problem with the Codehaus repository which makes it inaccessible. Here are some workarounds to add into your Maven ~/.m2/settings.xml.

























    There are some Codehaus plugins, dependency-maven and tomcat-maven, that will not work. I'll get those into jasperserver-repo, too.


    I have just noticed that the Spring 2.0-M3 JARs we were accessing on IBiblio have changed. We probably need to add them into the jasperserver-repo in our SourceForge SVN in order to complete the build, or upgrade to Spring 2.0 M4. We will check that out.







    By: Antoine Rey - elryk

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-19 00:45


    I've got the same problem to download in the maven 2 repository the xdoclet-plugins:xdoclet-plugin-hibernate:jar:1.0.4-SNAPSHOT file.

    I try to remove the <plugin> tag that contains the maven2-xdoclet2-plugin artifactId in the the jasperserver-api-implmetadatapom.xml. Compilation is successfull but tests failed due to some hibernate configuration files that are missing. This xdoclet plugin seems to be mandatory.

    May the JasperServer team put this file in jasperserver repository ?

    Thank you,




    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-19 06:52


    We are working every day with the build. These issues come up from time to time, but usually they are intermittent.


    Putting public artifacts like the xdoclet plugin into our repository runs counter to what Maven does.


    I don't know why you are having such problems at this time, when it is working for others.








    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-19 08:29

    Found this very recent posting by Konstantin Pribluda

    at http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.xdoclet-plugins/1726:


    > Im working on fresh deployments right now,

    > and this is combined with fixing of maven-2 build


    > I think fresh deployment of generama is necessary,

    > but there is no m2 pom for now ( and I'm working on it

    > at the moment )


    > You mut be able to chekcout generama / xdoclet and

    > recompile them locally though...


    So the answer to the above problem appears to be: go find this

    plugin and build it from sources. Guess that's just "what Maven

    does", and we certainly don't want to run counter to that! :-)



    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-19 08:11

    > when it is working for others.


    Are you sure it is "working for others"?


    Could someone who has built JasperServer

    "out of the box" and per the instructions in

    the "JasperServer-Source-Code-Build-Guide.pdf"

    ** on a clean Maven2 repository ** please post

    to this thread.


    (Of course those instructions should probably



    "To do a complete build, you will do the

    following steps:


    cd jasperserver/trunk

    mvn install


    Repeat the above command as many times as

    necessary until the build completes successfully.

    You may need to do this over a period of several

    days since the suggested configuration of Maven2

    is susceptible to the state of various servers

    and code distributions out on the Net.")


    Also, no one has yet said where I can download

    this dependency manually, as suggested by the

    Maven2 error message:



    Try downloading the file manually from the project website.


    Then, install it using the command:

    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=xdoclet-plugins -DartifactId=xdoclet-plugin-hibernate

    -Dversion=1.0.4-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file







    By: Daryl - daryld

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-19 11:53

    I managed to build JasperServer. I ran into the same problems with xdoclet-plugin-hibernate. I too couldn't find the version 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT (this was a couple of weeks ago. What I did to work around the problem was download a 1.0.3 version of the jar then I used instructions mvn gives to install it manually. I used '-Dverion=1.0.4-SNAPSHOT' for 1.0.3 file. I don't know what problems this may cause but it seems to have worked for me.


    I also had problems with the tests the mvn runs. I ended up using -Dmaven.test.skip=true




    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-19 12:25

    So I take it that you're not one of the "others"

    that it is "working for" ;-)



    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-20 06:03


    It is not a Maven best practice, but I just committed some additional artifacts to Subversion that should help with the build. Update your settings.xml with this:




    <name>Base repository for Jasper Server</name>

    <url><your local file system>/JasperServer-SF-Repo-trunk</url>









    It is also useful to add mirrors for some of the repositories in your settings.xml, like:





















    We have found Maven really helps us break up the various components so that we can reuse them in different contexts. If you want to avoid the downsides of using the public maven repositories, you can create your own internal repositories.








    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-20 08:34

    Thanks, Sherman. I'll give it a try.


    I'm sure Maven2 is a wonderful tool, once you get used to it.


    However, they don't create a good first impression for newcomers.

    For example, all I wanted to do was build JasperServer from

    sources to do some debugging. There was no ant build.xml file,

    so I had to learn a little about this new (to me) tool called

    Maven2. I followed the intructions in your build document.


    Maven started downloading many megabytes from the Internet, then

    the build failed. Things went by on the screen so fast, that I

    decided to run it again. It downloaded many more megabytes and

    failed with a different message. Hmmm ...


    Another couple of runs and it finally stabilized with the error

    message above - after downloading about 16 megabytes total! OK.

    Suddenly, I was forced into learning a whole lot more about Maven

    than I wanted to. Where did it put all this stuff it needed to

    download? In C:Documents and Settingswstewart.m2. But my $HOME

    was set to C:/wstewart. (I'm running under CygWin.) The Maven

    documentation says it uses the environment variable $HOME to find

    your settings.xml. That's not true. They use the Java system

    property 'user.home'. Under CygWin the two don't necessarily

    agree - you can reset $HOME in your bash start-up (rc) file.


    So I tried the Eclipse maven plugin. 0.0.9 wouldn't work at all

    for me. I backed up to 0.0.5 and got some other error about

    Duplicate projecct ID's (an earlier bug - pre-Maven-2.0.3).


    After going back to command-line 'mvn', and trying to follow

    their suggestion to download and install the dependency manually,

    I couldn't find that .jar anywhere. Meanwhile, I'm being told on

    the "Help" forum that this build works for everyone else.


    My point? If other people have experiences like mine, it might

    be a barrier to wider acceptance of Maven2 and reflect poorly on

    projects that use it. Personally, I think projects would be

    wise to furnish back-up ant build scripts until Maven2 proves

    itself to be more predictable and reliable.




    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-21 06:26


    Believe me, I understand your pain!


    Maven avoids the Ant script from hell. I have worked with other large projects where maintaining the Ant script(s) was taking a huge amount of effort and was very bug prone. We ourselves and I expect the JI community will be extending and customizing the platform for their own needs, while retaining the need to test etc. I am seeing already that this is happening, and I think Maven will help us all.


    Maven2 is a relatively recent upgrade to the original Maven and the documentation is not good. It is the future of Maven, so I made a decision that we should use it rather than the original Maven. I expect the documentation and the range of plugins available for Maven2 to expand and be more stable over time, and we will add details to the JI web site to cover problems that people have with building JI.


    I think the problems with downloading the public artifacts are caused by popularity. As the use of Maven goes up, more folks are downloading and this is sending large amounts of traffic to the public sites that are providing this for free, so they run out of bandwidth. Also there are some single points of failure for particular components. This thread started when the codehaus went down, and folks could not get the required artifacts to build JI. Teodor and I had discussed having our own public Maven repository, not just for JI, but JasperReports as well, but we did not complete the task. We will get back to this in the next couple of weeks.








    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-21 08:27

    Thanks for your thoughtful reply, Sherman.


    I think the *concepts* behind Maven2 are very

    strong. But in practice the tool can be quite

    a suprise to the uninitiated, i.e., those who

    are used to "good ol' ant" or make: Needing

    to run multiple "mvn install" commands before

    you can be sure that a build error is really

    a build error. Needing to be connected to

    the internet to do a build, even after checking

    out your project's code and installing Maven2.


    For example, my Maven2 repository now holds

    95 megabytes of "stuff" and the only thing

    I've used maven to build is JasperServer.

    So imagine my suprise today when I tried to

    do a "mvn clean" on JasperServer when my

    laptop wasn't connected to the net. No go.

    Maven promptly told me I was missing the

    "maven-clean-plugin". I sure hope that

    someday maven will stop needing to download

    stuff in order to just work :-)




    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-21 15:07


    "mvn -o clean install" will run Maven in offline mode. It will use only artifacts in your local repository.


    Your problem with the clean plugin not being there offline when you needed it can't be fixed easily.







    By: W. Stewart - wstewart

    RE: building js from sources - maven problem

    2006-06-21 19:01


    Yes, I'm starting to catch on to the way Maven2 does things. I

    guess the trick is knowing when your local repository is complete

    enough to be able to use the "-o" option for all the required

    build operations on a project.


    BTW, the problem I was having getting the Maven2 Integration with

    Eclipse working (0.0.9) was also caused by my $HOME environment

    variable (= C:/wstewart) being different than the default value

    of the Java system property 'user.home'

    (= C:Documents and Settingswstewart) because of using CygWin

    on Windows XP. Best practice for Unix is to try to keep spaces

    out of directory and file names, so it may not be that unusual

    for CygWin users to rename their $HOME directory to be more

    "Unix-ish" (no spaces, shorter, all lower case). The solution

    was to set -Duser.home=$HOME in the 'mvn' shell script and

    -Duser.home=C:wstewart in eclipse.ini. I can now build

    JasperReports from sources using Maven2 both inside Eclipse

    (for debugging) or outside Eclipse using command-line 'mvn' in

    CygWin bash.


    Some people commented that they were having problems running the

    tests. This is because 'mvn install' drops and rebuilds the

    metadata database (apparently regardless of the setting of

    "metadata.database.generate" in settings.xml), leaving the

    database empty of any metadata. My work-around was to let

    Hibernate drop and create the schema with the "mvn install" that

    fails the tests, then load the 'jasperserver' (metadata) database

    with the sample metadata, after applying the following two



    bash-3.00$ diff -u scripts/jasperserverCreateDefaultSecurity.sql{.orig,}

    --- scripts/jasperserverCreateDefaultSecurity.sql.orig 2006-04-23 05:42:32.000000000 -0700

    +++ scripts/jasperserverCreateDefaultSecurity.sql 2006-06-05 12:11:30.940952000 -0700

    @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@

    select u.id, r.id from User u, Role r where u.username = 'anonymousUser' and r.roleName = 'ROLE_ANONYMOUS';


    INSERT INTO `User` (`username`,`fullname`,`emailAddress`,`password`,`externallyDefined`,`enabled`) VALUES

    - ('jasperadmin','Jasper Administrator',NULL,'newPassword',0,1);

    + ('jasperadmin','Jasper Administrator',NULL,'jasperadmin',0,1);


    INSERT INTO `UserRole` (`userId`,`roleId`)

    select u.id, r.id from User u, Role r where u.username = 'jasperadmin' and r.roleName = 'ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR';

    bash-3.00$ diff -u scripts/jasperserverTestMetadata.sql{.orig,}

    --- scripts/jasperserverTestMetadata.sql.orig 2006-04-23 11:49:18.000000000 -0700

    +++ scripts/jasperserverTestMetadata.sql 2006-06-20 15:18:40.071072300 -0700

    @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@


    /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `JdbcDatasource` DISABLE KEYS */;

    INSERT INTO `JdbcDatasource` (`id`,`driver`,`password`,`connectionUrl`,`username`) VALUES

    - (3,'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver','MyRootPwd','jdbc:mysql://localhost/sugarcrm','root');

    + (3,'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver','jasperadmin','jdbc:mysql://localhost/sugarcrm','jasperadmin');

    /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `JdbcDatasource` ENABLE KEYS */;




    as well as load the 'sugarcrm' database with the sample data provided.

    After also making the following change:


    bash-3.00$ diff -u jasperserver-api-impl/metadata/pom.xml{.orig,}

    --- jasperserver-api-impl/metadata/pom.xml.orig 2006-06-13 19:52:09.624312000 -0700

    +++ jasperserver-api-impl/metadata/pom.xml 2006-06-20 16:02:25.361340300 -0700

    @@ -191,6 +191,7 @@




    + export="false"






    I can then run "mvn install" (which will leave the databases alone).

    All the tests will pass and it will finish building and installing



    The document, "JasperServer-Source-Code-Build-Guide.pdf", is pretty

    disconnected from reality on this score. It refers to a database,

    'foodmart' and script, 'FoodMart-MySQL-032006.sql', that appear to

    no longer be used. It also has the reader running maven commands

    from directories that don't exist:


    cd jasperserver/trunk/jasperserver-repository-hibernate/build-db

    mvn install

    cd jasperserver/trunk/jasperserver-unit-test

    mvn install



    As for my latest experience with Maven2:



    I read the documentation for the maven-compiler-plugin, so

    I just don't understand why:


    mvn -Dmaven.compiler.compilerId="schpliz" compile


    gives me an expected error:


    "No such compiler 'schpliz'."




    mvn -Dmaven.compiler.fork=true -Dmaven.compiler.executable="schpliz" compile


    goes ahead and compiles my project as though I hadn't entered any

    properties at all. ("schpliz" does not exist in either case.)


    mvn -Dmaven.compiler.noSuchProperty=true compile


    gives me a successful build as well.

  20. By: emredincer - emredincer

    dynamic list of values

    2006-06-20 23:45

    Dear All,

    I need a list of values where the user will choose one of the project codes and get the overview report for that project.

    Every project has a name and unique id and its stored in mysql.

    is there a way to populate the list from the datasource?


    best regards




    By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

    RE: dynamic list of values

    2006-06-21 05:59




    This will be available in upcoming releases.

    Not the immediate next one that we are preparing right now though.


    Thank you,


  21. By: Kevin Conyers - kaptnk207

    [0.92] Oracle JDBC problem

    2006-06-16 15:31



    Have a simple report working within iReport against an Oracle 7.34 db using the older classes12.jar JDBC driver (older JDBC needed due to old Oracle server). However, when I try to run the report from within JasperServer I get the following error message:


    org.springframework.webflow.ActionExecutionException: Exception thrown executing [AnnotatedAction@fc4957 targetAction = com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ViewReportAction@1330af4, attributes = map[[empty]]] in state 'verifyData' of flow 'viewReportFlow'; nested exception is com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: Error creating connection.


    The trace goes on for a bit but at the end it has:

    Caused by: org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot get a connection, pool exhausted at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource.getConnection(PoolingDataSource.java:103) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.service.impl.JdbcDataSourceService.createConnection(JdbcDataSourceService.java:50) ... 79 more Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: Could not create a validated object, cause: setReadOnly: Read-only connections not supported at org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(GenericObjectPool.java:806) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource.getConnection(PoolingDataSource.java:95) ... 80 more


    I did a quick google and found something similar for some other software:




    Seems to suggest that the older Oracle JDBC drivers don't support read only mode. Any ideas on how to get around this?





    By: Kevin Conyers - kaptnk207

    RE: [0.92] Oracle JDBC problem

    2006-06-19 05:31

    After a bit more experimentation I've got it working by creating a database link in the Oracle 8.1.7 server though to the Oracle 7.3.4 server and used the JDBC driver. Bit of a kludge but it works for now.



    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: [0.92] Oracle JDBC problem

    2006-06-19 06:46


    Can you try setting up a data source with this driver? Maybe there are more options you can set there to get around this problem.








    By: Kevin Conyers - kaptnk207

    RE: [0.92] Oracle JDBC problem

    2006-06-19 02:42

    Done some more digging. The latest Oracle JDC driver that works against Oracle 7.3.4 server is If I use this in iReport 1.2.3 it seems to have problems getting the field names. In the Report Query dialog all the fields are there if you look at field types but the field names are mostly missing.


    Tested the connection against an Oracle 8.1.7 server and that doesn't seem to have the same problem. Upgrading the Oracle server isn't an option at the moment.


    Any help much appreciated.



    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: [0.92] Oracle JDBC problem

    2006-06-19 06:47

    This is an iReport problem, rather than a JasperServer one. Can you get help on the iReport forums?






  22. By: emredincer - emredincer

    help with DATE fields

    2006-06-16 01:12

    I have two date fields in mysql(START_DATE,END_DATE) and i need to create a report where i will display records between a given startDate and endDate.I define input controls for these two dates of type date however jasperserver does not accept date formats as mysql the db holds...(YYYY-MM-DD)


    I can not use texts since i need comparison like(>=startDate AND <=endDate)


    any suggestions..

    best regards

    emre dincer



    By: Javy Dreamer - javydreamercsw

    RE: help with DATE fields

    2006-06-16 10:20

    I see no problem at all.

    A condition like this one:




    For more details:


  23. By: Karan - karanbhalla

    Cant Run my own dynamic reports

    2006-06-08 05:15


    i created a .jxml file using iReport-1.2.2 and which takes a string parameter on prompt,passes that parameter into the report query on my MYSQL db and generates the corresponding report.Now when i run the report inside iReport for preview,everything runs fine,but when i upload the report unit in report server, declare the textfield shich takes the same paramater as input,it gives the following error :


    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No eventId could be obtained: make sure the client provides the '_eventId' parameter as input along with the '_flowExecutionKey' parameter; the parameters provided for this request were:map['folder' -> '/PepsiCup', 'report' -> '', '_flowExecutionKey' -> '_s7DBBC318-E135-C857-0B21-9604DE7A5BE4_c432C6F7D-87A6-A8DA-0B58-EC8B98993F7C', '_flowId' -> 'repositoryFlow', 'Databases' -> 'mysql']


    well,m using jasperserver-.9.9.2 and used the windows installer for installing the tomcat and the MYSQL server along with that. The problem is that when i upload a report which does not take any interactive input, works fine. but the 1 where i give parameter input, does not.


    any help will be welcome




    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: Cant Run my own dynamic reports

    2006-06-11 04:41


    Have you changed the repository/defaultView.jsp or FillParams.jsp?







    By: Karan - karanbhalla

    RE: Cant Run my own dynamic reports

    2006-06-08 21:45


    i read in a previous post that there is some bug relating to the input parameters. This is really urgent since my application is going live in a couple of days and i need to know if this problem could be solved or not. And if it can be solved, then how??


    Thanks in advance




    By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

    RE: Cant Run my own dynamic reports

    2006-06-11 04:44


    The issues with parameters in the 0.9.2 release are that parameters passed by the URL were not included (still outstanding) and selection from a list of values was not working (fixed now).








    By: Karan - karanbhalla

    RE: Cant Run my own dynamic reports

    2006-06-11 22:29

    I have not made any changes to "repository/defaultView.jsp or FillParams.jsp". Do i need to make any changes to this file? If yes, what changes?

    I read a previous post rgarding passing parameters directly through URL and it did not work for me. The selection through a list of values is also not working.


    Do you say that the 3rd option of passing the parameters through a text field should work?? Because that also is not working for me. Can you tell me the fixes to this problem because i have finished making my reports using iReports and all my work is stalled because of this small problem.

    Can you tell me when the new release is due?






    By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh

    RE: Cant Run my own dynamic reports

    2006-06-14 11:44



    The next release is due thursday June 22nd.





    By: Karan - karanbhalla

    RE: Cant Run my own dynamic reports

    2006-06-14 22:45

    hey tony..

    thanks for the info..



  24. By: ibisabel - ibisabel

    subreport resource

    2006-06-13 13:30

    hey - I just started using JasperServer 0.92

    and I'm attempting to add a sub-report as a resource to a report, but I don't see where or how to do it. The users guide specifies that there should be a prompt when creating a new report unit, but I've not seen such an option.

    can someone plese let me know how to do this?




    By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh

    RE: subreport resource

    2006-06-13 15:40



    The main jasperreport (jrxml) needs to specify the sub-report which is also, of course, a jasperreport (jrxml).


    The User Guide has a section that walks through the creation of a "simple report unit". The next section walks through the creation of a "complex report unit". This one uses the sample jasperreport SalesByMonth. This jasperreport uses a sub-report SalesByMonthDetail.


    When creating the new report unit in JasperServer, after loading the "main jasperreport" (via file browse) the user is prompted to enter the resources that are immediately known to be needed. So, you should get prompted for any sub-reports that the main report needs.


    You would load the sub-report via clicking the "Add Now" link to the right of the listed sub-report resource (you will get prompted with a file system browse dialog).


    Take a look at the user guide section "create a complex report unit" and also take a look at the actual jrxml for the SaleByMonth report (and how it defines the sub-report).


    Also, let me know if you still have trouble.





    By: ibisabel - ibisabel

    RE: subreport resource

    2006-06-14 14:41

    Thanks Tony. I got it to work.


    I ended up looking at the JRXML for the SalesByMonth as you suggested and noticed that the subreport parameter expression used "repo:SalesByMonthDetail". Once I changed my report to use the "repo:" denoter in iReport the JasperServer subreport prompt appeared.

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