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  1. Hello there, using iReport2.0.2 and adob 8. when i use sub report getting error"illegal operation in path". and without subreport main report giving accurate result. so can u tell me any solution to resolve this problem........ aazaad
  2. HeLLo there, I m using i-Report. When in my main report using a subreport in detail band then getting error "java.io.StreamCorruptedException:ÂinvalidÂstreamÂheader". in my main report using title and summary band and in my sub report using column header, detail and summary band only.and paasing same parameter in both report with same name. any body help me to solve this error. Thanks..........
  3. HeLLo Experts, I've made a report through i-Report tool. now i m going to call that report through servlet to display in JSP in .xls formate. but each time i m facing same error: "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook.createDataFormat()Lorg/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/HSSFDataFormat;" since I've added "poi-3.0.2-beta2-20080112.jar" Jar file. and createDataFormat() method is available on that pacakage. is there any body to help me to short out this error!! Thanks.
  4. HeLLo Experts, I've made a report through i-Report tool. now i m going to call that report through servlet to display in JSP in .xls formate. but each time i m facing same error: "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook.createDataFormat()Lorg/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/HSSFDataFormat;" since I've added "poi-3.0.2-beta2-20080112.jar" Jar file. and createDataFormat() method is available on that pacakage. Please any body help me to short out this error!! Thanks. Post edited by: aazaad, at: 2008/01/24 10:30
  5. Hi vishruta, Thanx.When i use subreports one SUBREPORT_DIR prompt automatically opens. and that is attached with my subreport.whatever i put there one error occurs that "could not load object from location". so what parameter i will have to give on that prompt. Thanx
  6. HeLLo There, This is Aazad Kumar here, new user of i-report. I have to put different-different queries in different part of a report. So how can i use multiple queries in a sigle report that will refelect in a single build. Plz reply me anyone...... Thanx.
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