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Posts posted by ejhellerattc

  1. I would like to second (or n-th by this time) the comments by ddavis. I have only been using iR for about  a year. If I had not started on the classic, I would have simply thought the nb version was simply a lacking IDE for report generation. Having seen the potential in classic, I think it is important to add these features in the very near future. While there are several new and very useful features in nb (and 3.5.0 is an improvement), the lack of certain basic operations makes it very difficult to develop any sort of complex reports. I am glad that ddavis was able to take the time to carefully articulate the areas that are missing, many of which are what is keeping me from using the nb version to develop reports. One thing I would add to the object selection process is the ability to rubber band (click-hold) more than one area. In classic, you could rubber band while holding the shift key to select several discontiguous areas. This allows the user to select these areas and apply a common change (height, width, etc.). The nb version resets the previous selection once the mouse is clicked off an object (regardless of the key chords pressed).



  2. I am not sure, but I think you can define a subreport parameter and set the expression of the parameter to the value of the variable previously returned.

    <subreport  isUsingCache="false">
          <subreportParameter  name="NameOfParameterPassedToSubReport">
          <subreportExpression  class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["SubReportName.jasper"]]></subreportExpression>


  3. I have some detailed reports that consist of a master with subreports and the subreports have, in turn, subreports. The master has page breaks between the subreports and some of the subreports may also have page breaks. My datasource is dynamically generated XML and the master report is dynamically generated and compiled to call one or more predefined subreports. I am attempting to determine why some of my reports are not paginating properly. In order to do this, I attempt to load the dynamically created JRXML into iReports (3.0.0 and 3.1.0), link the data to the XML file and display the report. In both applications, the display is aborted due heap space exceptions. Is there a mechanism to increase the default heap space for either of these?



  4. If this is repeated, I apologize. It did not appear to go through the first time.

    I should have been more specific. When I mentioned drag and drop, I meant for loading files. I find it much easier to select and drag files from Window Explorer, than to peruse through the File/Open dialog.


  5. Initially, I was having a problem with the duplicate color definition in POI. In trying to resolve that problem, I found that this was resolved by a new version of POI (> 3.1). However, the latest (3.5-beta) deprecates the method addMergedRegion (Region). The new form of the method is addMergedRegion (CellRangeAddress). I also saw that JasperReports was updated to 3.1.0. However, I supose, since the POI is still beta, the method in JR was not updated. As a last resort, I punted and went back to 3.0.1. This seems to work. However, will JR be updated when the POI is final to reflect this (and perhaps other) changes?



  6. Lucian,

    Thanks. That works for the simple case. However, in the more complex end result, my plan (if JR supports it) is that the XML will have many <Screen> sections with different names. Each <Screen> section will have the data for a specific report template and a master report will be created on the fly to call/display/instantiate the various subreports that are needed, based on user and programmatic selection. Since they will all use the same base of UCMData, I thought that the root node would be UCMData with each subreport finding its specific data from that base path.


    This, of course, leads to the second part of my problem that I have also not discovered a solution to: How to call the subreports from the master report and pass them the same data source, since that will also be dynamic. I am starting to think that this will need to be passed from my app as a parameter and from the master to the subreports as a parameter as well.




  7. Thanks for the response. I did look at the javadoc and the examples and the XPath docs and tutorials. Maybe there is just something I am missing in the entire concept. From an overall view, I have an application that has many transactional database entry screens, some of which may have all zeros. To save time, paper, etc., we wish to generate reports that only have non-zero values and a header page that has a list of which screens are printed and which are not. As such, in this case (as a test), what I want to generate is a list of the two ScreenNames with NonZeroValues: Control and Local Time.


    Something like:



    Local Time


    If I need to change the layout of the XML or the JRXML, i have control over both.




  8. I am trying to display a simple report, in preparation to expand it to a larger report. The problem is that the report is only displaying the first entry in the list. The XML is:


    <DeviceName name = "Device Name"/>
    <Screen name = "HeaderData">
    <Label ExternalDocument = "NONE"/>
    <NonZeroValues id = "1">
    <NonZeroValues id = "2">
    <ScreenName>"Local Time"</ScreenName>

    The relevant sections of the JRXML is:

    <queryString language="xPath">
    <field name="NonZeroValues" class="java.lang.String">

    <!--- DETAIL BAND --->
    <textField isStretchWithOverflow="false" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" >
    <reportElement x="19" y="13" width="100" height="18" key="textField" isPrintRepeatedValues="false"/>
    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">


    When I run this (testing in IReports) the report only generates a single line, either "Control" or "Local Time" depending on which is first. The xPath starts at the top of the tree in order for me to able to generate subreports for different "Screen"s. I have tried different layouts in the XML to no avail.


    Any thoughts are appreciated.



  9. The answer to this may exist in the Forums, but I do not know what to search for. Also, I need to know whether JR can perform this behavior before a I spend a long time learning the intricacies of JR. The essence is this: We have an application that presents the user with a series of Swing-based tables using a tab-oriented paradigm for configuring devices. The layout and number of tables varies depending on the brand of the device and ranges from 10 to 200. The user needs a mechanism to print some or all of the tables in a form similar to the data entry. Our current mechanism is not working well and we are looking at alternatives. I believe that JR can be made to generate reports for individual tables and can be cajoled to generate an overall report for all of the tables. The question is whether JR can generate a master report based on a dynamically selected set of sub-reports.

    Any thoughts on this are appreciated.



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