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Everything posted by abrahama

  1. Dear Mr.Leeck, Sorry for the time delay. From your query, I consider that you are using Ireport Plugin for developing Jasper JRXML. To get the Preview of the report you prepared, you can execute it using the Build -> Execute it with Active Connection Option.. The .Jasper file will be created in your default folder and result can be viewed using the default viewer specified in the Build pane of I Report. But if you have choosen CSV export as the defualt viewer then you have to specify the application to which the csv should be read in the Options -> Settings -> External Programs -> CSV Viewer section You can specify the field separator in the Options -> export options. Regards Abraham
  2. Dear lee, Txt is the usage You said you are getting 2 rows in the output report. In our case there is no problem. Kindly check your JRXML Configuration and alignments Regards Abraham
  3. you could see it in the application log. I mean application server log if you have properly configures the logger. You could transfer those information to a file rather that STDOUT
  4. Hi, CsvServlet and TxtServlet Source code attached Herewith Regards Abraham [file name=servlets.zip size=3356]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/servlets.zip[/file]
  5. Dear leeck, I am attaching the CsvServlet herewith Regards Abraham [file name=CsvServlet.zip size=1661]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/CsvServlet.zip[/file] Post edited by: abrahama, at: 2007/08/29 13:33
  6. Hi, Using Novel LDAP e directory we are sucessfully doing the authentication. What kind of mechanism you are using? Abraham
  7. Hi, The feature suggested is of great importance. There should be a way to include "WHERE" clauses with Logged In User parameters in input query. Not only the Logged in user name alone, but also other parameters like "ROLE" should be used. That way it help to support LDAP user verification. Thanks and Regards Abraham
  8. Dear smohan, What is your exact requirement. What kind of system you are using now? Abraham
  9. Hi Friends, The error which I mentioned was a copilation mistake. I completed the Text Export and CSV export sucessfully. The copiled class file contained the mentioned errors. I once agaian compiled it correctly and got the error solved. Thanks once agaian to all forum members. Expecially the people responded to earlier CSV export errors and Text export errors problem in the forum. Because I referred all such reply mails Abraham
  10. Hi Friends, We are using latest Jasper Server and Jasper Reports in our reporting application. We need Text export and CSV Export. After going through the forum posts and by verifying the examples, I have created Text servlet and CSV servlets and included in the JasperReports jar. web.xml configured for take caring the new servlets. I created ReportTxtExporter and ReportCsvExporter and placed in the jasperserver-war-jar jar file. action.xml,viewReportFlow.xml files corrected for the new files. But in the login time the following error is getting. org.springframework.webflow.FlowArtifactException: Unable to obtain a Action flow artifact with id 'reportTxtExporter': make sure there is a valid [interface org.springframework.webflow.Action] exported with this id; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'reportTxtExporter' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/flows/actionBeans.xml]: Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Could not instantiate class [com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ReportTxtExporter]; constructor threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: The import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api cannot be resolved The import javax.servlet cannot be resolved The import net cannot be resolved The import net cannot be resolved The import net cannot be resolved The import org.springframework cannot be resolved AbstractReportExporter cannot be resolved to a type RequestContext cannot be resolved to a type ExecutionContext cannot be resolved to a type JRException cannot be resolved to a type JRTxtExporter cannot be resolved to a type JRTxtExporter cannot be resolved to a type RequestContext cannot be resolved to a type RequestContext cannot be resolved to a type HttpServletResponse cannot be resolved to a type Kindly help me to sort out this issue. I compiled the java classes and prepared the jar files with the latest compiled classes. But even after that it is showing the above mentioned error while login Thanks in advance Abraham
  11. Hi Friends, Has anybody successfully deployed the following combination of applications in the SAME Server(Same physical machine). 64 bit processor machine SUSE Linux Operating system MySQL Database Java JVM Apache Tomcat Application Server Jasper Reporting Server My intention is to implement such a system in my organisation. But before that I would like to know whether this is a workable proven setup Thanks is advance Abraham
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