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Everything posted by unnipillai

  1. We are using jasper viewer plugin to view the templates after downloading from jasper server repository. But related resources like images (it is refering repo:/Images/imageName) are not getting dowloaded to local file system. Because of that we are not able to view the reports . We can substitute the image with an absolute path and able to view the report. How we can download the templates along with dependent resources from jasper repository. Or Is there a way to replace image path with some value during template compilation or report fill process.
  2. Hello, We are using jasper viewer plugin to view the templates after downloading from jasper server repository. But related resources like imgaes (it is refering repo:/Images/imageName) are not getting dowloaded to local file system. Because of that we are not able to view the reports . We can substitute the image with an absolute path and able to view the report. How we can dowload the templates along with dependent resources from jasper repository. Or Is there a way to replace image path with some value during template comiplation or report fill process. Regards, Unni
  3. Hello , Current I am using jasperCE 3.7.1 .I would like to combine two reports into a single report at runtime. For eg: I had a root cause problem like signal burned from an employee in RootCause Analysis(RCA) Report. I had a delay minute report for vehicle delays. Can I attach the RCA report to Delay minute report generated. Is it possible to initiate a workflow with in Jasper repository? Regards, Unni
  4. Hi , Can anybody tell about the feasiblity of using Jasper Reports with Solaris OS. I am planning to use iReports with Jasper Server for Scheduling reports in Solaris OS. So Jasper Server installable version is available for Solaris. Is this combination is compatable? Thanks, Unni
  5. Matt, I have download the iReports source code and tried running a compiled report through command line ,but happening. My Concerns for the product is automatic execution of iReports in a shell script or batch file. iReports.bat report1.jrxml (report1.jasper) -username -password - timestamp -o ouput.pdf I request you to look into this . Because Datavision reports provide this facility like the following datavision.bat -c output.pdf E:\DataVision-Reports\samplereport1.xml Thanks, Unni
  6. Dear Steve/Giulio, Can you have a sample application or script whic run a report as a batch process by varying some the parameters like run ./myReport.jasper --myParam1 "abcdef" --myParam2 123 --outputFormat "PDF" --outputFile "/tmp/fred.pdf"
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