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  1. Hi How to restrict repeting records to print in the report. Please find the attachment and give further suggestions regarding this issue thanks in advance, Satyam
  2. Hi When fieldname given in Series Expression,bar is generated on basis of maximum value among the fieldname, where as my requirement is bar has to generated with sum of the fieldname with unique name.Can anybody give suggestion. Thanks in Advane Satyam
  3. Hi Can we use String type in sortField tag(Stacked bar).Can any body suggest me an idea. thanks in advance satyam Post edited by: satyam, at: 2007/07/17 09:48
  4. Hi When I tried to generate chart,bar is generated with higest value in the Group mentioned in Category expression,where my requirement is bar to be generated with Average of the Group mentioned in Category expression.Can any body help me out in this issue. Thanks in advance
  5. Hi Bhavya Coloumn Header is independent with detail band,it doesnt show any differnce whether it has data to retrive from database or not.Its static band, what ever u give in colomn header it gets display just before the detail band. I think u got wat I said.
  6. Hi Can anybody help me out in this issue thanks in advance
  7. Hey can u please give me a clear idea about u r problem.i didn't get u r problem..then i can give u the solution
  8. Hi to All, i am working on jasper reports.i have to generate some Excel-sheets i could generate those excel sheets but i couldnot get the color for rows.so please help me anyone how can i get the color in the excel sheet...pls its urgent .. Thanks in advance..
  9. Hi When i tried to export the jasperreport to excel format, one particular color is not filled(RGB 235,243,254).Can you please help me out. Thanks in advance Satyam
  10. Hi When i tried to export the jasperreport to excel format, one particular color is not filled(RGB 235,243,254).Can you please help me out. Thanks in advance Satyam
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