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Everything posted by kiswanij

  1. Hi Jasper Team, I note that you have added the rtl support to the crosstab component . Is there any plans to add it to the Jasper report engin ? so that we can use it with normal pages. Thanks JK
  2. Hi , We are building localized software in English and Arabic languages , and we used to use resource bundles and direction (dir="rtl||ltr" for html , and ComponentOrientatin in Swing).But unfortunately, I cant find any similar thing in Jasper , so I am enforced to create separate copy for each language due direction limitation. Could you please advise if you have a good solution for this , or consider it in future versions of Jasper. Thank you very much. JK
  3. A friend of mine solved the problem yasterday by the same approach you suggested. But it would be great of the iReport version (maybe 1.3.4) will be compiled using the lated JDK since it has backword compataibiliy with old JDK's. Thanks again.
  4. Hi , I compiled simple class file StudentCalculator using jdk1.5.0.10 , and tried to use it in my report as variable to use it with some reports expressions , but unfortunately , it doesn't work on the iReport , it shows the following error : java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com.com.comStudentCalculator (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0) I tried to change the compiler from the settings to be Java Compiler(which is Jdk1.5.0.10), same problem. Could you please advice. Thanks in advance JK
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