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  1. Hello shanthu, Thank you for your reply. I use Oracle 10 g for my database and jasper reports 3.0. I provided necessary commons jars,itext and struts dependency jars for my project. When I try to compile the jrxml created using ireport designer, I got the FileNotFoundException The System can not find the path specified error. I have linked my java source file along with reply. Help me to solve this problem Regards, Ramesh K
  2. Hello shanthu, Thank you for your reply. I use Oracle 10 g for my database and jasper reports 3.0. I provided necessary commons jars,itext and struts dependency jars for my project. When I try to compile the jrxml created using ireport designer, I got the FileNotFoundException The System can not find the path specified error. I have linked my java source file along with reply. Help me to solve this problem Regards, Ramesh K [file name=BPCUsersReportAction.txt size=31264] Post edited by: rameshmca, at: 2008/07/08 14:08
  3. Hello shanthu, Thank you for your reply. I use Oracle 10 g for my database and jasper reports 3.0. I provided necessary commons jars,itext and struts dependency jars for my project. When I try to compile the jrxml created using ireport designer, I got the FileNotFoundException The System can not find the path specified error. I have linked my java source file along with reply. Help me to solve this problem Regards, Ramesh K
  4. Hello shanthu, Thank you for your reply. I use Oracle 10 g for my database and jasper reports 3.0. I provided necessary commons jars,itext and struts dependency jars for my project. When I try to compile the jrxml created using ireport designer, I got the FileNotFoundException The System can not find the path specified error. I have linked my java source file along with reply. Help me to solve this problem Regards, Ramesh K Post edited by: rameshmca, at: 2008/07/08 14:04
  5. Hi everyone, In my Struts 2 application I got the error as FileNotFoundException when I try to compile the jrxml fileas follows, String reportTemplateFilePath="/reports/SimpleBPC.jrxml"; String compiledReportFileName=JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(reportTemplateFilePath); In this line I got the error as net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: reportsSimpleBPC.jrxml (The system cannot find the path specified) I stored SimpleBPC.jrxml in D: KRamesh JasperSample web reports SimpleBPC.jrxml How can I retrieve the jrxml file from the above path, please provide the code. Regards, Ramesh K Post edited by: rameshmca, at: 2008/07/07 22:56
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