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Everything posted by jplaux

  1. Hi, I use JasperReports 4.5.1 eclipse plugin in my RCP appliction. For the view, I use swtjasperviewer but export to pdf fails because iText-2.1.7.jar is missing in the plugin. I have tried many solutions and the only one that works is to add the jar in the plugin and modify the manifest. My problem is if this plugin is updated, the jar will be missed again. How to request to add this jar in the plugin ? Jean-Pascal
  2. Hi, I would like to integrate jasperreports in a RCP application. I have done some tests with good results but I have to integrate JasperReports jar files in the path. Does a pluigin existfor JasperReports ? I have tried to add JasperStudio plugin to my application but it did not work. JPL
  3. Code:Hi, I have scriptlet that fill parameters in the afterReportInit function (I tried the beforeReportInit and had the same problem). In the report, I have TextField as title, the report query and an additional dataset that use these parameters. The parameters have right values in the TextField and the additional dataset but are not correct in the report query (these parameters are null value) I temporary solved the problem by creating a second additional dataset and change the report query to a simple SQL query that I don't use the result. Any idea to solve it ? Jean-Pascal
  4. Hi, I would like to create report with a lot of graph but the summary only uses one page. What is the solution ? Jean-Pascal
  5. Hi, I notice that I can add a scriptlet to a dataset. What is the role of this scriptlet ? What can I do with Does an example exist ? Thanks Jean-Pascal
  6. Hello, I would like to know what kind of expression I can use. I want to have to do : - find th min of a field - minus a value - take this result or 0 if the result is bellow 0 Is it possible ? Thanks JPL
  7. I try to export report in Excel and the numbers (declared as float) are not numbers in Excel. I read a lot of forums but nothing works. Thanks Jean-Pascal
  8. Thanks ! It is working. This option is not available in iReport so I added it directly in the XML file. JPL
  9. Hello, I have created a crosstab with ireport with 2 column groups. The column of the first header has the width equals to the sum of the width of the columns of the second column group (that's correct) but the width of the content is retricted to the width of a column of the second column group.
  10. I would like to create a report with a crosstab that contains 2 column groups. My problem is that I don't know how to expand the width of the cell of the first column group to the sum of the width of columns of the seconde group. See picture.
  11. I did that. I am a newbie with JasperReport and iReports. Where should I define my chart ? Thanks
  12. I try to create a simple report with a chart. I have a datasource with 3 records (DATE, VALUE) and I get 3 same charts on the reports. Each with the 3 points. Why ? Thanks in advance
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