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Everything posted by shrije

  1. Based on the menu options, IReport has two different exporters for JExcel and Apache POI namely JExcelExporter.java and JXlsExporter.java Have a look at these java files, that should answer your question.
  2. I have already added the code in the trail above. Let me know if you face issues.
  3. Try this. I have used JasperPrint object to access the JRPrintText in your report output and change the location of the corresponding fields to do this. private static JasperPrint transpose(JasperPrint jasperPrint)if (jasperPrint != null)if (pages != null && pages.size() > 0)null;null;null;null;int i = pages.size() - 1;boolean isFound = false;new ArrayList();while(i >= 0 && !isFound)if (elements != null && elements.size() > 0)int positionX = -1;int positionY = -1;while(it.hasNext() && !isFound)if (element instanceof JRPrintFrame)for (Object object : listElements) {out.println("object.getClass().getSimpleName()=" if (element instanceof JRPrintText)out.println(key + ((JRPrintText)element).getText());out.println("element.getY()+element.getWidth()=" + element.getY()+""+element.getWidth());out.println("element.getY()+element.getWidth()=" + element.getY()+""+element.getWidth());//jasperPrint. //jasperPrint.addPage(0,jasperPrint.removePage(0)); } } } return jasperPrint; { { List pages = jasperPrint.getPages(); { JRPrintPage page = Collection elements = Iterator it = JRPrintElement element = List modifiedElements = { page = (JRPrintPage)pages.get(i); elements = page.getElements(); { it = elements.iterator(); { element = (JRPrintElement)it.next(); { JRPrintFrame jrPrintFrame = (JRPrintFrame)element; List listElements = jrPrintFrame.getElements(); System. + object.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } { System. System. JRPrintText modifiedElement = ((JRPrintText)element); positionX = positionX == -1 ? (modifiedElement.getX()-modifiedElement.getWidth()): positionX; positionX+=modifiedElement.getWidth(); positionY = positionY == -1 ? (modifiedElement.getY()-modifiedElement.getHeight()): positionY; modifiedElement.setX(positionX); modifiedElement.setY(positionY); modifiedElements.add(modifiedElement); System. } modifiedElements.add(element); } } i--; } page.setElements(modifiedElements);
  4. I am looking for the same thing. planning to use Generic element to do this. Not sure if it will help. Will let you know once done.
  5. Fix it. Delete the C:Documents and Settings<username>.ireport directory from your C: drive where username is the profile of the user facing the issue.
  6. I am too facing the same issue. Its crazy issue though.:woohoo:
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