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  1. lshannon wrote: Can you post your JRXML? Thanks for your reply. I found a way out. Create two new groups, define group expression put two subreports seperately in groupfooter.
  2. Hello, everyone. I have a problem with overlapping subreports. General report has two subreports subrep1 and subrep5 subrep1 contains 3 subreports one below another, which means: General-->subrep1-->subrep2-->subrep3-->subrep4 General-->subrep5 Subrep1 2 3 4 work without problem. but the contents of subrep1 and subrep5 overlap. I tried to use Position-Type = FLOAT instead of FixRelativeToTop (=standard) to all the SubReports; also reset the second subreport subrep5 to "NoStretch" and the first subreport subrep1 has isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="true"; add two different groups. These 3 ideas do not work. The first subreport works all the time, but the second subreport only appear at the end of report. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hello, I use an xml file as the datasource, it works well. But today I have a problem with report query. When I tried to click Data/Report Query, then chose Xpath as the language query, normally, there will be the elements in xml file, but the right part has nothing appears. Thanks for your help. Regards.
  4. Forget to mention, datasource is an XML file.
  5. Hello, Now there is several String like "20080520220000". Their format is "YYYYMMJJHHMMSS". Does someone know how to tranfer it to local time format, like "05/20/2008 22:00"? Thank you all. Regards.
  6. Hello, Recently, when I launch iReport, a message following pops up. Buffer overrun detected! Program: ...ram FilesJasperSoftiReport-3.0.0iReport.exe A buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupeted the program's internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must now be terminated. But iReport still works. I tried to reinstall the program, however this message always comes out. Anyone knows what message it is? Best regards.
  7. Hello, Recently, when I launch iReport, a message following pops up. Buffer overrun detected! Program: ...ram FilesJasperSoftiReport-3.0.0iReport.exe A buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupeted the program's internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must now be terminated. But iReport still works. I tried to reinstall the program, however this message always comes out. Anyone knows what message it is? Best regards.
  8. Hi, I'm using xml file as datasource. A.jrxml is the parent report and B.jrxml is the subreport. I left blank for the parameters map expression, $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} for Connection/Data source Expression, and add two subreport parameters. But I don't know how to pass the parameters in the subreport. There are some documents for the subreport, but they always take SQL query as examples. In the case of SQL query, we use "select * from xxx where abc=$P{Name_Parameter}". But for the xml datasource, anyone knows how to write an expression for passing parameters? I think it will be something like ($F{id}==$P{id})?$F{refs_id}:"N/A" Thanks in avance. Regards,
  9. Hello, I'm using an XML file for creating a report. The XML file has a structure like this: Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <report id="321" label="111111"> <tab id="label1" label="label1"> <refs id="refs1" label="refs1"> <ref id="ref1" label="ref1">xxxxx</ref> <ref id="ref2" label="ref2">UUU</ref> </refs> </tab> <tab id="tab2" label="tab2"> <refs id="tab2 refs1" label="222"> <ref id="project" label="Project" type="combobox">A</ref> </refs> </tab> </report> When I try to read through the first ref in second refs in the first tab and display this value in a text field. I used this code: Code:[code]tab[1]/refs[2]/ref[1]This works. But, the numbers of elements "tab","refs","ref" are not stable. Code:[code]tab[10]/refs[20]/ref[50] maybe exist.The values of id and label are not static too. So Code:[code]/tab/refs/ref[@id="xxx"] doesn't work neither.I also tried to use variable, but it doesn't work. Please Anyone knows how to solve this problem? Thanks very much. Best regards, Wei
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