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Everything posted by antzjos

  1. Hi, Is it possible to call oracle stored procedure / function, if yes then how can it be called and how can the results be populated. Thanks.
  2. havnt tried it for this scenario yet, I can try case statement. thnx for the response.
  3. Hi, Is it possible to dynamically add the where clause to the query depending on the parameter passed. I tried the following but did not work select colmn1, colmn2 from table1 $P{CLAUSE1} I defined a parameter "CLAUSE" as string type and "PARAM" as Integer and assigned the value "where id="+$P{PARAM1} to the parameter "CLAUSE". Thanks
  4. Hi, Can you pls let me know how do I convert BigInteger to Long. thanks
  5. Let me try to explain in a better way I would like to display the values returned by a query one in each column. For example if my query returns TV, Radio and Stores. I would like to display TV, Radio and Stores as column headers. Let me know if more explanation is required. Thnx for the response.
  6. Hi All, Is it possible to add columns dynamically to the report. If yes, pls let me know how to do it. thnx.
  7. In the below table; In the subreport TV, Radio etc are retrieved from the DB and shown one each in a column. The numeric values are also part of the subreport. The activities A1, A2 etc are part of main report. Pls let me know how do I display the media elements in a column. Activity TV Newspaper Radio A1 2 1 0 A2 1 3 2 A3 0 2 1 Post edited by: antzjos, at: 2007/02/05 20:54 Post edited by: antzjos, at: 2007/02/05 20:58
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