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  1. Hi Kolaites, Thanks for your reply. Values are not return from subreport. Calculation are based on variable. I have did same as you said. but the my problem is if rows are having same data ie. same credit or debit values iReport not Considering for calculation. In the attached file(part 1 & part 2) you can able to see.. if same set of rows it just printing the same opening value repeatedly .. its not adding up.. Thanks & Regards Sami.
  2. Hi All, Running total is not calculating for repeated values.. If value differs then value is calucating... please see the part 1 & Part 2 in the attached file. Thanks & Regards Sami
  3. Hi All, I am using iReport 4.0.2. I creating a report in which running total need to calculated such as Open_bal:=clear_bal+debit-credit--- its variable Varibale Class:BigDecimal Calculation:nothing Reset type:=none Balance:=Open_bal-debit_amt for each row-- Open_bal is user define variable, debit_amt database field. My problem is Balance is not calculating correctly.. such as for repeated debit amout is calculating... please refer attachement
  4. Good evening to every one, I am Facing serious problem with base resource bundle error. I have to translate the report as per requirement from one language to another by choosing locale. So I have created a properties file for each language such as xxxx_de_DE, xxxx_en_US.. etc .. I have place this files along with my jasper files in a location. My report is running fine while I am running from iReport3.1.. but when I try to run through my java application its gives the following error.. java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name invoice_header_backup, locale en_US at java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(ResourceBundle.java:837) at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(ResourceBundle.java:727) at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(ResourceBundle.java:700) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRResourcesUtil.loadResourceBundle(JRResourcesUtil.java:572) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRResourcesUtil.loadResourceBundle(JRResourcesUtil.java:510) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillDataset.loadResourceBundle(JRFillDataset.java:527). i have tried a lot more over this issue.. but I can’t able overcome this problem.. any please suggest me.. how to overcome this problem.. thanks in advance…
  5. i will create jasper report using iReport and then i want to view created report in mobile phone is it possible. thanks in advance
  6. Hai to every one.. Whether jasper report is accessible in mobile phone. If it is possible then any one can share that. How to access my report in mobile. Its urgent requirement for me… thanks in advance
  7. Hai to every one i have having a report whcih contain 1 main report and 2 subreport in the main report i am having a group based on employee. its working fine.. my requriment is in single page only 2 employee wants to print if it goes more then two then group should automaticaly next page. is it possible in ireport.. if it possible how can i make it.. if any knows please tell me.. its very urgent... thanks in advance.
  8. Hai To every one. i am having a problem with grouping. i am having a report which contains a one group and 2 sub reports which are working fine. my problem is that in a page there may be more than 3 records or a group but i wants only 2 records or group per page. how can fix it? thanks in advance
  9. i think u can put ur sub report in last page footer band. then it might me ok
  10. just create a cross tab. and check add column total and row total while u design the cross tab report. i think this may help u.
  11. I Too faceing same problem... when i am priting from some other application such Kwrite,Org.Writer (linux) its works fine... but when i am trying to print from jasper viewer.. it showing the status:Job not accepting.. any sug
  12. type as String.toString(pass parameter).. i think this will help you
  13. i think your sub report path is problem.. you should give the path without space or blank.. i have noted that space between "E:Program Files" and "Monthly Summary" so try to give path without space.. create a variable called "total_cash".. set calculation type as nothing.. set reset type and increment as none in variable expression type as $F{paytype}.equals("Cash")?$F{field_amount}:null note:try string "Cash" may be case senstive or it should be equal to paytype whether it may be upper or lower case
  14. hai.. i am getting field from database which is string type. i want to split this string into character. i found the fuction called toCharArray() in the iReport-1.2.7 which result string as single deminsion array. when i compile my file its giving error as can't able cast char[] to string.. how can i convert the string into single characters.. is there any other function to split string into characters?.. example: i have got field called $F{Name} from database which is string type its having value as Name="KANNAN".. I want to split this string into characters.. such as 'K' 'A' 'N' 'N' 'A' 'N'... so i used the function toCharArray() such as $F{Name}.toCharArray() in text field expression. when i compiled my file its give error as can't able cast char[] into string... how can i solve this problem.. is any one aware of this error? please help me its very urgent.. thanks in advance here by attached the ms word file... [file name=Splitting_string.doc size=23552]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/Splitting_string.doc[/file]
  15. hai.. i am getting field from database which is string type. i want to split this string into character. i found the fuction called toCharArray() in the iReport-1.2.7 which result string as single deminsion array. when i compile my file its giving error as can't able cast char[] to string.. how can i convert the string into single characters.. is there any other function to split string into characters?.. example: i have got field called $F{Name} from database which is string type its having value as Name="KANNAN".. I want to split this string into characters.. such as 'K' 'A' 'N' 'N' 'A' 'N'... so i used the function toCharArray() such as $F{Name}.toCharArray() in text field expression. when i compiled my file its give error as can't able cast char[] into string... how can i solve this problem.. is any one aware of this error? please help me its very urgent.. thanks in advance
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