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Everything posted by marco83

  1. Thanks for the reply. This is an example of the situation: 124 209 [/code]where 124 and 209 are fixed number that identified a specific node and they are always present. Regards, Marco
  2. perfect! It's very useful. The unique problem is that I don't use sequential ID but the ID is a specific number of 3 cipher. How can I specify their values?
  3. Guest suggestion with transformation XML to XML Hi, I have a problem with the translation from XML to XML. I would like to create a file output XML in witch I have some ugual node but with a sub-node that represented the identifier. I report an example: 1 2 [/code]I have some difficult in mapping the first file xml with this file because I can't create a metadata like this beacuse it don't permit the replication of the nodes. What can i do?
  4. I've understood that the class processUtilities manages the generation of code with the instruction generateCode(IProcess process, IContext context, boolean statistics, boolean trace, boolean properties) where IProcess is an interface implemented by the class Process that manages the information contained into the XML file of the process with the extention .properties. With the instruction getMasterJob I can take the information by the file with the extension .item It's right? The question is: how can I do to load the file .property? There is a method called loadXmlFile but I haven't understood how can I use this or what is the meaning of the argument ProcessType. p.s. Can I create a new Process or I must use a factory? Please help me. Best regards
  5. I would like to use Jasper to perform transformations of documents recalling its functionalities from a class Java. In practice I would like to write a class Java that allows to perform a job memorized on Jasper. Then I wanted to know if it were possible to know the way to load a job (generate the appropriate class java) and to run it. In final I need only the comands to invocate the generation of the code using the XML that describe the jobs. I hope someone help me. Post edited by: marco83, at: 2008/01/17 13:59
  6. Thanks for your link. It's very useful. I've a problem. I want to create a job without use the graphical interface. For this reason I would know the instruction that invoke the generation of the code of a specific job. I'm seeking between the source code but it's very difficult without help. Can you help me?
  7. I haven't found documentation. In particular I need to know how JasperETL generates the Java code. I've seen that there are many classes to allow the generation of code (for each component used) but I haven't understand where and when they were used. Can I have a brief explanation? Thanks.
  8. Hello, I haven't found the source code of JasperETL or its relative documentation. Where I can find it? Best regards. Post edited by: marco83, at: 2008/01/10 10:00
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