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Everything posted by rbojja

  1. HI, I am printing total amount in my pdf.I want to print a $ before the total amount. Now it is printing as total 1234.It should print as $1234. 1234 is the value being fetched from DB. $F{total_amt} is the field expression i am using.How to assign $ before the total amount. Thanks
  2. Hi , Please see the attached pdf doc for reference. In my pdf i am generating the lines for SKU,Qty,Description,Tag price,Sale. The lines for these rows can be varied depending on the values in the database. What so ever if the no of lines increases the pdf should be restricted to single page only. Is ths possible in any way. can the font size decreased dynamically on no of lines please see the attached pdf doc. thanks [file name=classic1.pdf size=4021]
  3. HI all i need to design my pdf document with dots (.) in large size. can any one tell me how this can be acheived. Thanks
  4. HI all, I am doing a sum of two fields. UNIT_PRICE and TAX V_SUM_UNIT_PRICE = $F{UNIT_PRICE} gives total of unit_price and V_SUM_TAX = $F{TAX} gives total of tax amount. Now i need to sum the totals of 'V_SUM_UNIT_PRICE ' and 'V_SUM_TAX ' as 'V_SPL_ORDER_TOTAL'. Can any one help me in acheving a sum of the above two variables into the 'V_SPL_ORDER_TOTAL'. Thanks
  5. Hi, I am generating a report in which the values are being repeated.I need to restrict these repetition of values in 'Detail Band'. In the database i have only one value for a column.BUT IN DETAIL band its showing repeated values. Can any one suggest me on this. isPrintRepeatedValues="false" didnt work out for me. here is my scenarion: Total: $1234 Discount: $12 Tax : $12 Here total,discount,tax are static text.values being dynamic from DB. Thanks
  6. hey thanks for your answer,but where to set this style attribute. In the xml file?
  7. Hi , i am generating a pdf.The selected font in iReport is times new roman.But the same font is not being seen in the generated pdf. what might be the issue? thanks
  8. rbojja

    blank pdf

    hi i am generating a pdf.But i get a blan pdf in between.the only printed area is top and the bottom of the pdf. The middle content is not being printed.I had set the db connection and a sql query 'select 1 from dual'. still i get the same blank pdf. can any see my .xml file and correct me if i am wrong. [file name=SpecialOrder.xml size=33706] Post edited by: rbojja, at: 2008/06/06 09:25
  9. Hi, The static text i had placed some text in detail band,column footer,page footer,last page footer. Problem is the text should be aligned such that i should be able to get some part of heading in the text in bold and some with dots. More over there is repeating text in some bands which is creating lots of pages in the pdf. What i need is a single pdf file with static and dynamic content.As my page has lot of static content whats the easy approach. I was struggling in designing the report thank you
  10. HI all, please see the attached doc for report layout.i need to work on this report layout.most of the section of the report is static text. from text Return ploicy every thing is static text.All should be in single pdf file. i tried a lot but no perfect results. Thanks [file name=AskFrm.doc size=29696]
  11. JasperPrintManager jasperPrintManager = new JasperPrintManager(); jasperPrintManager.printReport(jasperPrint, false); solves the problem
  12. Hi all, I am new to jasper reports.I had developed an report in pdf format using jasper. I was able to generate the report in a particular location of the directory. if i want to print the report i need to go to that particular location of the file and open it to print. Now my requirement is i should be able to print the report as soon as the pdf is generated. ie in background the pdf should be sent to printer for a print. Its an urgent task for me. Thanks a lot
  13. Hi all, I am new to jasper reports.I developed a report in pdf format.The report is being generated successfully. The genearted report is being saved to a particular directory. I got a new requirement such that a soon as a report is generated it should automatically be printed at the printer. can any one help me on this.Its an urgent requirement. Please help me . Thanks a lot .
  14. Hi all, I am generating a four subreports into a master report. The problem is result set is repeated for each subreport. I have actual result set of 200 records.But these values are repeated many times. I had also un-checked the 'Print Repeated values' in properties tab.But the issue is same. Any one help me please Thanks, Raghav
  15. Hi , Can you be more details please. Can we generate subreports without passing any parameters from master report to subreport? -Raghav
  16. Hi , Can you explain a little bit more about point 1)1. Create a sub report for each of the three queries and the layout in the appropriate bands for the query data. ? 2. Add a sub report to each group header band pointing at the sub reports you created in first part. ? can you explain a little bit more on these please -Raghav
  17. Hi , The requirement is i want to run a report based on four individual queries. query one - page header query two - Column Header Query three - Detail band query four - page footer All this scenario i explained for better understanding of issue. All the queries are independent of their own. Thanks
  18. Hi all, I am new to Jasper .I need to work on a report which is basically single report,but there are multiple queries in this. eg: column header is based on query one .details are based on query two and like wise 3,4 queries. I tried using subdataset and subreports. can any one help me how to work furthur on this.As i am running short of time as i am commited to my client. very urgent plz Thanks, Raghav
  19. rbojja

    Blank PDF

    Hi all, I have an urgent issue to be resolved.I developed an report which gets generated to PDF file.Issue is the pdf is generated as blank file . If i run the database query i see no results found.But why are the page headings and static text contents not being printed on to the PDF file. I want to show that no data found on the pdf if no resultset data from database with page headers,column footers and static text. Thanks, Raghavender
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