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Everything posted by kunkasurendra

  1. Hi, I am working with the conditional expressions. Problem : Based on the condition,some text fields and static text should be bold. It is working in the JRViewer,If i am generating the PDF,that bold is not appering in the PDF, Please can any one help me.why this is not working in case of PDF, In case of JR Viewer it is working. here i am attaching the JRXML. Please look into that, if subcode==06 or subcode == 07 then it should be bold, if subcode== 08 then it is normal, Please help me. Thanks and Regards, Surendra. [file name=Demo-d73feabb3b85359df4ee3067a77dc03d.jrxml size=3783]
  2. Hi, I am getting the Date in the form of String like 20090519000000.This column is String in the database. I want to format date into 19.05.2009 I have given like that, new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy").parse("20090519000000") It's giving this error. UnparseableÂdate:Â"20090519000000" Please can any one help me on that.
  3. Hi, I am getting the date in string format from DB. I want to convert from String to Date. I am not able to do this, I need this this in the 'DD.MM.YYYY' format. Please can any one help on this. Thanks in advance, surendra
  4. Hi All, I have to do the validation for the Field, CASE : if subcode equals 06 or 07 that field make to BOLD,otherwise it will normal. I have written the conditional expression,but it is not working,please can any one help me, It's very urgent. I am sending the JRXML,please look into that,and give the solution, It is very helpfull, Thanks in advance, suri. [file name=Demo.jrxml size=2934]
  5. Hi, I am sending the JRXML files, I have to pass the value from subreport1 to subreport2. This is the main problem, I have to return the ID from subreport 1 to subreport2. Please help me on that, I am structed here from a long time, I tried,not able to do this, Thanks in Advance, Surendra Babu.K. [file name=example-ec533cbf857bfd03f8d3643989622a80.zip size=3221]
  6. Hi, I have to return the String value from subreport to main report. I am not able to return the String values like Account No,ID,Email,Address,etc., from subreport. I can able to return the sum,count of any values from the subreport to main report. Please can any one help me on that. Please can you provide me one example using database query? Thanks in advance, Surendra Babu.K.
  7. Hi, Thanks for the reply, It's working fine with your example, But If i am working with database,it's not working, I have to return from the database, These are BigDecimal,number and String, Please Can you provide me sample example using database. Please can you spend some time for me. It's is very urgent, Thanks in advance, Surendra Babu.K.
  8. Is it works like that? Is subreport value displayed into the main report? Can you please help me on that? Please look into the attachment?
  9. Hi, I have to return the String value from subreport to main report.It's returning the null value. I have done like that. In Subreport, I have created the Variable Name : Variable name : MAIL_TO_1 Variable Classtype : java.lang.String caluation type : Nothing Reset type : Report Increment Type : None Variable Expression: $F{MAIL_TO_1} and click on ok. In Main Report, I have created one Variable : MAIL_TO_1 Calcuation Type : System Properties of subreport, Clicked on --> subreport(Other) tab Subreport return values tab --> Add Local Destination Varable : MAIL_TO_1 Caluation Type : Nothing Click on Ok. I have added the $V{MAIL_TO_1} in the Main Report, It's giving the null Please can any one provede the Database example. Please find the attachmen.. [file name=main_sub.zip size=3395]
  10. Hi, I have to return the String value from subreport to main report. I am not able to return the String values like Account No,ID,Email,Address,etc., from subreport. I can able to return the sum,count of any values from the subreport to main report. Please can any one help me on that. Thanks in advance, Surendra Babu.K.
  11. Thnaks for the help. I had some doubt on that.now it's clarified. Means : subdata sets is used for charts and crosstabs. Is it right?
  12. Hi, Here i am also facng the same problem. I have created a report using subdatasets. I am not able to display the subdataset fields in the main report. If you have done,please give me the solution,or send me one simple and sample example which you have done. I am attaching my JRXML file. Please find the attachment. Thanks in Advance, Surendra. [file name=SubdatasetsExample.jrxml size=3044]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/SubdatasetsExample.jrxml[/file]
  13. Hi, I am new to internalization concept. I have developed the report using resource bundle.But how to pass the resource bundle name to the Jasper Report dynamically. Using iReport,how to pass the resource bundle name using paramater? Please can any one help me on that. Thanks & Regards, Surendra.
  14. Hi, I have seen the "template" example.It's working fine.If I want add one more style in "styles.jrtx" file, it's not visible in the iReport tool -- Formats==> Styles. I am not able to add the new styles in the existing "styles.jrtx" file.if I added also i am not able to see on iReport Formats--> styles tab. please find the attachment. In styles.jrtx file i have added the 'Times New Roman" style,while I placed the style.jrxml file in iReport,it is not showing in the styles tab. [file name=templates.zip size=2228]
  15. Hi, I have seen the "template" example.It's working fine.If I want add one more style in "styles.jrtx" file, it's not visible in the iReport tool -- Formats==> Styles. I am not able to add the new styles in the existing "styles.jrtx" file.if I added also i am not able to see on iReport Formats--> styles tab. please find the attachment. In styles.jrtx file i have added the 'Times New Roman" style,while I placed the style.jrxml file in iReport,it is not showing in the styles tab.
  16. Hi, I want to use the Styles for common components. I have created the style tags in one jrtx file.this jrtx file I want to configure into iReport tool. How to configure the jrtx file to iReport tool? Thanks in Advance, Surendra.
  17. Hi, I want to use the common styles for all reports like, For Title --> one style, Page footer --> one style, text field --> one style ,etc., I am planing to create the .JRTX file, In jrtx file i will define the all styles. Is the .JRTX file available to all reports? Or Do we need to place the Style tags into every .JRXML report? Please can any one help me on that. Thanks in advance, Surendra Babu.K.
  18. I am trying to create PDF using iReport and JasperReports. I have 2 classes, 'Student' and 'Course'. Student class and can contain multiple Course(es). package com.subreports; public class Student { String id; String firstName; String lastName; String age; List coursesTaken; public Student() {} public Student(String id, String firstName, String lastName, String age) { this.id = id; this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; this.age = age; } public static List createBeanCollection(){ List list = new ArrayList (); Student student = new Student("01","ABC", "XYZ", "20"); List al = new ArrayList(); al.add(new Course("01","0001", "Investment Banking")); al.add(new Course("01","0002", "Marketing")); student.setCoursesTaken(al); list.add(student); return list; } //all getters and setters defined here.... } package com.subreports; public class Course { String studentID; String courseID; String courseName; public Course() {} public Course(String studentID, String courseID, String courseName) { super(); this.studentID = studentID; this.courseID = courseID; this.courseName = courseName; } //all getters and setters are defined here } I created Master and inserted subReport. In master report I passed the following parameter to subReport SubReport Parameter Name: coursesTaken Default value Expression: new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource($P{coursesTaken}) In subReport I defined ONE Parameter named 'coursesTaken' of type 'java.util.Collection'. I also defined 3 Fields namely 'studentID', 'courseID' and 'courseName' and also dropped these fields in 'Detail' section of report. Complied both classes. When I try to run Master report. I receive below error: Error filling print... net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Incompatible net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource value assigned to parameter coursesTaken in the Student-Test_subreport0 dataset. Please help me if you know why I am receiving this error and How to rectify this. I am trying to display all the courses corresponding to each student as sub report. I am receiving data in the form mentioned like Student and Course. I can not change that. Thanks in advance. [file name=subreport-fc83f94be6b69abaa2d17db7daed305f.zip size=4001]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/subreport-fc83f94be6b69abaa2d17db7daed305f.zip[/file]
  19. Hi, I have to work on the subreports using JRBeanCollectionDataSource.I have the concept like, First i will fire the Query and get the citi names,then based on city name i will fire one more query,it will fetches the Person address based on the city names. here i have attached the output file, I hope someone would be kind enough to share thier secrets and shed light on this matter,if any one worked on the subreports using JRBeanCollectionDatasource. [file name=Result_of_Subreport.txt size=1487]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/Result_of_Subreport.txt[/file]
  20. Hi, Thanks for giving the idea,but can u give me the some elabarate example on that, if you have any examples on subreports using JRBeanCollectionDataSource or Array datasource,please send me. it is very important to me to develop the subreorts, i am facing to generate the subreports, I tried on that what you sent, Thanks, Surendra.
  21. Hi, I have the experience on working subreports using queries,but in my current project,we are using the stored procedures,first we will get the resultset and then placed into the collection object,using colection object we have to generate the subreports, I have done the normal reports using JRBeanCollectionDatasurce,but i am not able to do the subreports, Please can any one help me,how to work on subreports using JRBeanCollectionDatasource. if any one has worked on the subreports using JRBeanCollectionDatasource,please give me the hints ot tell me the procedure how to work. Thanks in Advance, K.
  22. Hi, I have the experience on working subreports using queries,but in my current project,we are using the stored procedures,first we will get the resultset and then placed into the collection object,using colection object we have to generate the subreports, I have done the normal reports using JRBeanCollectionDatasurce,but i am not able to do the subreports, Please can any one help me,how to work on subreports using JRBeanCollectionDatasource. if any one has worked on the subreports using JRBeanCollectionDatasource,please give me the hints ot tell me the procedure how to work. Thanks in Advance, K.
  23. Hi, I want design the subreports using JRBeanCollectionDataSource,I am able to display the single report,but i am not able to display the subreports using JRBeanCollectionDataSource.Please help me,any one worked on the bean subreports,if you have any samples please send me with java examaple. Thanks in Advance, Surendra Babu.K. Post edited by: kunkasurendra, at: 2008/01/24 10:04
  24. Hai All, In jasper Reports,i want to diaplay my data in Table format, Here i am attaching my requrement as image, please can any one help regarding this. Thanks in advance, Surendra.
  25. Hai All, In jasper Reports,i want to diaplay my data in Table format, Here i am attaching my requrement as image, please can any one help regarding this. Thanks in advance, Surendra.
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