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Everything posted by lefrancky

  1. Hello, I'm in a similar case like this one. But indead of having two variables (X1, Y1), I have just one variable (TOTAL) declared with calculation="System" and initial value new Long(0l). All my subreport give me a returnValue in $V{TOTAL}with calculation="Sum". (Pseudo code like previous one! :whistle: ) for each row in MainReport's Detail{ $V{TOTAL} += subreport1(...); $V{TOTAL} += subreport2(...); [...] $V{TOTAL} += subreportn(...); } In MainReport's Summarydisplay ($V{TOTAL}) Here an example : [file name=Sum_ReturnValues.zip size=4688]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/Sum_ReturnValues.zip[/file] My problem is when I want to display $V{TOTAL}. It just give me the sum of returnValue from the last subreport. Something like thaht : $V{TOTAL} = Sum( subreportn(...)) ; Is it a bug or just a restriction of JasperReport ?? [NB : I'm using JasperReport & iReport 1.3.0] Post edited by: lefrancky, at: 2007/02/09 09:33
  2. I'm using jdk1.5.0_x for iReport and for the compiler. Extra with Java 5 : auto-boxing/auto-unboxing of primitive types !! B)
  3. Hi, I'm actually working on a report who contains subreports. The master report use a JRExtendedBeanDataSource as datasource. And I want to give a JRExtendedBeanDataSource in my subreport's datasource expression. Is it functional ? I didn't see example(s) of reports and subreports working with JRExtendedBeanDataSource. During my tests, the master is correctly printed but subreports never work.
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