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Everything posted by Robbio

  1. I am running into a situation where a blank page is being inserted into the report when an encapsulated subreport has no data. I am essentially trying to create a second title page by inserting a subreport in the Title band. Specifically I pass no data to the subreport (other then needed parameters for display). So the 'use no connection' value is set in the subreport definition from the main report for the sub. I setup the Sub report to print the title on a new page - as well as set the reports attribute "When no Data" to "AllSectionsNoDetail"...Lastly I tried to set on each band (except for the Title Band on the subreport) with a print when expression of new Boolean(false) - I probably didn't neeed to do this... I suspect the issue has to do with the Main report, but I cannot tell why exactly. I've included the jrxml as well as an example output PDF file. Any thoughts? Am I missing something obvious? ~Rob. [file name=BlankOutput.zip size=123874]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/BlankOutput.zip[/file]
  2. I got this response - resolving my issue - it wasnt an IReport issue - perse, so I posted this on the JasperReports Discussion board...I got the following response that did in fact resolve my issue: (Never occured to me to count my pixels between the main report and the subreport). -from Lucian- The infinite loop is caused by the fact that the title band of the subreport never finds enough space to render itself. More precisely: the master page height = 612 - top margin = 20 - bottom margin = 20 --> 572 left for the report content. The subreport has the same margins, so this leaves 532 for the subreport title, but the title band is 572 in height. One way to fix this is to remove (set to 0) the subreport top and bottom margins. HTH, Lucian
  3. Thank you LucianC. That seems to have solved my issue. Kind a tough one to find - inspecting the pixel count that is. Seems strange it would span an infinite loop...Thanks, I'll pay closer attention to my pixel counts (where subreports are concerned) in the future. Thank you! ~Rob.
  4. Ok - this time I'll try just uploading a zip file with all the ocntents requested. Sorry, first time attaching files on this site. ~Rob. [file name=OutOfMemory_ex.zip size=28285]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/OutOfMemory_ex.zip[/file]
  5. Thanks for the response - I've attached both my jrxml files as well as my compiled jasper files for your consideration. My main report is called: Tally.jrxml The subreport is called: FDID_List_SubReport.jrxml I cannot tell for certain if my files are attached properly here, so let me know if I need to zip them up and attached just the zip file. ~Rob.
  6. My original goal was to try and print 2 title pages due to the users wanting to see all of the reports criteria and it was overflowing... I added a sub-report to my Title Band - passing in some parameters. I defined the subreport to display on a new page (in the report properties). A result of which - I never saw my subreport printed - ie creating a second title page. I thought maybe this was a result of the sub report property stating print a blank page when there's no data...but I never saw that page at all. Next I redefined the subreport property: When there's no data in the sub report - which will be the case here, I specified that all sections should be disaplyed - no data. This resulted in an OutOfMemoryException - even though I specified a java option -Xmx1024M. Not sure if this is a bug, but sure smells like one. As soon as I reset the (sub) report parameter back to display a blank page when there's no data, the memory issue goes away, and I'm left with no second title page. Any thoughts? ~Rob. BTW: It looks like when you define a sub report, that they may not be defined as part of the Title band - is this true? - why would that be the case? Even though I spelled out the new sub report to print on a new page (as part of that sub reports definition), it never shows up. I suspect that the subreport has to be associated with a group and a 'print when the group changes' needs to therefor be defined - is this supposition true? If so, I'm stuck based on how the current report is laid out - ie I am currently leveraging page/column headers along with pre-existing grouped footers...A new group header/footer would disrupt the existing layout. Am I stuck creating an additional subreport for my reports content so that I can display 2 groups independantly - 1 group for my additional Title content and one group for my reports actual content? So why cant the subreport work properly in the title band?
  7. Is it appropriate - or have you tried - for each of the sub reports, in the "report Properties" page, have you defined that the (*sub report) be printed on a new page? Also, In the main report I assume then - that since you see some of the resulting subreport, that you created a group definition for each subreport...and in the groups (footer or header) you placed the reference to the sub report. I found by doing that and then adding a 'print when group changes' in the groups element properties page that I get my sub report to show up. Sorry if this was stating something you've already tried. Regards.
  8. Additional information... I added a sub-report to my Title Band - passing in some parameters. I defined the subreport to display on a new page (in the report properties). A result of which - I never saw my subreport printed - ie creating a second title page. I thought maybe this was a result of the sub report property stating print a blank page when theres no data...but I never saw that page at all. Next I redefined the subreport property: When there's no data in the sub report - which will be the case here, I specified to all sections should be disaplyed - no data. This resulted in an OutOfMemoryException - even though I specified a java option -Xmx1024M. Not sure if this is a bug, but sure smells like one. As soon as I reset the (sub) report parameter back to display a blank page when there's no data, the memory issue goes away, and I'm left with no second title page. Any thoughts? ~Rob.
  9. It looks like when you define a sub report, that they may not be defined as part of the Title band - is this true? - why would that be the case? I wanted to display a second title page to proivde additional space for my sql where clause (user provided) parameters. However, even though I spelled out the new sub report to print on a new page (as part of that sub reports definition), it never shows up. I suspect that the subreport has to be associated with a group and a 'print when the group changes' needs to therefor be defined - is this supposition true? If so, I'm stuck based on how the current report is laid out - ie I am currently leveraging page/column headers along with pre-existing grouped footers...A new group header/footer would disrupt the existing layout. Am I stuck creating an additional subreport for my reports content so that I can display 2 groups independantly - 1 group for my additional Title content and one group for my reports actual content? So why cant the subreport work properly in the title band? Regards, ~Rob.
  10. Brilliant - thanks. Wish I had thought of that one. ~Rob.
  11. Is it possible to set up the Title Band (in IReports) to span multiple pages? I have a series of many reports where the criteria used in the (SQL where clause) Report has the potential to span the length of the Title page and my users are screaming to see all the detail as it's used for medical needs. Ideally it would be nice to be able to insert an arbitrary page break in the Title Band so that the band could complete on the next page if needed. I just dont see a way to accomplish this in the current documentation. Any direction is appreciated. ~Rob. rob.stark@eyestreet.com
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