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  1. Tried, same thing. I believe that it is something related to java.exe because this program is usually not running and it appears only on the Task Manager when I (try to) work with iReport. Is there some way to configure the iReport - so that I could find out where it goes for java.exe?
  2. The task manager is showing no activity (task running). I looked into the event log and there is a message as copied below. It appears to lock up with java.exe. I do not know if this is important, but I use Eclipse and develop in Java / JSP, and that is using javaw.exe. When the application starts, it shows part of the picture, showing the progress bar, for a short while. Then it locks up and cannot be even cancelled. I have to either leave it to time out or log off to get rid of it. Also, I am able to install and run the iReport on another PC with same XP Professional OS albeit quite old and slow. Any help provided is greatly appreciated. Code:
  3. I am new to iReport. Installed the 3.7.2 version on my XP Professional - all worked correctly. When I start the program, welcome page appears and the program locks up so hard I have to log off to stop it. Can anyone help? Thank you, Mark Kajdos
  4. I am new to JasperReports, purchased the tutorial, unable to go beyond simple compile. I will appreciate any help about where to learn how to setup directory structure for the JasperReports. Thanks Mark
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