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Everything posted by ernie

  1. Any follow ups on this. This seems to 'force' the output of the column value on new pages, but if the column value changes within the same page, the value is not printed. There has to be a way to combine the "print repeated values" and "print when":unsure:
  2. Never mind ... I should have researched the styles a bit more thoroughly .:blush:
  3. I am using JasperReports to basically generate form letters, populating those reports with a resultset. I basically have one large TextField in the center of my detail band, which I populate with Strings and Fields, using something like: Code:"string blah blah " + $F{Field1} + " continuation blah blah. " + $F{Field2} + ", " + $F{Field3} + " ...". I want to be able to apply a bold font attribute to specific phrases with this block, but cannot figure out if this is possible. Anyone done this before, or anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  4. I could have sworn that I tried that combination, passing SUBREPORT_DIR as a parameter to subreports, and sub-subreports :unsure: ... But, it now seems to be working. Thanks for the assistance.
  5. This still does not work in my case. I have my .jrxml/.jasper files in one directory. When I launch iReport by double clicking on the main report file, I can generate the report, with the subreports and the one sub-subreport. My Java Swing application is currently run from my Eclipse workspace project directory, so the workspace is the current directory for the JVM when my app is launched. I prompt the user for various options related to running the report, including using a JFileChooser to let the user select any JasperReport they want to run. I set up my Map object with the various parameters, and include a SUBREPORT_DIR key in the Map passed to JasperFillManager.fillReport(String {full path to main .jasper report file}, Map {myMap}, Connection {mySqlConnection}). The value for the SUBREPORT_DIR is the directory where the main report is located. If I remove the sub-subreport from the one subreport, everything is generated correctly, so it appears that the SUBREPORT_DIR value is being used to load the primary sub-reports. But, if my one subreport includes the sub-subreport, this SUBREPORT_DIR value is not being used or evaluated, as I get an exception stating that the sub-subreport file cannot be located, and the directory prefix for the sub-subreport is the value encoded within the subreport's .jrxml/.jasper file.
  6. I am using iReport 2.0.0 in conjunction with JasperReports 1.3.4. I have a master report, which three subreports. One of these subreports has an embedded subreport. All of the .jasper files reside in the same directory. iReport generated the parameter called SUBREPORT_DIR, which defaults to ".\". The subreportExpression expresses the subreport filename as ![CDATA[$P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "subreport.jasper"]. Everything works great when the report is generated from within iReport. But, I have a small Java applet that I am trying to use to generate reports. I pass a SUBREPORT_DIR parameter to JasperFillManager.fillReport(String sourceFileName, Map parameters, Connection connection). This SUBREPORT_DIR is set to the directory in which the master report is located. fillReport throws an exception: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Could not load object from location : .sub-subreport.jasper. It appears that the first subreport is trying to process it's subreport, but the SUBREPORT_DIR is not being resolved, or used properly to generate the name of the sub-subreport. Is there something I'm missing? How should this scenario be handled?
  7. I am running iReports 1.3.1 on a Windows XP SP2 system and want to have the compiled .jasper file created/stored in the same directory as the template .jrxml file. I launch iReport.exe and see that the "Default compilation directory" is set to "." so .jasper files are created in the C:Program FilesJaspersoftiReport-1.3.1 directory, the default installation directory. If I clear the "Default compilation directory" and compile a .jrmxl file, the .jasper file is created in the root directory (C:). How do I set iReport.exe to create the .jasper files in the same directory as the .jrxml files?
  8. I downloaded the JSmooth package and experimented. I noticed that iReports 1.2.3 had all jars in the lib directory listed in it's "etc/ireport.jsmooth" file, and that was not the case with iReports 1.2.7 "etc/ireport.jsmooth" file. I added all the jar files in iReports 1.2.7 lib directory to it's "etc/ireport.jsmooth" file and rebuilt the executable. This seems to have done the trick in a way. The problem seems to be that if you launch the executable directly, iReports hangs at the "Loading Plugins" phase. If you double click on a .jrxml file, it loads properly. Maybe someone more familiar with the JSmooth/iReport build can find a solution :whistle:
  9. Unfortunately, that doesn't work either. The batch file returns the following: The system cannot find the path specified. 'startup.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Again, a problem with the working directory not being the default ("C:/Program Files/JasperSoft/iReport-1.2.7"). I 'tweaked' it to change to the actual install directory, but then you have an Command Window open for the duration of the iReport session. Apparently the 1.2.3 executable did something different in order to work properly. Any chance of getting source to iReport.exe for 1.2.3 and 1.2.7 to determine the difference? Post edited by: ernie, at: 2006/10/17 18:41 Post edited by: ernie, at: 2006/10/17 18:42
  10. I also get this error after upgrading from iReports 1.2.3 to 1.2.7. Initially with 1.2.3, ".jrxml" files were associated with iReports 1.2.3 and I could double click on a .jrxml file from the Windows Explorer and lauch iReports. After installing 1.2.7, I got the error. I uninstalled both versions. After rebooting I checked the registry. There were several references to iReports 1.2.3 left, which I didn't remove. I installed iReports 1.2.7, there were no such references to iReports 1.2.7. It appears the Windows installer no longer adds the necessary registry entries. I even tried modifying all references in the registry from iReports 1.2.3 to 1.2.7, but still get the error. Is it possible that the executable for 1.2.3 changed directories to the .exe directory before proceeding and now it no longer does? Any suggestions on getting iReport's file association back?
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