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Everything posted by wangyi

  1. lucianc, I have the same line spacing issue between WIN and Linux. I compare all ttf files and they are identical in JDK5 and Jrokit. Could you please give me some hints regarding different troubleshooting? Thanks very much.
  2. Guoguo, I have the same spacing issue. I would like to troubleshooting the cause. Could you please let me know where I can find ttf file in Jdk? I am using jrocki jvm, and I only find fontconfig.bfc, alike files, not font.properties. In local dev, we are using jdk5, and prod is weblogic with Jrokie. Do you think we need to use Jrocki to compire jasper file? Thanks Yi
  3. Hello friends, I am using jasper1.0.2 version to generate PDF reports. I would like to enable bookmark feature. I can make bookmark work well, however, it does not work as what I expected. The testing scenario is: 1) I am going to generate reports for 100 users. 2) Each report for each user has 7 pages. My first implementation is: 1) enable bookmark level 1 for the report. The result is: 1) The report has 700 level "1" bookmark. What I want is: 1) The report should have only 100 level "1" bookmark. 2) Under bookmark "1" level, we should have second level bookmark. The overall idea is to present bookmark as the tree. 1st bookmark for user level. 2nd bookmark for report content if there are more than one page. Could someone give me some hints? Thanks very much. Yi
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