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  1. does jasperreports supports vertically stacked text? (not rotated) thanks
  2. also, using styled text, the style would be lost when exporting to Excel
  3. unfortunately, it seems that also "printWhen" expression is evaluated "now", when the sum is zero! I could use a string where conditionally insert styledText...but this means using a String type, so the field will not be recognized as number in Excel export.
  4. I have a text field with evalutaion time=auto because it's a sum printed before the fields which contributes to the total value. I need to print the total in red if > 0 and green if < 0. normally I've used a conditional style to accomplish this, but the style's conditional expression evaluation seems to be evaluated "now", when the sum is zero. is it correct? Any workaround for this? Thanks Claudio
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