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Posts posted by Henry

  1. Hello together,

    Many time when i open and choose a color in the "Color Box" the iReport UI hangs,  means no response. I can move the mouse but i can't click something. I have to kill the netbeans process and start netbeans again.

    "Color Box" means box where i can choose the color for "Chart - Series Color" or "conditional Style - Backcolor".

    This happens sometimes if i choose a Chart Series Color and nearly every time if i chose a color for a conditional Style Backcolor.

    I use  NetBeans 7.0.1 and the iReport plugins 4.1.3 on a OpenSuse 11.2 System (64bit)  and java 1.6.0_24.

    If someone who knows this problem and maybe a solution for it?

    Regards, Henry

  2. Hello,

    some weeks ago i have sucessful updated to jasper server 4.2.1. Everthing works fine.

    No i want create some new reports and uplod the jrxml files but i can't do it because in the "add resource" menu there is no option "add file".

    Add the moment i'm to confused and im not sure if this a jasper server problem or i'm to stupid to found it.

    Can someone help me please.

    I'm logged in as administrator.

    Regards, Henry

  3. It works now :-)

    It was my fault, I forgot to remark the line

    <!-- <ref local="asciiEscapingPathProcessor"/> -->




    i use in older JS version the asciiEscapingPathProcessor for the filePathProcessor for export/inport files in the jasperserver.

    For to do this i use the buildomatic scripts

    ./js-ant export-ce -DexportFile=$ExportDir -DexportArgs="--uris=/OVOReports,/Management_Ratios,/MyUtilities"

    i have changed the 

    /buildomatic/conf_source/ieCe/applicationContext-export-import.xml file to activate the asciiEscapingPathProcessor


    <bean id="filePathProcessor" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.io.PathProcessorChain">

    <property name="processors">


    <ref local="asciiEscapingPathProcessor"/>

    <ref local="fileSeparatorPathProcessor"/>






    t it looks that it dosen't work, because i have again the "unicode chars" _OVOReports-002dA2Landscape.xml in the file name.

    Any idea what i make wrong?

    Regards, Henry




    Post Edited by Henry at 10/26/2011 08:35
  4.  @jlbenoit

    I'm sure that are more changes between the different version of jrxml files that only the split part.

    I found in the jasperreports-project archive the demo/sample/antupdate

    I have copied all my reports in the 

    demo/sample/antupdate/reports directory

    and then i started an ant call

    ant test

    after this all my reports are converted and copied in the  

    demo/samples/antupdate/build/reports directory.


    Now i can compile all my reports without any warning :-)


  5.  Hello

    if ther an other way to convert old jrxml files instead open and save with iReport? I have hundreds of jrxml files that i want to convert to the acual version.

    an example:

    old jrxml file with 

    <band height="0"  isSplitAllowed="true" >



    During the compilation i got a messages 

    WARNING: The 'isSplitAllowed' attribute is deprecated. Use the 'splitType' attribute instead.

    If i save the jrxml file with iReport the Split part is converted to

     <band splitType="Stretch"/>

    How can i do this for all my jrxml files without to open&save each file manually?
    If there a java class that do this an i can use in a small jave program?
    Regards, Henry
  6. Hello together,

    at the moment I try to install JasperServer 4.0 with MySQL 5.5 and I found some problems.

    1. maxValue are a reserved word in MySQL 5.5

    => I changed the related files inside <js-install>/buildomatic/install_resources/sql/mysql

          maxValue                          =>             `maxValue`

    2. type=InnoDB in the create table statements

    => I changed the related files inside <js-install>/buildomatic/install_resources/sql/mysql

          type=InnoDB;                   =>                  engine=InnoDB;

          TYPE=InnoDB;                =>                  ENGINE=InnoDB;

    Now, the installation process (js-install-ce.sh minimal) finished successful and jasperserver application started with tomcat and I can login.


    Are there other known problems with using MySQL 5.5?


    Regards, Henry


  7. Hello together,

    I use iReport (3.74) with NetBeans 6.5.1. Long time I try to change to an newer version of NetBeans. But there is on problem. I can't open a exiting report (jrxml-file) with version from NetBeans after 6.5.1. If I open an exiting report with "File/Open File" then nothing happens. Also NB 6.5.1 the "Report Inspector" Windows opened on the left side and the report window in the middle.

    Today I try it with NetBeans 6.9.1, but the same problem. I can't open an exiting report. I play a little bit with NetBeans and add the root-directory / to the Favorites and try to open the report over the Favorite-List instead of "File/Open File". And for my big surprise this works. :-)

    I don't now what's the different to open a report with "File/Open File" and to open the report with the Favorites-List but it works. :-)

    Regards, Henry


    Hello together,

    how I can change/update the jasperreports version inside the jasperserver?


    I use jasperserver 3.7.0 with the shipped jasperreports 3.7.0 files? Can I change the jasperreports files with the new jasperreports 3.7.4 files?


    “Inside” jasperserver I can find this files:


    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2635708 Jan  8  2010 jasperreports-

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  149798 Dec 11  2009 jasperreports-chart-themes-3.7.0.jar

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2480050 Dec 11  2009 jasperreports-fonts-3.7.0.jar

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   48198 Dec 11  2009 jasperreports-ofc-3.7.0.jar


    This files I can yound in the jasperreports-3.7.5 project archive


    -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 3021027 Jul 20 14:51 jasperreports-3.7.4.jar

    -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000  435797 Jul 20 14:51 jasperreports-applet-3.7.4.jar

    -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 2478084 Jul 20 14:51 jasperreports-fonts-3.7.4.jar

    -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 3063589 Jul 20 14:51 jasperreports-javaflow-3.7.4.jar


    If there a standard way to keep the jasperreport version inside jasperserver up-to-date?


    Regards, Henry


    Post Edited by Henry at 07/26/2010 13:08
  9.  Hello,

    i try to export my jasperser configuration with the js-export.sh script. It needs hours.

    The most of the data in the jasperserver databases are the jiaccessevent table (1,5 GB Size and 3,8 GB Index).

    Can i truncate this table without problems like the jirepositorycache table?

    Everytime when i start the jasperserver database i make a truncate on the jirepositorycache table bevore i start the tomcat. II want to do it also for the jiaccessevent  table.

    Which other table can i truncate from time to time for to reduce the database size?

    Regards, Henry

    Post Edited by Henry at 05/03/2010 13:00
  10. Hello,

    i need to supress some lines in a timeserie report. I won't rebuild the report/query. Is it possible to supresse some lines from the timeserie output?

    The lines are defined by  "Series expression"like you can see in Test1.jpg. It works fine like this. Now i want supress some lines. I try it like you can see in Test2.jpg but it doesn't worked.

    Regards, Henry


    Post Edited by Henry at 01/05/2010 15:51
  11. a) iReport 3.7.0 standalone => i can create/open reports, i don't know how i can build java classes

    b) netbeans 6.5.1 + ireport 3.7.0 plugins => i can create/open reports and i can build java classes

    c) netbeans 6.7.1 + ireport 3.7.0 plugins => i can create/open reports and i can build java classes

    d) netbeans 6.8 + ireport 3.7.0 plugins => i can't open reports but i can build java classes

    So, my solution for the moment is c) netbeans 6.7.1 + ireport 3.7.0 plugins

    Regards, Henry



  12. Hi,

    one of the problems looks are the combination of iReport Plugin 3.7.0 an Netbeans 6.8. In NB 6.8 nothing happens if i open a report file (.jrxml)

    The same plugins in Netbeans 6.5 works. If i open a report file the report designer and other report windows are open.

    If there a solution/fix how i can use the ireport plugins with Netbeans 6.8?

    Regards, Henry

  13. Hello togehter,

    In the past I have build my report with ireport-3.0.0 classic and the necessary java classes with eclipse.

    Now I try to migrate my reports and java classes to ireport-3.7.0.

    It was easy to move the java classes to netbeans and it was also easy to move the reports to ireport-3.7.0. First of all, I miss and I need the massive compiler in ireport-3.7.0.

    But like before I have two applications for the reports and the classes.

    Till now I don't found the way how I can build java classes in ireport-3.7.0 (netbeans work behind it, so I think it must possible) or to build reports with netbeans and the ireport plugins.

    Inside netbeans I found only the "Welcome to iReport" window from that I can build new reports. But how I can open existing reports? "File/Open File" doesn't work.

    Inside iReport-3.7.0 I can open only reports. I don't found a way how I can open a java class project.

    Maybe some of my questions looks very stupid, but now  I have no idea how I can build both (reports and java classes) in one tool.

    Regards, Henry


    Post Edited by Henry at 12/16/2009 09:51
  14. Hello,

    since i changed from iReport 2.04 to a higher version I have this problem. Also with iReport-nb 3.14.

    Now i figured out a "solution" that works fine for me.

    The Problem are the double quotes that enclosed the file name.

    Executing: /usr/bin/acroread "/OVOReports/work/iReport-nb/reports/Test/Test.pdf"

    The way like iReport calls the viewers, the viewers interpreted the double quotes as a part of the file name.

    It works if you call the viewer manually from a shell. Because the shell interprets and removes the double quotes.

    I have wrote a small shell script that removes the double qoutes and calls the viewer.


    # CallViewer.sh


    Viewer=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^"//' | sed -e 's/"$//'`

    File=`echo $2 | sed -e 's/^"//' | sed -e 's/"$//'`


    "$Viewer" "$File" &


    Inside iReport I configured CallViewer.sh with the viewer as argument.

    /OVOReports/work/Scripts/CallViewer.sh "/usr/bin/acroread"

    iReport added the file name on the end (with enclosed double quotes)

    Executing: /OVOReports/work/Scripts/CallViewer.sh "/usr/bin/acroread" "/OVOReports/work/iReport-nb/reports/Test/Test.pdf"

    CallViewer.sh removes the double quotes from the first and second argument (Viewer and File) and calls as a shell script the viewer with the file name. Note that the double quotes in "$Viewer" "$File" & interpreted by the shell and not part from the arguments.

    Regards, Henry


  15. startet from 0_test_ir-3.0.0_jr-3.0.1.jpeg, iReport 3.0.0 with jasperreports-3.0.1.jar, jfreechart-1.0.6.jar ,jcommon-1.0.10.jar


    2_test_ir-3.0.0_jr-3.1.0.jpeg, iReport 3.0.0 with jasperreports-3.1.0.jar, jfreechart-1.0.6.jar, jcommon-1.0.10.jar

    the X-Axis Label Rotation changed to 0


    3_test_ir-3.0.0_jr-3.1.2.jpeg, iReport 3.0.0 with jasperreports-3.1.2.jar, jfreechart-1.0.6.jar, jcommon-1.0.10.jar

    the X-Axis Label Rotation changed to 0


    4_test_ir-3.0.0_jr-3.1.3.jpeg, iReport 3.0.0 with jasperreports-3.1.3.jar, jfreechart-1.0.6.jar, jcommon-1.0.10.jar

    the X-Axis Label Rotation changed to 0 and one of the Y-Axis switched to the right side of the diagramm


    5_test_ir-3.0.0_jr-3.1.4.jpeg, iReport 3.0.0 with jasperreports-3.1.4.jar, jfreechart-1.0.6.jar, jcommon-1.0.10.jar

    the X-Axis Label Rotation changed to 0 and one of the Y-Axis switched to the right side of the diagramm


    For the Y-Axis position, something change from jasperreports-3.1.2.jar to jasperreports-3.1.3.jar.

    I can change the Y-Axis position parameter in the report between "left or top" and right or bottom", this has no effect if i used jasperreports-3.1.3 or jasperreports-3.1.4.jar. This happens with the "old" jfreechart-1.0.6.jar ,jcommon-1.0.10.jar or the "new" jfreechart-1.0.12.jar, jcommon-1.0.15.jar or iReport-nb 3.1.4 with the shipped libs (jfreechart-1.0.12.jar, jcommon-1.0.15.jar).


    Regards, Henry


    Post Edited by Henry Rolofs at 03/13/09 12:37
  16. At the moment i work with

    a) iReport 3.0.0 with jasperreports-3.0.1.jar, jfreechart-1.0.6.jar, jcommon-1.0.10.jar

    and the actual verision from

    b) iReport-nb 3.1.4,jasperreports-3.1.4.jar, jfreechart-1.0.12.jar, jcommon-1.0.15.jar


    Attached pictures

    0_test_ir-3.0.0_jr-3.0.1.jpeg, Report  with "a" (iReport 3.0.0 with jasperreports-3.0.1.jar, jfreechart-1.0.6.jar, jcommon-1.0.10.jar)

    1_test_ir-3.1.4-nb_jr-3.1.4.jpeg, Report with "b" (iReport-nb 3.1.4,jasperreports-3.1.4.jar, jfreechart-1.0.12.jar, jcommon-1.0.15.jar)


    The differents are

    1. the 2. Y-Axis is switch to the right side

    2. the X-Axis Lable rotation switched from 45 to 0 degress

    3. the grid lines are not visible


    I have done some tests with different version of jfreechart.jar, jcommon.jar and jasperreports.jar.


    3. "the grid lines are not visible" is happens when i changed the jfreechart-1.0.6.jar, jcommon-1.0.10.jar to jfreechart-1.0.12.jar, jcommon-1.0.15.jar


    1. and 2. are happens when i change the jasperreports.jar version.



    In the next post are some pictures about the changes.

    Post Edited by Henry Rolofs at 03/13/09 12:21
  17. Hello together,

    i try to move from iReport 3.0.0 to iReport-nb 3.1.4.

    I have som problems with multi-axis (line) reports. I can't change the axis position.

    The axix from the first Line Chart are on the left side and from the second on the right side. To change the axis property position between and "Left or Top" and "Right or Bottom" has no effect.


    Is this a problem from ireport or some of the includes libs (jasperreports, jfree for e.g.)?

    Regards, Henry



  18. Hi Teodor,

    yes I mean the export to PDF. "Only" the order of the pages, no changes on the page numbers inside the reports or something else.

    I have some simple reports that produce one PDF-document with one page per month. What I want is that the last month is the first page on the document. For this simple reports it's easy to change the report or report query for to reverse the page order.

    I have also some complex reports with sub reports that produce also more the one page. What I need is “only” to reverse the page order from the output, not from the report by self (for e.g. page numbers and something else).

    Regards, Henry

  19. Hello Lucian,


    it's not a problem, it's a question to understand this behavior.


    I have over 60 jrxml Files stored in the jasperserver. In the past, all this jrxml files I have uploaded manually in the web interface from the JasperServer when they changed.


    Now, I make an export and then I copy all new jrxml files in the export directory and after this I make an import.


    For this I need to understand how the filenames are "converted".


    If there is a description of this filename conversion, so that i can do the same in shell or perl scripts?


    Regards, Henry

    Post edited by: Henry, at: 2008/07/09 07:36

  20. Hello,


    first time that i use the js-export.sh and js-import.sh scripts (JS 3.0.0).


    I have one question to the filenames in the export.


    Every with an - in it is changed to -002d


    for example


    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20093 Jul  8 14:31 Call_OVOReports-002dA4Landscape-002dYearPerMonthReport.data
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 462 Jul 8 14:31 Call_OVOReports-002dA4Landscape-002dYearPerMonthReport.xml
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27970 Jul 8 14:31 Call_OVOReports-002dA4Landscape.data
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 405 Jul 8 14:31 Call_OVOReports-002dA4Landscape.xml
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19152 Jul 8 14:31 Call_OVOReports-002dA4Portrait-002dYearPerMonthReport.data
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 459 Jul 8 14:31 Call_OVOReports-002dA4Portrait-002dYearPerMonthReport.xml
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27968 Jul 8 14:31 Call_OVOReports-002dA4Portrait.data
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 402 Jul 8 14:31 Call_OVOReports-002dA4Portrait.xml


    Inside the .xml file the filename are "normal"


    [code]visd1891:/OVOReports/work/iReport/JasperServer/resources/OVOReports/ReportSources # cat Call_OVOReports-002dA4 Landscape.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <fileResource dataFile="Call_OVOReports-A4Landscape.data">
    visd1891:/OVOReports/work/iReport/JasperServer/resources/OVOReports/ReportSources #


    This happens on a linux ext3 filesystem.


    Regards, Henry

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