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Everything posted by Munchausen

  1. Thank you a lot for your reply what I need to see all the data in the same report and line. Is it possible to do? Post edited by: Munchausen, at: 2008/02/08 06:38
  2. How can I pass a Hiperlink? Is it a simple solution? I need to see de value of fields in a unique report and the same line. Post edited by: Munchausen, at: 2008/02/07 06:40
  3. I have two tables consumos, con_dep. In the table con_dep I have one field name tag_con that it is string. With this field I wan`t to select 3 fields double in the table consumos, how name is "tag_con", "tag_con" + L and "tag_con" + T. How I can define the variable expression?: $F{$F{tag_con}} $F{$F{tag_con} + L} $F{$F{tag_con} + T} I need how defined the expression of the variable with it is a field that his name depends of another field
  4. I must calculate the first of one group denominate V{Turno} I put your definition and always return null. The textfield is put in TurnoFooter and calculate in Band. The code is: Code:<variable name="TInicio" class="java.sql.Timestamp" resetType="Group" resetGroup="Turno" calculation="First"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[$F{value}.floatValue() >= 50 ? $F{timestamp} : null]]></variableExpression> </variable> ....
  5. I have two fields: $F{timestamp} java.sql.Timestamp $F{value} java.language.float I need a variable $V{TInicio}how return the first $F{timestamp} that $F{value}>= 50. For example: $F{timestamp} $F{value} 2007-11-28 6:00 5 2007-11-28 7:00 10 2007-11-28 7:10 50 2007-11-28 7:20 70 2007-11-28 7:30 10 ... The variable $V{TInicio} = 2007-11-28 7:10 How I define $V{TInicio}? Post edited by: Munchausen, at: 2007/11/28 13:30
  6. How I can send a report schedule to multiple E-Mail? I probe with: email;email1 but I don’t received nothing Post edited by: Munchausen, at: 2007/11/23 14:47
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