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  1. I have a report with an XY Line chart. I have an Integer value for the Y value expression for the report. I then have a Date value for the X value expression. I run into a problem when I try to use a ChartCustomizer. I am trying to force the Y axis tick units to be integers (no decimal values). The only problem is that I get a ClassCastException saying the tick unit can't be converted from a Date to an Integer. My question is is why is it talking about a date when the value for the Y axis is an integer? Any help would be appreciated. Mike
  2. I have attached the sample report and subreport that shows the issue I am having. What I have found is that evey time I have a graph on a sub report it cuts off the left and bottom side of the printout when printing. It looks like it shifts the page down and to the left. It happens on the page that contains the graph. These reports were created using IReport 4.6.0 and using the default margins on a new Letter sized page in Landscape orientation. I've found that exporting the reports to PDF and then printing them out works correctly. It only seems to happen from the JRViewer (whether in our custom application or IReport 4.6.0) Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Mike Post Edited by mshoe at 06/27/2012 17:55
  3. Is there any way to compile a report and its subreports and then fill the main report using the Jasper API all without having to save anything to the file system (like the path to the compiled subreports that the main report would reference in the Subreport Expression). I currently workaround the issue by using a Parameter and set the Subreport Expression to the parameter name. Then in my code I retrieve the subreport design (jrxml), compile it, and then add it to the parameters for the HashMap for the main report. I then pass the parameters to the main report while filling and everything works as expected. I am looking for a way to load, modify if necessary, compile and fill a report with multiple subreports all without having to save the compiled subreports to the filesystem just to get the main report to run. I would like if possible some way to set the Subreport Expression to the actual compiled subreport and then just fill the main report. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Mike
  4. I have a report template (.jrxml file) that I am loading using the JRXmlLoader object to load it into my application. The problem I am running into is now how do I modify the objects within the loaded jrxml file. All of the functions and objects that are returned from any of the function calls are read only, you can't modify the object. Am I missing something or do I need to make the entire report in Java then compile it or can I take an existing template (.jrxml) and modify that file from within my application. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Mike I figured out how to make everything work correctly. I did not know that I had to cast the objects retrieved from the JRXmlLoader to their "Design" equivalent. For example, when I was retrieving a textfield from the elements in a band I had to cast it to "JRDesignTextField" in order to modify the object. Post Edited by mshoe at 05/16/2012 17:04
  5. I was able to fix the problem by removing the item from the report and adding it again. Seems to have fixed the problem.
  6. Is there any way to set static values (meaning not from a database) as the labels and data for a pie chart. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Mike
  7. I have a report that is compiled with IReport version 3.7.1. When I run the report I can see all of the fields on the report. When I export out as PDF all of the fields show but when I export out as Excel I am missing some fields of data. I've attached an Excel file, PDF file, and report JRXML files that make up the final report. Any help would be appreciated Thanks, Mike Post Edited by mshoe at 05/19/2010 20:30
  8. I have a report where I removed all bands except the Detail. Everything is working fined regarding that. But I wanted to have the report height only be as high as the Detail section because it will be printing out on a receipt type of printer (fixed width and height). I originally had the report height at 612 and changed it to 295 (the same height of the Detail section). When I change the height to 295 the print out shinks all of the text to a very very small font. I am using Jasper Reports 3.1.3 and associated version of IReport. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Mike
  9. I am trying to get a report to work properly and I'm having problems with columns. I have a landscape report with 7 columns. I use one of the columns to put the header values for each row . The header value is a static text field. example: Code:Col1 Col2 Col3 ... ---------------------- Header1 Value1 Value2 Header2 Value1 Value2 ... The problem I'm having is that my last column is off the page. And I think this is happening becuase I am using the first column to put my header values in it. Is there any way to have a header column and have the report use the remaining columns for the data instead of forcing it to iterate over 7 columns, eventhough it only has 6 available for data? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Mike
  10. I submitted a bug report, and the rectangle workaround works perfectly. Thanks, Mike
  11. Just a followup. It skips the row whether its a texfield or static text component on the report. Thanks, Mike
  12. I've attached a sample report. [file name=test_csv_export.jrxml size=11830] You can run it using Ireport and an empty datasource. Thanks, Mike
  13. I have having a problem that i think is a bug with the CSV exporting in Jasper Reports 2.0.4 I have my fields in the detail section of my report. I also have another textfield that has a printWhen expression that only shows the field if the recordcount is even. The field is blank, has a light grey background, and is behind all of the other components. All of the values show when the report is run. All values show when exported to PDF and Excel. I am missing all of the rows where my background color field shows. So for every even row in the detail it skips the row. Any help would be appreciated, Mike
  14. Be sure to prefix the parameter value properly in the query. When using a parameter in a query you have to do the following: $P!{YourParameterName} Notice the ! character. It basically forces Jasper Reports to evaluate the parameter value before continuing evaluating the report query. Hope that Helps, Mike
  15. Here is what I use in my report that has a TEXT type field: $F{FieldName}.getSubString( 1l, (new Long($F{FieldName}.length())).intValue()) It calls the substring funtion of a CLOB object. the parameters are the starting position (thats a letter L after the 1 to make it a "long" datatype) and the length of the substring (which If you want all of it just get the length of the field itself). Best Regards, Mike
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