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  1. hi lucianc, thanks for the reply. wehn is 2.0 getting released.if it will take some time can i get some patch release for this bug. Regards Sabarish
  2. hi all, I had jasperserver 1.1.0 running previously.recently i upgraded to 1.2.1 mainly for the i18n support. previously when i use the report URL way to invoke the report by passing some parameters.the fill params page will come if some required parameters are not passed.but now it is directly going to the report page taking the parameters as null/empty and giving me an empty report. i imported my old jasperserver reports to the old 1.1.0 schema.then i ran the patch.and exsported them back again throught the new version. can any one help me on this.plz Thanks
  3. hi all, Is there any support for hidden fields as input controls.If i want to use it with direct URLs. I have a rails application which links to jasperserver.i have to send some of the parameters from my application to jasper server.I can very well achieve this using direct URLs.but user should not be able to see the data what i send but only specify the parameters which i don't send.:blink:
  4. hi all, Do any one know or is there support for passing parameters for query input controls.or is the support will be available in later versions. I am connecting to jasper from Rails application.I have few input controls that needs to dynamically change its data according to the user(Note: jasper server is logged in using the same user. but the rails application has many different users).so i thought passing parameter to a query input control will be better.Is there any support for it. In jasper Intelligence feature request i saw some one asking for logged in user details in report context.if this is supported i can create N users in jasper server and can achieve my goal. any one know a better way to do it. Post edited by: sabarish_soft, at: 2007/01/23 04:24
  5. hi all, Do any one know or is there support for passing parameters for query input controls.or is the support will be available in later versions.
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