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Everything posted by Djam75

  1. Hello, can you help me please to understabnd and fix this issue : I export the report as JSON METADATA, but output file is empty !! cf screenshot : http://www.noelshack.com/2018-51-4-1545316780-export-json.jpg Maybe i need to define before Json metatadata Regards lhoussain
  2. Hello, I need to schedule a report to output on file system , but jasper not validate a form and display error message : Enter a valid Path !! before i config jadper srver to enable property enableSaveToHostFS ( value="true") I check the box : Output to Host File Sysstem I put a valid path with right permission But when I validate, before commiting, it's display error message "Enter a valid Path" , Thank you for your help. Regards, Djam
  3. Thanks Paul for your update:-) I’m using this solution, but we have always a zip of report attached to email. I need to send only report by mail , but not attach the zip report to email. We send report every hour, every attached (zip) report have about 1 Mo, and we need to keep report in mail. Every day , we add 24 Mo after a few weeks and storage is full, I'm getting yelled at by system administrator :-( Regards Djam
  4. hello, for reporting, i m using TIBCO JasperSoft server , Can you tell lme please how to schedule report and deliver it by email in html format and report as email body . Regards Djam
  5. hello I design a report with Jasper studio TIBCO, i have a result from 2 queires from 2 differents datasouces I need to now how i can manipulate a 2 datasets as single dataset Ex Query 1 (datasource1) Query2(datasource2) column A B 1 1 2 7 5 5 I need to display , in table, a rows with no equals values : for our exemple it's display : 2 7 Regards Djam
  6. hello I buid in TIBCO JasperSoft a dashbord with multiples tables. but, in output (pdf), the tables are superimposed , cf image attached can you tell me please how to avoid this. maybe i need to use containers ?! Regards Djam75
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