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Everything posted by dec

  1. Hi, I use JasperServer 5.0 and want to hide column Type and Creation Date in the right panel, can someone help me to do that, thks
  2. I made that few months ago, I create 2 types in Oracle (EXTR_ELEC_TYPE_TABLE and EXTR_ELEC_TYPE) and a temporary table In iReport, I made a select using funcion (extr_elec_func is function) and using a parameter : select * from table(extr_elec_func($P{LIST_DOSS})) The script function : CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TDQS."EXTR_ELEC_FUNC" ( list_doss VARCHAR)return EXTR_ELEC_TYPE_TABLE pipelinedis PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; TYPE ref0 is REF CURSOR; myCursor ref0; out_rec EXTR_ELEC_TYPE := EXTR_ELEC_TYPE(null, null, null, null, null, null, null); BEGINPRC_EXTR_ELEC(list_doss); open myCursor forselectname,firstname,birthdate,accessnumber,reqdate,testcode,resultfrom TEMP_EXTR_ELECorder by name,firstname,reqdate asc; LOOP FETCH myCursor intoout_rec.NAME,out_rec.FIRSTNAME,out_rec.BIRTHDATE,out_rec.ACCESSNUMBER,out_rec.REQDATE,out_rec.TESTCODE,out_rec.RESULT; EXIT WHEN myCursor%NOTFOUND;PIPE ROW(out_rec);END LOOP;CLOSE myCursor; RETURN;END;/ call a procedure PRC_EXTR_ELEC which write raws in the temporary table TEMP_EXTR_ELEC
  3. Hi, I have a collection and want to transform it into String, I use the toList method but I want a string with a "|" separator and not a ",", how can I obtain this ? Thks for your answer.
  4. I solve this by using methad .toList Thks
  5. Hello, I create a query with one dynamic parameter : select nom,prenom from patient $P!{COND2} I've a parameter COND1 (String) use as a prompt, COND2 is not promptable, the default value expression is : ( $P{COND1}==null ? "" : " where nom ='"+$P{COND1}+"'") COND2 as string, it works Now, I want transform COND1 as a collection, i try with a in clause in COND2 parameter, it didn't work, please, help me to solve this.
  6. Hi, First, excuse me for my english. Since I installed iReport 3.5.0 (I use iReport 2.1 before and it works fine) today, I've the error : Exception d'E/S: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection when using Oracle Jdbc driver (JDBC URL : jdbc:oracle:thin:@xd008:1521:tdre) [Microsoft][sqlServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket. when using SQLServer Jdbc driver (JDBC URL : jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://sa026:1433;DatabaseName=remisol) I put my jar into a directory and add them in the classpath in iReport. It work fine by testing connection with odbc with the correct parameters. Can you help me, please ???? Thks a lot ! Post Edited by dec at 04/17/09 14:41
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