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Everything posted by denis_mahony

  1. I'm pleased for you that you got a positive result. I have not been able to solve my problem. While I've got it (rails)to work for simple reports, and produce PDFs, it is inconsistent, and fails when ever the record count changes to a count different from the node count in iReports at design time. A silly situation, i know. My general perspective on trying to get rails to interface with iReport, at this time, is that it is too demanding on my time, and the results do not justify it. Too many people seem to have failed to get it to work satisfactorily. A pity, since iReport is so brilliant. I did succeed in designing integrated Master and Subreports- (your next hurdle), but I could never get them to work in Rails. If you do get a report to work consistently with dynamic data from a URL source (Localhost). i would be interested. At this point, I going to investigate Ruport and leave iReport aside for the present. Good luck with your project :) Denis
  2. Sorry :( . That was a bum steer. There is a long thread about using Jasper/iReports with Rails at : http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/139453#new Somewhere in there, is a reference to the error you are getting. It was suggested that it was caused by passing the wrong Xpath in the send doc () method. It *must* match the Xpath2 query you used when creating the report. Let's see your line of code that calls send_doc() QUOTE: ....On Feb 8, 10:01 am, FlexRails <her...@intermatics.be> wrote: > 1) In which banner have you put your static 'Hello world' text, > because when I put it in the title banner, or in detail, and I try to > run it from within iReport I get a message 'The document has no > pages.' The compilation however succeeds. In that case of course there > will be no output when you call the report from rails. > If you really got a report preview in iReport but no output in rails > you might look for a file called XmlJasperInterface.log somewhere in > your rails application and see if you find some more information > there. I had the same problem untill I copied the iReport lib files to > my rails/app/jasper/lib directory. So you might double check if you > have missed any of the lib files. END QUOTE Denis
  3. Have you seen this link ? http://www.jmpj.net/jason/index.cfm?mode=entry&entry=24C18D4D-CF1D-76B8-A3B8293A87D7D440 Does it help ?
  4. image here : size=400]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/XpathWin.jpg
  5. > is all I do drag the fields from over on the left into the document on the right and hit execute? When you say 'execute' , I assume you mean compile ? You can compile with an EMPTY datasource, in which case it does not read the datasource, but normally will print the format with NULL , as a place holder for the data. You can also compile with the 'ACTIVE CONNECTION'. It will look at the connection defined in the list box in the toolbar ,and try to extract the data from it , based on the XPATH2 query you have defined in the query window which pops up after you select DATA REPORT QUERY. Are you selecting XPATH2? Are you entering a query in the query box ? ie. see image attached Denis Post edited by: denis_mahony, at: 2008/05/13 18:58 Post edited by: denis_mahony, at: 2008/05/13 19:26
  6. > is all I do drag the fields from over on the left into the document on the right and hit execute? When you say 'execute' , I assume you mean compile ? You can compile with an EMPTY datasource, in which case it does not read the datasource, but normally will print the format with NULL , as a place holder for the data. You can also compile with the 'ACTIVE CONNECTION'. It will look at the connection defined in the list box in the toolbar ,and try to extract the data from it , based on the XPATH2 query you have defined in the query window which pops up after you select DATA REPORT QUERY. Are you selecting XPATH2? Are you entering a query in the query box ? ie. see image attached Denis
  7. I omitted this bit:- ex My jrxml file: <queryString language="xpath2"> - <![CDATA[ /catalog/book/* ]]> </queryString> ex your jrxml file: - <queryString language="xpath2"> - <![CDATA[ / ]]> </queryString>
  8. Hi, I'm struggling as little with Xpath... That file worked for me as follows:- Is your Xpath2 selection set to /catalog/book/* All field description are child::text() except book id which should be ancestor::book/@id See attached. Regards Denis [file name=bookstore.jrxml size=4400]
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