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Everything posted by jogrey

  1. I found the solution : net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.title=title net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.pageHeader=pageHeader net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.columnHeader=columnHeader net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.columnFooter=columnFooter net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.pageFooter=pageFooter net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.lastPageFooter=lastPageFooter #### the solution ##### net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.keep.first.band.Product=Product net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.keep.first.band.Product=groupHeader net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.keep.first.group.Product=Product net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.Product=Product net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.Product=groupHeader net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.group.Product=Product
  2. I have a quite similar problem, if i succeed correctly to remove from export page titles, and column headers, i'am not able to do the same with a group band. I tried this with success : net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.1=pageHeader net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.2=pageFooter And this without success (Product is the name of the group): net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.3=columnHeader net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.4=groupHeader net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.group.5=columnHeader net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.group.6=groupHeader net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.7=Product net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.group.8=Product Column headers are always exported, is there something special for groups ? Thank you. Post Edited by jogrey at 10/13/2010 10:03
  3. Doing this modification, we directly render the page : <action-state id="setPdfOutput"> <set name="flowScope.reportOutput" value="'pdf'"/> <transition to="checkForParams"/> </action-state> But we cannot choose anymore the export we want to do ! As it opens the exported result in the same windows than the jasperserver page, overriding this last one (the user has to click on the back button of the browser to go back to JS). Is anyone of you succeed to change the default render mode of a report without loosing the "export tool bar" ? I really want to avoid the ugly html rendered pages. Thank you :)
  4. The code seems to be ok, but, it opens the pdf on the same page, and not in the rendered page as html. Could we, at least if it is not possible, open the pdf in a new page ? Thank you anyway ! Post Edited by jogrey at 06/23/2010 14:00
  5. Is anyone using 3.7 succeed to generate pdf directly ?
  6. Ok, it should be the same in the CE JdbcDaoImpl seems to have an issue with my version too. So, how do you succeed to peform this operation ? Thank you :)
  7. Thank you for the link, but with the 3.7CE it seems to be not comptatible, I can't get it working, certainly the xml changed since the version used in the link you gave me.
  8. Could we use the jdbcDaoImpl with JS CE 3.7.0 ?
  9. Anyone of you tried to do such "pdf visualizator" ?
  10. What about passing images as ressources to your report from JS and use repo:RESSOURCE_NAME as image location in your jrxml ?
  11. So JdbcDaoImpl will not work neither with JS CE 3.7.0 ? We must implement Jaas classes ?
  12. Hi, i have a problem, i must use some specifics jrxml, with a lot of rectangles inside, and as we know the JRHtmlExporter got troubles with them so i tried to : Avoid the html render in copying DefaultJasperViewer.jsp into a new one, commenting //exporter.exportReport(); to mask the ugly rendered page, this point is ok. But i don't know how to directly display the pdf, or flash output into an iframe for instance, or at least into a new page. How to directly call the pdf generator instead of the html one, is there an option for that ? Thank you :)
  13. After deeper checks, the solution is really axed on a simple new dimension and not on complicated functions with attractives and seducing names :) Thank you again Mr S.
  14. I tried to add a dimension, with one level and unique name, on the same data than i want to "group by", it seems to work, is the good way to do ? I have this kind of mdx query : WITH MEMBER [Measures].[groupby] AS Power( 10, Sum( [DimPds].[pds].members, log10( [Measures].[FPY_TOT] ) ) ) SELECT [temps].members ON COLUMNS, [Etablissement].members ON ROWS FROM [EvolutionFPY] WHERE [Measures].[groupby] Post Edited by jogrey at 02/23/2010 13:08
  15. Maybe this should be done in the mdx statement only ? I found some aggregates functions, but i don't know if it fits my requierments. Thx.
  16. I come back to you with another question :) I have a cube, with several dimensions, in one dimension, 3 levels (lets take A,B,C for instance), values of the leaf can be shared by father's node ie : A1->B1->C1 A1->B1->C2 A1->B2->C1 A1->B2->C3 I'd like to group by "C", i mean when i am on A level, i want to do some product computation with a sql group by on only C levels. A1 = sum(C1) * sum(C2) * sum(C3) in sql this is quite simple : select power (10, sum( log10( C ) ) from ...my tables.... Where ...my filters... Group by C But in xml/a mdx I don't know how to proceed ? Should i creates a measure like : <Measure name="C" datatype="Numeric" formatString="### ###" aggregator="sum" visible="true"> <MeasureExpression> <SQL dialect="mysql"> aQty GROUP BY myC </SQL> </MeasureExpression> </Measure> And then use it in a calculatedMember like this : Power( 10, Sum( [Etablissement].CurrentMember, log10( C ) ) ) Thank you in advance :)
  17. I am also facing troubles configuring LDAP even with the JasperServer-Ext-Auth-Cookbook document and if i only want to check the password of the local user to the AD. Did you think to add : <ref local="ldapAuthenticationProvider"/> in <bean id="authenticationManager"class="org.acegisecurity.providers.ProviderManager"> ? Could be have a fully fucntional exemple of such an xml ? Thank you :)
  18. Exactly what i need thank you ! But i am now blocked by aggregations, as sum is only an addition aggregation and not products aggregs., i remember math classes and i solved the probleme with logarithms, as the following : WHEN [Etablissement].CurrentMember.Level.Name = "Poste de charge" THEN Power( 10, Sum( Descendants( Etablissement.CurrentMember, Etablissement.[Poste de saisie] ), log10( [Measures].[sOMME_QTE_OK] / [Measures].[sOMME_QTE_TOT] ) ) ) ELSE [Measures].[sOMME_QTE_OK]/[Measures].[sOMME_QTE_TOT] Now everything works fine ! Thank you again. Post Edited by jogrey at 12/02/2009 13:01
  19. Hi, i am trying to bound users to a LDAP, but i am completly novice into spring/acedi xmls. I tried to uncomment the xml parts of the context security xml file related to LDAP, and i put the right ip of the LDAP server, but i have a : No bean named 'userAttributeLdapAuthoritiesPopulator" is defined. I am not new to java world, and obviously something is missing :p but what ? Thank you :)
  20. hi, i am begining practicing mdx/xmla, and as the take off is easy and capacities large, i have some difficulties : I got a cube, pivoting on 5 dimensions, into, i have 2 measures, a sum of "ok" qty, and a sum of "total" qty. I have a CalculatedMember dividing both to get a %, everything is ok, i put colors on cells, that's computed fast, and the results are accurate, atomic bomb I like it. But, i just learnt a new rule must exist in my formula : from a specified hierarcical level i do not have to divide sums of the current population, but multiply the %, and then, i am getting blocked. I saw i can test the actual level of the computation, there is my cube with a hierarchy level test : <Cube name="EvolutionFPY" caption="EvolutionFPY" cache="true" enabled="true"> <Table name="fait_fpy"> </Table> <DimensionUsage source="Temps" name="Temps" caption="Temps" foreignKey="ffy_tps_id"> </DimensionUsage> <DimensionUsage source="Produit" name="Produit" caption="Produit" foreignKey="ffy_pdt_id"> </DimensionUsage> <DimensionUsage source="Etablissement" name="Etablissement" caption="Etablissement" foreignKey="ffy_etb_id"> </DimensionUsage> <DimensionUsage source="Client" name="Client" caption="Client" foreignKey="ffy_dct_id"> </DimensionUsage> <DimensionUsage source="Utilisateur" name="Utilisateur" caption="Utilisateur" foreignKey="ffy_utl_id"> </DimensionUsage> <Measure name="SOMME_QTE_OK" column="ffy_qte_ok" datatype="Numeric" formatString="### ###" aggregator="sum" visible="true"> </Measure> <Measure name="SOMME_QTE_TOT" column="ffy_qte_tot" datatype="Numeric" formatString="### ###" aggregator="sum" visible="true"> </Measure> <CalculatedMember name="FPY_TOT" caption="FPY" dimension="Measures" visible="true"> <Formula> <![CDATA[CASE WHEN [Etablissement].CurrentMember.Level.Name = "Poste de saisie" THEN 4 ELSE [Measures].[sOMME_QTE_OK]/[Measures].[sOMME_QTE_TOT] END]]> </Formula> <CalculatedMemberProperty name="FORMAT_STRING" expression="Iif([Measures].[FPY_TOT] < 1, Iif([Measures].[FPY_TOT] < 0.9, '|0.00|style=red', '|0.00|style=yellow'), '|0.00|style=green')"> </CalculatedMemberProperty> </CalculatedMember> </Cube> and then the dimension and is hierarchy, under "poste de saisie" i want to divide sums. <Dimension type="StandardDimension" name="Etablissement" caption="Etablissement"> <Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="Tous les etablissements" primaryKey="etb_id" caption="Etablissement"> <Table name="dim_etablissement"> </Table> <Level name="Poste de charge" column="etb_pdc" type="String" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never" caption="Etablissement"> </Level> <Level name="Poste de saisie" column="etb_pds" type="String" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never" caption="Etablissement"> </Level> <Level name="Equipement" column="etb_eqp" type="String" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never" caption="Etablissement"> </Level> <Level name="Code Etablissement" column="etb_code" type="String" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never" caption="Etablissement"> </Level> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> I don't know how to retrieve results from inferior levels to multiplicate them, nor if it's only possible. I am getting blocked, if you have any clue where i should look for, i will send you greetings :) Post Edited by jogrey at 11/23/2009 15:53
  21. OK, in fact you just added somthing like : <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>default</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/myGwtRep/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> In your web.xml, and pointing the jsp/html to this rep ?
  22. So you created a special servlet ? Or you just used the spring default one ? Then you had just declared the servlet in the web.xml ? that is right ? I am going to test, because i have the same troubles deploying my own gwt pages :)
  23. Hi, i would like to do something particular : I want to create a new page/jsp/or something else in order to display advanced filters based on data coming from a db. The results of this filter is used to feed a report parameter. I modified JSCommonController, added my new jsp in jasperserver-servlet.xml, and i able to see the page if i type the adress. But the page should be a resource, and not an entry on the top menu. I saw we can bind a jsp to a report parameter, very nice for looking for info in DB, or for the look of the presentation, but, my jsp must do some movements between clien/server is it possible ? Should I realize this with ajax ? I had prefer a simple "post" and return new values from the servlet. I am able to deploy JS CE from sources, with js-ant, and i am familiar with eclipse, but i have no idea how to do this. How should i proceed, a general answer should be enought :) I am not asking you to going further :) Thank you in advance ! Post Edited by jogrey at 10/05/2009 09:23 Post Edited by jogrey at 10/05/2009 09:24 Post Edited by jogrey at 10/05/2009 14:22
  24. I am very interrested by integrating GWT in JS, would you, chris, list there the main problems you discovered mixing both solutions ? It could be interresting to see the difficulties you had before getting mines :) Can you shortly show us you DispatcherServlet ? In advance, thank you :)
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