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Everything posted by bartvh

  1. Is it possible to retrieve in a variable, the value of a field for the 'next' row? Let me make this a bit more clear with an example. Suppose we have the following data: A B 1 5 1 7 2 12 2 18 I would like to show a report as follows: Group 1: 5 -> 12 = 7 Group 2: 12 ->(null) = (null) Total: 7 The idea is to group on A, and each time show the start value of B, and the end value of B. The difficulty is that I do not want the last value of B in the current group, but the value for the next group. I also want the difference between these two values, and a total difference. (notice that the end value for the last group will be undefined, because there is no next value.) I have managed to create a text field with evaluation type Now that shows the correct end value of B, but I cannot do the same in a variable (as I want to calculate difference, and calculate a sum). Is there any way to achieve this result?
  2. I didn't roll back to the previous version, because the deprecated attributes do still work, according to my experience. They only give warnings when compiling a report. Still, I would like to shut up these warnings. The iReport tools has a log4j configuration to this effect. However, I am using an (automated) ant build script to compile reports, and I can't find an easy way to also use such a log4j configuration.
  3. Hi again, well, it looks like the DTD of the jasperreports XML is more strict that I was caring for... I updated the order of the pen nested elements, this should fix the parse error. I should add that I haven't tried this new version, and I am going on a ski holiday next week :) . Bart. [file name=convert_204-f63a191f480c168c6b3faa133139f5ef.zip size=1511]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/convert_204-f63a191f480c168c6b3faa133139f5ef.zip[/file]
  4. Hello, I have written a little script that converts a .jrxml file to the newest version, such that no deprecated warning are printed anymore. The changes are inspired by the changes that are made automatically by the jasperreports xml reader. I am hesitating to use it myself at the moment, because it looks like the iReport is not ready to use these new constructs. See http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&id=35677&catid=9 for a topic with title 'pen nested elements in iReport 2.0.4' on this forum. Unzip the attached file and run the script with a python interpreter. Bart. (reposted as a .zip file) [file name=convert_204.zip size=1510]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/convert_204.zip[/file] Post edited by: bartvh, at: 2008/01/28 15:47
  5. The 2.0.4 release of iReport claims to support jasperreports engine 2.0.4. However, I get the impression iReport just ignores nested pen elements in a .jrxml file. It also generates deprecated pen attributes. And, yes, I have compatibility set to either 'Latest Available Version'.
  6. (double post, sorry. error happened while posting...) Post edited by: bartvh, at: 2008/01/18 15:40
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