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Posts posted by dknutson

  1. Got a problem.  I've setup two reports, A & B.  Both reports have a date parameter (param1) and a text parameter (param2).  Report A has 2 text fields that shows the value of param1.  One of the text field is setup as a hyperlink with type ReportExecution and 2 Link paramers, one of type "_report" and one named param1.  This works just fine and gets me to report B with the value passed from report A.  Is it possible to add param2 to the link parameters section?

    I've added param2 to the link parameters of report A, but the value isn't  getting to report B - only param1 is getting changed.  What do I need to do?  Is this a limitation of using ReportExecution?


  2. Hi All -

    I found that there is a parameter - LoggedInUser - that I can use in my report to get the user name of the person running the report.  What other parameters are available?

    I've been drilling through the docs all weekend and can't find a list of available parameters.




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