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Everything posted by shrije

  1. The resilting value of your expression would be as shown in the attachement
  2. Replace $F{BUDGETADJ}.length() by $F{BUDGETADJ}.trim.length() nin yr expr
  3. It works for Double as well. I can see blank value inspite of a pattern applied. I used this expression Double.valueOf((double)100000.0) and null. It worked for me. It showed pattern when value was present and blank when null.
  4. Two things you can try. Just hard code the 'null' value and check if you are getting blank. This will tell u that the solution works(i know it works). Second try ($F{BUDGETADJ}.length()==0?null :Double.valueOf($F{BUDGETADJ}.trim())) Double.value must be intialising from null to zero again.
  5. using an expression set zero to null value. and use "blank when null" option in text box.
  6. There are enough samples in the 'demo' folder of jasper reports source code.
  7. Can you send me your Jrxml ? I am not sure if you have attached it earlier. Pickup that ttf file from the windows folder and put it in the jar which needs to be in the classpath.
  8. That file should be classpath. You are using jasperserver. Pleae check if they have a fonts folder like iReport for the font location and then restart jasperserver. That is the only problem buddy. My solution is the only one which will work.
  9. I am confused here. If a subreport has a footer where do you want the footer to be displayed w.r.t to the main report. What if the main report has a footer too.
  10. If you downloaded the source code, it has the 'demo' folder. It has along with others sample report on crosstab very well demonstrated.
  11. You have load the font from the iReport menu Options->ReloadFonts. I hope u have selected the font from the list and not just entered over there.
  12. Even the one you sent works. See the attachement
  13. I have tried your font and it works fine with me. Make sure you have set the UTF-8 in report properties.
  14. The problem is with the PDF font u have selected. Please select a font having a unicode characters. For example Arial_UnicodeMS. You want find this in the normal list of PDF fonts. But you can set the "windows fonts" path in the classpath of iReport. After doing this you will get this font name. Try one of the Identity-H or Identity-V. it will work wonders. Please see the attachement. In your case the Tamil fonts need to be in Unicode. Only then can u see the fonts correctly in pdf. But i feel Tamil by default will be unicode.
  15. The problem is with the PDF font u have selected. Please select a font having a unicode characters. For example Arial_UnicodeMS. You want find this in the normal list of PDF fonts. But you can set the "windows fonts" path in the classpath of iReport. After doinf this you will get this font name. Try one of the Identity-H or Identity-V. it will work wonders. Please see the attachement
  16. the advantage of using a frame is that it sticks along and all the elements within it are referenced w.r.t. frame. But u would get the same effect otherwise with a rectangle. If you look at the samples in demo folder they have used frames and that is the recommended way to do.
  17. The error indicates that the sql query is incorrect.
  18. I would like to summarise values passed to subreport within the JRBeanCollectionDataSource in the main report. I want to take the count of the same and also display one of the columns as details in the main report. I have multiple levels of subreport using JR BeanCollectionDataSource. Any one used this.
  19. if the text value has a null Value field then you can just check "blank when null" option from the properties. alternatively you can have a frame with border and text field within it with your current expression. it will work for sure.
  20. You can write your own exporter from the HTMLExporter and customise all the tags. Look at patch request 3050. I added the background image in the same manner.
  21. Yes. the Exporter uses the Graphics aPI and POI API together to get images in reports.
  22. Try this. Teh sections ideally are subreports which cen be seperated by page break element in iReport. This way you will not get too many page breaks and your new pages will always be becoz of the page breaks.
  23. Does not look like it is true. Both are different implementations of Exporters for excel format. POI is more near to real format than JExcel.
  24. are u trying to dynamically add reportElement to the jrxml and need to render the output in HTML. The question is not clear.
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