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  1. Hi Saen, Do you have any idea about this problem? I have created 3 nested reports. The main report includes subreport1 which includes subreport2. When I run my Main Report with JRViewer it works and everything is ok but when I put my reports on the jasper server I noticed that the server could not find the last Report so I become the following error message: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Could not load object from location: subreport2.jasper My question is: is it possible for the Jasperserver to recognize more than two level nested reports? thanks
  2. Hi Saen, It is possible to use both ways I got the same results. But your way seems to be easier Thank you so much Best regards samed
  3. Hi Saen, Many thanks for your help. I tried also the code ($F{StateID}.intValue()==0)?new Integer($V{myCount}.intValue()+1):new Integer($V{myCount}.intValue()) Calculation Type = count Best regards samed
  4. Hi, How can I count the contents of a group when a condition is satisfied? I would like to do this code with iReport using variables If (id ==0) Counter++ thanks
  5. Hi, I have created 3 nested reports. The main report includes subreport1 which includes subreport2. When I run my Main Report with JRViewer it works and everything is ok but when I put my reports on the jasper server I noticed that the server could not find the last Report so I become the following error message: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Could not load object from location: subreport2.jasper My question is: is it possible for the Jasperserver to recognize more than two level nested reports? thanks
  6. Many thanks for your replay, I did the folowing steps created two parameter connected to the textFieled named view _report for "/reports/reportname" myID for $F{id} hyperlink type ReportExecution the parameter myID is known in both reports and used in the query for the details report the hyperlink excute the report and shows data if the defult value of the parameter myID is not empty otherwise I become always empty details report that's means the details report could not get the value of the parameter from the hyperlink. thanks for help
  7. Hi friends, Can anybody help me please! I would like to pass a value to parameter through hyperlink in order to excute other report. I did the same steps like in the samples but unfortunately the result was empty report. thanks a lot!
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