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Posts posted by mgeise

  1. I'll take a shot at this...

    1.  There is no built in way to add security to topics that are not built on domains.  This is one of the main benefits of using a domain.  If the reports/topcs created in Jaspersoft Studio or iReport are done so using domains, then the security of the domain will apply to the report/topic.

    2.  The only way I can think of to manage this would be by creating a custom datasource that requires the SITE as defined in a user profile attribute and catch it at that level.  Our professional services team has created things like this for customers who need a datasource that goes runs queries against a different DB based on the organization passed in, so I am confident something like this is possible.

    3.  I am not entirely clear on what you are proposing.  My first reaction is that you may want to log your use case in the tracker to justify the need for a larger profile attribute column and see if an enhancement can be made.  In the mean time, doing some level of mapping of short name/value attributes would be in order.

    I hope this helps.


  2. There are some JVM options described in section 6.2 of the installation guide that are specific to Tomcat/JBoss, but they should give you a good idea for Websphere as well.  You will need to tune based on the IBM JVM that comes with websphere, but the key setting for garbage collection are:

    -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled

    In addition, you will want to play with the amount of memory allocated to both your min/max heap size as well as the PermSize/MaxPermSize.

  3. Are you using the Sun/Oracle JDK?  I am able to find some similar issues when trying to use a different JDK resulting in the reflection not working correctly.  The other thing that comes to mind is that there may be some file permission issues, but I suspect that you would be getting a different set of errors claiming that the files did not exist.

  4. Sucheta,


    I just downloaded and it took about 4 minutes. Are you able to determine your download speed? (I believe you are in the US, so your location should not be a factor) I just want to verify that we don't have a major issue here. Having this level of frustration in downloading our products is not acceptable and I want to be sure I get it fixed if needed.



  5. The way to do this is to use the same repository with two different app servers.  Turning the scheduler off on the server with the users and taking the other out of your load balancer rotation.  See here: http://www.jaspersoft.com/configuring-report-scheduler

  6. I am guessing that you are talking about the sample reports.  Can you tell if there is any data in the tables that it is trying to pull the data from?  Maybe something went wrong with the load of the sample data.  Is this specific to the library view?  Do the reports work from other views, such as the repository view?  I have not seen this before - empty database tables would be my best guess.

  7. JasperReports Library is offered under the LGPLv3 license

    JasperReports Server, iReport, and Jaspersoft Studio are offered under the AGPLv3 license

    Many of the licenses included in the source are included as part of the requirements of open source components within JasperReports Server, etc.  It is not dual licensed other than Jaspersoft also offers a commercial license for paying customers.

  8. Multiple detail bands are typically used in a report where you want to display a different data layout based on some condition.  The way I have seen them used is having two bands that appear in the same place within in report based on a print when expression.  I think the only way to do what you are trying to acheive is through the use of subreports.

  9. You need to make sure that you also have the required JDT compiler.  I am guessing that you are using a JRE instead of a full JDK, as my understanding is that you would not need to put the compiler library in place if you are using the full JDK.

    Lastly, if you are using JR 0.6.8 with JDK 7, all bets are off - you should try to get to a more current version of JasperReports.

  10. It depends on the level of integration you want:

    1. The HTTP API in combination with iFrames will allow you to expose the full set of features from the server within your application, including ad hoc designer, interactive reports, etc.
    2. Using Single Sign-on in combination with customizing the UI of JasperReports Server using changes to the theme/CSS could allow you to create an experience where users can navigate between your app and JasperReports Server without really knowing they are changing server - this is good for situations where you want a tab in your application that exposes reporting/analytics.
    3. The REST API is good for integrating the controls/selection of input parameters within your app and calling reports with the parameters and rendering the reports, etc. back into your application.

    Using the Java API is really only good if you plan to actually extend the JasperReports Server app to include your own functionality, creating a single web app - I don't know that many people use this other than for customizations to the Server with the integration happening using the other methods.

    SOAP is used for pretty much the same purpose of the REST API - It is an older technology.  REST is seen as being easier to implement and it is the newer of the technologies, so I would choose REST over SOAP, but this is more about what you are familiar with.

    For what it is worth, this is not a "choose one" solution - you can actually use all of the above to achieve the level of integration you want in various areas of your application.

    I hope this helps!

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