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Everything posted by mike.warnegmail.com

  1. Help!, I just installed version 4.2 and I can't add images either!
  2. I figured it out -- Sorry. I had an old version of jasperserver.xml in my <Tomcat>conf/Catalina folder. I deleted it, and the application now starts. Thanks, Mike.
  3. Hi, I am trying to get a new installation of 3.7 community edition up. I have run the installation successfully using buildomatic ant scripts. I changed the db userID and password in the default_master.properties file. ** Note DB user ID is jasperdb, and I have granted all permissions to this user. The install was successful, and the databases where created and populated. However, when I try to startup the application, I get errors about can not connect using 'root@localhost' using password=YES I checked the context.xml file in META-INF and it looks correct. Where is it deciding to use 'root' when I have configured the properties file to use 'jasperdb' ?? What config files can I check or manually edit to straighten this out? Thanks, Mike.
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