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  1. we figured out what the problem was. We are running on java 1.4.2, on the 1.5.0 java there is no such problem anymore.
  2. We compile with JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile You misunderstood the problem. We are not compiling reports eachtime for every request, we have to do that only if the PDF comes out empty with no reason (sometimes after 100 times, sometimes after 1000 prints of that file). It also does not happen with the same reports. I could say it happens random, but on a aplication with over 1000 reports it's almost not possible to recognise or to catch the problem when it happens because no error is visible.
  3. We already tried to used styled text but the result was the same. If there are special characters in the text that should come out bold then the text is printed normal (not bold). If there are no special characters in the whole word than the text is printed bold. By special characters I mean for example "latin unicode character c with caron".
  4. We are printing reports with directly with JasperPrintManager. If there are any special characters in the text, the word that should be bold is not printed bold. This happens only with the bold text. We tried to change fonts and apply styled text but nothing helped. I hope the attached picture can help to describe the problem. http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07221/BoldProblem.PNG We are using the 1.3.3 Jasper.
  5. Sometimes when PDF gets generated it comes out empty. Then we need to delete *.jasper files and recompile the templates. Reports get out normally for a while but the same problem happens again. We don't know how to detect the problem - there are no errors visible when the PDF is generated, the page only comes out empty. We would like to avoid compiling the report templates for each request. If you have any ideas how to solve the problem please reply.
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