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  1. Is anybody aware of any problems that are associated with an incomplete report being generated through a PDF output stream. Most of the report is output but some of the items are missing. Thank mark
  2. Hi I'm trying to incorporate an image into a report using a string for the imageExpression tag specifing a URL with a https:// protocol. Although, you can reach this URL through the browser and display the image at that location, JasperReports 1.2.7 will not display the image in the report where it will display a http location. Does anybody know what's up? Thanks Mark
  3. Does anyone know what version of iReport will produce a compiled Report compataible with jasperreports-0.6.8. I've tried 0.5.0 and 0.5.1 but get exceptions saying the serialVersionUID's arn't the same. Thanks for any help Mark
  4. Hi I've been having problems compiling a Jasper design under JBoss 3.2.7. Basically, I get the following exception message: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.log from class org.apache.commons.digester.SetNestedPropertiesRule$AnyChildRule JBoss 3.2.7 uses: commons-digester 1.2 commons-collections 1.1 I replaced these versions with more recent versions and it got by the problems. My question is whether or not there is a version of JasperReports that is compatible with the JBoss 3.2.7 verison I have stated above since I need to run in that environment Thanks for any help Mark
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