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Everything posted by rbojja

  1. Hi, I am need to show the status on my report. ie when already my report is printed and the user is printing for second time or more i must show as 'DUPLICATE' on the report. For this i am having a column in my database where column name as 'STATUS'. The values in the database showup as 'Printed'. But i want to show as Duplicate on the report. I dont have any permissions to update my database column status values from Printed to DUplicate. How can i show alias value here for printed as duplicate on the report. How is this acheived in our Jasper Reports.
  2. Hi Can you give me your solution. How did u resolve this issue?
  3. Hi, I am using iReport 2.0.4 and using subreport on this. I am passing Subreport Expression as "sub.jasper" of java.lang.string.This works fine on iReport tool But when i am working on my java application i am passing my code as below: subreport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport("sub.jrxml"); masterreport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport("master1.jrxml"); and passing parameter in hashmap as parameters.put("sub.jasper", subreport); it gives exception as : net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Could not load object from location : sub.jasper whats the issue? see in attachment for my jrxml files [file name=Desktop.zip size=6107]
  4. Hi I am also facing the same problem can you give me the solution if you had over come this issue. thanks a million
  5. Hi, Can any one update me why the error is: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Invalid page index range : 0 - -1 of 0 here is my code JasperPrint jp = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, conn); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jp, "moveOrder1.pdf"); JasperPrintManager jasperPrintManager = new JasperPrintManager(); jasperPrintManager.printReport(jp, false);
  6. HI I am also facing the same issue? how did u overcome this issue. thanks
  7. Hi Matt, I am using J2sdk1.4.2_05 and jboss-4.0.0RC2. Jasper reports are not working on this. version of jasper is jasperreports-2.0.4; Is this configurable environment to work on jasper reports. whats the best compatible version of jasper reports with J2sdk1.4.2_05 and jboss-4.0.0RC2.? ERROR: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.log from class org.apache.commons.digester.SetNestedPropertiesRule$AnyChildRule org.apache.commons.digester.SetNestedPropertiesRule$AnyChildRule.body(SetNestedPropertiesRule.java:393)
  8. Hi I am using J2sdk1.4.2_05 and jboss-4.0.0RC2. Jasper reports are not working on this. version of jasper is jasperreports-2.0.4; Is this configurable environment to work on jasper reports. whats the best compatible version of jasper reports with J2sdk1.4.2_05 and jboss-4.0.0RC2.? Its urgent ..plz
  9. its not resolved friend.i imported all new jars. I am using J2sdk1.4.2_05 and jboss-4.0.0RC2. whats the compatible Jasper reports version for this? Do u have any idea abt this?
  10. Hi all I am using J2sdk1.4.2_05 and jboss-4.0.0RC2. Jasper reports are not working on this. version of jasper is jasperreports-2.0.4; Is this configurable environment to work on jasper reports. whats the best compatible version of jasper reports with J2sdk1.4.2_05 and jboss-4.0.0RC2.? Its urgent ..plz Post edited by: rbojja, at: 2008/07/15 12:24
  11. java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.log from class org.apache.commons.digester.SetNestedPropertiesRule$AnyChildRule org.apache.commons.digester.SetNestedPropertiesRule$AnyChildRule.body(SetNestedPropertiesRule.java:393) org.apache.commons.digester.Rule.body(Rule.java:240) org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.endElement(Digester.java:1028) org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source) org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.XMLDTDValidator.endNamespaceScope(Unknown Source) org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.XMLDTDValidator.handleEndElement(Unknown Source) org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.XMLDTDValidator.endElement(Unknown Source) org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanEndElement(Unknown Source) org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source) org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source) org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source) org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source) org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source) org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source) org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(Digester.java:1548) net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.loadXML(JRXmlLoader.java:239) net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.loadXML(JRXmlLoader.java:226) net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(JRXmlLoader.java:214) net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(JRXmlLoader.java:168) net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(JRXmlLoader.java:152) net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReport(JasperCompileManager.java:151) com.osi.pos.common.util.PrintMoveOrder.printMethod(PrintMoveOrder.java:34) com.osi.pos.moveOrders.action.SendMoveOrderAction.execute(SendMoveOrderAction.java:157) org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(RequestProcessor.java:484) org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:274) org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1482) org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(ActionServlet.java:525) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:717) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:810) this is the error i am facing .Any one help me plz I am using j2sdk1.4.2_05 and jboss-4.0.0RC2. I am stuck on my deployment with this error?
  12. org/apache/commons/digester/SetNestedPropertiesRule what is this error?
  13. Hi I am getting this error on both iReport/application. iText version is the jar which i got when installed iiReport-2.0.4. I am using all the jars of this iReport-2.0.4
  14. Mysql is the query lang. Yes the report is made in iReport.
  15. [Fatal Error] :1:124: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.
  16. Hi, I am having two parameters to be passed into main report and the same two parameters into subreport. say Parameters.put("srgid",args[0]); Parameters.put("id",args[1]); The above two parameters are needed for subreport also.If i pass these to my main report and the same params declared in subreport jrxml does these work?
  17. Hi When i am trying to generate a master/sub report, iam passing subreport expression as $P{SubreportParameter} and declaring this variable in master report. But this is not showing up the subreport values on the main report. But when i am using the subrpeort expression as ".jasper" then it is showing the subrpeort values on main report. whats the difference.Some ppl say use $P{SubreportParameter} and some say use ".jasper" Can any one clarify my doubt.
  18. Hi, I am seeing a large space between master report details and subreport details. I had adjusted subreport top space to zero.Still the space is seen very large. I need subreport details exactly below master details. What i need to adjust. thanks
  19. i am getting this error.I had adjusted the band height..still the problem..what excatly is this "SubreportÂoverflowedÂonÂaÂbandÂthatÂdoesÂnotÂsupportÂoverflow"
  20. Hi, I see subreports not working.when i run subreport individually it runs fine.But when combined with master report only master report data is shown. (Subreport has data) whats the issue? its urgent. help me plz
  21. Hi i created two reports. Each reports work individually good. But when i included one report into other ie master-subreport i see only master details,but not sunreport values. i had set the subReportParameter too. what is that i am missing?
  22. rbojja

    Blank Pdf

    Hi, One thing i noticed a bit late.The subreport values are not being shown up on the report. Only master report values are shown whats the issue? where am i going wrong? Here you find the xml in attachment [file name=sub.zip size=3482]
  23. Hi I created a master report and a subreport. When i run each report individually these reports work fine. But when i am running master report,it shows only master report values but not subreport values in the main report. What could be the reason? I am missing any steps.
  24. rbojja

    Blank Pdf

    Hi, Thanks for you inputs, already compiled .jasper is the one which gives fast output. i have one more doubt..passing of parameters to master and subreports. How i need to pass params transactionId and store to both the master and subreports. Both uses same parameters. do i explicitly pass these parameters.
  25. Hi, So far i had been using jasper and it was going good. But now using subreports for my project takes a lot of time for generating pdfs. SubReports kills the performaces time. Any solution to overcome this issue?
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