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Everything posted by slaisne

  1. Have you enough information like the text field description in your template
  2. JasperReport not support svg file. You must use batik library in order to draw svg in report.
  3. I'm using JasperReports on Macintosh since long time, but I've not problem to display image and export to pdf. May you tell me more about how you displays the BufferImage. Do you use JRImageRenderer?
  4. May you post main report and subreport, because when you send query in your sub-report, all parameter must be replaced.
  5. I'm using JasperReports under MacOsX too. Does it runs under JDK 1.5? Can you send your template, and I test it.
  6. in your subreport: <parameter name="QUERY" class="java.lang.String"> </parameter> <queryString>$P!{QUERY}</queryString> in your main report: send the correct sql statement in the QUERY parameter in the subreport object
  7. All information you need is in the javadoc of JRHibernateQueryExecuterFactory. If you need other values than default, set them in a 'jasperreports.properties' file. JasperReports find it in the classpath.
  8. By default, if you use HQL query language, JasperReports use JRHibernateQueryExecuterFactory (see config file) But you've a sample in demo files
  9. In order to access to resource with https protocol, you need authentification. Instead of access to the resulting url, create an object which returns the resource. This object needs the access to the resource and the user profile.
  10. iReport 1.3.0 plateform: MacOsX Description: - open iReport - create new template - add a crosstab without parameters - cpu growup to 100%
  11. No, JasperReports library is under iReport/lib
  12. all explication is in the demo/samples/jexcelapi/Readme.txt
  13. By using JExcelApi and not poi. http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.jasperreports/wiki/FAQ5 Post edited by: slaisne, at: 2007/01/09 08:11
  14. I put it in my application ear, under $JBOSS/server/<MyApp>/deploy/MyApp.ear
  15. It's impossible to enter special characters, such as '{' or '}', in JEditTextArea. The problem is in org.syntax.jedit.DefaultInputHandler class, line 250. if(c != KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED && (modifiers & KeyEvent.ALT_MASK) == 0) { ... } By modify the test as follow, JEditTextArea work fine. if(c != KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED) { ... }
  16. Download jasperreports project. HeadingsReport.jrxml file is under demo/samples/tableofcontents
  17. csharbel wrote: Also are there any other alternatives. Yes. I'm using in the first time the JRDataSourceProvider, but I've the same problem like you for sub-report. I'm solving it by using an object in order to create JRDataSource for sub-report. But today, it's more simple with QueryExecutor. Create your own QueryExecutor factory, link it with your query language, and JasperReports create the master JRDataSource in the same way for sub-report.
  18. A pdf file is the result of the process between a datasource and a layout. With one pdf file, several layouts are possible, and the query design is impossible. To my mind, of course
  19. In the sub-report: - create a String parameter SQL_QUERY. - the query string is: $P!{SQL_QUERY} In the parent report: - open the sub-report(other) properties dialog, and enter the parameter SQL_QUERY and its value dynamically
  20. Declare a String parameter PARAM. Its value is: 1,2,3,4,5,6 Finally, use it in the query SELECT SalesId, customer, product, salevalue from salestable where customer in ( $P!{PARAM} )
  21. Create a JRDesignBand and add element by using addElement() inherited from JRDesignElementGroup
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