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Posts posted by nealhudson

  1. I'm trying to add a hyperlink to a cell in my crosstab. When I try to drag the report from the JS Plugin to my crosstab cell, I get the following message:


    "Drag your Report Unit over a linkable element, such as a text field, image or chart."


    The crosstab cell is a text field so I'm a bit confused by the message.

  2. Hi there,

    I have a crosstab report which is showing a blank in a couple of cells rather than a zero.

    If you look at the attached report - other cells where no information is retrieved are showing zero, but 2 cells are showing blank [file name=report-bfc3422391ea42df77f22c3e3b5f2fff.pdf size=2492]

  3. Hi again Lucian


    I just tried this with my report, I have set up the parameter not to be mandatory. When I click the hyperlink to go from the master report to the detail report, I get the following error:

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Multi parameters cannot contain null values.


    The child report contains 2 parameters - the first is the collection, the 2nd is a Date. I'm filling the Date but not the collection.

  4. Hi there,


    I have a report which contains a java.util.Collection as an input parameter. I then use this in the SQL Query using the $X{IN, field, parameter} operation.

    On JasperServer, I have set up a Multi-Select query input control which displays a list of possible values. Behind this there is a query to retrieve the info from the database.


    I now want to use this report as a drill-down from another report, i.e. embed a hyperlink in the parent report. I would like in this instance for the multi-select input to be populated with ALL the values in the database.


    I was thinking there would be some way of either setting up a subdataset in the parent or the child, entering the query in here to retrieve the list of values, and either sending it as the parameter in the hyperlink in the parent report, or using it as the default value in the child report.


    What is the best way to go about doing this?




  5. Hi there


    I'm trying to pass in a range of values into a report, and using this parameter in the WHERE clause of my SQL statement using the 'IN' operator, e.g.

    SELECT * FROM table WHERE value IN ($P{in_param})


    When I run this in my query browser for a range of values it works fine. When I run this the same thing in iReports it only retrieves records for the first value in the list.


    Any idea what the problem is?


    Also - how can I view the actual SQL that iReports runs?

  6. Ok I finally have seemed to be able to get the subtotals/totals to work now - thanks to the help from skalle!


    However, I'm now having a problem working with those in the footer bands. I have created a report where I the subtotal is returned in minutes, and the correct value is available in the band (in the example it's displayed on the left). I have set up another couple of variable - 1 to give the time in minutes as hours, and the other to give it in minutes past the hour. So for example 187 minutes will be 3 hours, 7 minutes.


    In the example that I have attached, in the first project footer the value in minutes is 120. However my variables display the value as null.


    (to get a clear example, select 1st October 2007 as from and to dates)


    Could someone please explain how to work with the subtotal value in a band?


    Thanks [file name=calc_problem.zip size=22520]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/calc_problem.zip[/file]

    Post edited by: nealhudson, at: 2007/10/16 12:53

  7. I received a mail this morning from somebody having the same problem, so I thought I'd resurrect this thread and provide the example arianhojat was looking for.


    I've attached a .zip file, containing a very basic subreport/report combination, and the 2 sql scripts needed to create the tables that the reports are based on.


    To recreate a simple example of the problem, enter the 1st October as the from and to date for the report.


    Thanks [file name=sample-2019c9c9ea8200d655f492229924651e.zip size=21749]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/sample-2019c9c9ea8200d655f492229924651e.zip[/file]

  8. Hi - I'm using iReports and would just like to know what exactly is achievable with it?


    I have an idea for a report, that's looking at time spent for a User on projects for a given date range. So if you enter from Monday 1st October 2007, to Friday 5th , it will show the list of projects in rows, and the list of dates along the top.


    Is this achievable? (If so, where could I look for an example?)

  9. I've got a number of minutes field that I'm splitting up into 2 fields - 1 for hours and 1 for minutes.


    In the minutes field I'd like to display a leading zero for values under 10, e.g. 0 minutes to display as 00.


    The variable expression I'm using to calculate the number of minutes is:

    new java.lang.Long(($F{Time}.longValue() % 60))


    If I was to create another field to format this - say a string, how would I go about setting up the formatting?

  10. Hi


    I have a report that has 2 java.util.Date parameters. When creating the report on JasperServer, I added 2 input controls, of type Date/Time.


    Is there any way to default the time on these? e.g. if there is a start and an end Date/Time, when the Users clicks the calendar icon on the start date I'd like it to default the time to 00:00, and the end date time to 23:59.

  11. svenn wrote:

    I could never get this to work properly. I end up creating a separate class and using getter and setter to accumulate my totals.

    Surely this is one of the most basic tasks of report writing - a Subtotal followed by a Total.


    Frankly I'd be AMAZED if Jasper/iReports couldn't handle this kind of functionality without having to write it out separately in a scriptlet.


    At this stage though there is no sight of a resolution, I'm unable to get any technical support on this, so may have to consider this convoluted approach to get around iReports/Jasper's shortcomings.....

  12. mfassbender wrote:

    Please check if evaluation time for the total field is set to "REPORT". Only in this case all subreports are evaluated before.

    The total field is Variable, with Reset Type = Report. I don't see any evaluation time for the Variable.


    For the text field that displays the total variable, I've tried Evaluation Time - Report, Now, Auto - all do the same thing - which is show the total not taking into account the last value returned from the subreport.

  13. Hi


    I have set up a Scheduled Job to create a report, and the .pdf output is created and placed in the correct folder, however the email is not being sent.


    Before doing this I amended the js.mail.properties to have the following values:




    I also followed the instructions here:



    to add the javaMailProperties to the applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml file.


    I switched on debugging and restarted the server, and am getting the following error:

    26 Sep 2007 10:27:07,427 ERROR com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.quartz.ReportExecutionJob ,JasperServerScheduler_Worker-0:200 - org.springframework.mail.MailSendException; nested exceptions (0) are:
    org.springframework.mail.MailSendException; nested exceptions (0) are:
    Caused by:
    javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25;
    nested exception is:
    java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect


    Why is this still looking at the SMTP localhost?

  14. Hi


    I'm pulling my hair out with this one. I have a Master report and Subreport. The subreport contains a few detail lines, and a subtotal. The subtotal is being displayed correctly. This is passed back to the Master report as a variable. I have another variable set up to total this, which is then displayed in the Summary section.

    However - the value of the total displayed in the Summary section, is always short the final subtotal.


    I've tried searching the forum but have been unable to find a resolution to this.


    Mentioned in this post: http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=&func=view&catid=8&id=20508#20508


    was that it mattered what order you defined the variables.

    If I define the total first, then the variable which contains the subtotal returned from the subreport - I get the scenario listed above. If I reverse the order and define the subtotal variable, then the total - the total displays null.


    I'm more than a little confused by this behaviour... - is this working as expected?

    How do I return a subtotal from a subreport, and print an overall total at the bottom of the master report???

  15. Hi there

    I have 2 reports - 1 of which is a master which reads records on a master table, the other is a subreport which gets each record in the child table. The subreport contains a subtotal variable, which it passes back to the master report. The master report keeps a running total and displays it at the end.

    The problem is that the total at the end does not contain information for the last time the subreport was called.

    I have attached an image which shows exactly what I mean - the total at the end is not taking into account the last record and is therefore 15 minutes short.

    Am I defining everything correctly?
    The running total variable in the master is defined as Calculation type - Sum, Reset Type - Report.

    Post edited by: nealhudson, at: 2007/09/21 08:54 [file name=Totals_error.jpg size=53594]
    Post edited by: nealhudson, at: 2007/09/21 08:56

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